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in the future we will wake up in the morning and suddenly the light will

turn on in our rooms, we will be able to enter the bathroom and the
shower will start with the water at a perfect temperature. after the
shower when we go to have breakfast we will enter the kitchen and
suddenly our favorite breakfast will already be prepared and on the
table, ready to eat.

we will have the best technology which will allow the homes of the
future to be "smart." the appliances will communicate with their owners,
for example the refrigerators will propose recipes based on the foods
they already have available. in terms of decorations, the walls will
actually be digital screens, such as computer or television screens.
best of all, our homes will learn about our likes and dislikes.

futurologists predict that many homes will have robots in the future, it
will be a unique experience but it is possible it is not far from the
current reality.

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