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Introduction: This chapter reviews Indonesia’s potential resources(not reserve) on geothermal energy,

also Explaining about Indonesia’s geological condition(sebaran dan besaran) and gives some brief history
about the development of geothermal industry in Indonesia and current condition. Pemanfaatan potensi
panas bumi sebagai alternatif energi bersih(Paris Agreement). Dari potensi yang ada masuk ke sub

First sub chap: Explaining how to reduce drilling cost on geothermal wells, because based on data was
published by many institutions, the data has shown drilling activites spend almost 35 percent of total
capital expenditure or investment cost of project. Drilling activity is aimed to confirm how big the
reserve contains below the surface or on the reservoir. (cari dulu metode atau teknis yang lebih murah)

Seconcd Sub chapter: Evaluating technical data on regular tender geothermal working areas in
Indonesia, based on report was published by World Bank , Indonesia needs to adopt international
standarization to provide good quality data (Technical data is presented by goverment to investor and
then There is a regular tender for determing who is to be the winner for geothermal working areas)
(Australia and Canada)

Third Sub chap: Comparing the policy has been made and implemented in Indonesia(evaluasi policy yang
sudah ada di Indonesia) with other countries ( usa, iceland, new zealend, philipnes,)(RUPTL 2021-2030)

Sub chap : sosial ekonomi impact. Impact pengembangan geothermal untuk negara(keuangan,
masyarakat, ekonomi, impact to GDP dan lingkungan)

Conclusion :1.Goverment Drilling 2.Cost recovery fiscal terms 3. Feed in Tarrif

Catatan :1) Usaha yang dilakukan Indonesia dalam memanfaatkan potensi Geothermal. 2)Benefit serta
pemanfaatan geothermal di berbagai sektor.

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