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ALUNO(A): Laiane Nascimento


he boy in the striped pajamas

a boy named bruno was 9 years old lived in berlin his mother and father and his sister, in the
senguda world war germany was in conflict with the jews, bruno's family had to move to a
house near the concentration camp, where Ralf Bruno's father worked with the military. Bruno
made friends with Samuel the Jewish boy who taught him a meaning of friendship.

in a part of the film bruno lies to one of his father's balances thus harming the little samul
.more still he forgave. so without prejudice bruno promised his new friend that he would help
him find his father who left to do a job and never came back.

on the day it would be he would move to live with his aunt he ran away and be seen with the
Jewish children he dug a hole and entered the

concentration camp.

inside, together with samuel, he went to his hut and he found his father, before being able to
leave the concentration camp, bruno was confused with the Jewish children because of his
clothes and was taken to the gar chamber.

when his family noticed his absence they went after him but it was too late they found his
clothes thrown in front of the concentration camp .when they went looking for him they saw
an empty cane and remembered that that would be the day of the burning of the Jews. then
Bruno was there inside and ended up being killed juny

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