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The Land of Wealthy Sands

Regions of Alramel
-Deserts of Amir

-Passage of Ships


-Hills of Gold

-Sav’inah Plains

-Passage of Gems

-Ji’zir Desert

-Dunes of Du’kar
-Salted Paths

-Northern Coast

-Alafah Woods


-Northern Wastes

-Mountains of Dracis

-No Man’s Land


Races of Alramel









Factions, Societies, Groups and Leaders

The Dangers of the Desert
Brief Introduction
The Rise of a City
For the majority of its lifespan, most of Alramel has been somewhat untamed
and unbroken. With many races forming tribes and just plainly trying to survive
above all else. Building small communities and villages near the few oasis, or
living a nomadic lifestyle and hunting. For a very long time, the one and only
rule in the sands was hunt or become the hunted.

Life slowly began to change on Alramel when gold, gems, bronze and other
valuable resources were discovered in the Deserts of Amir, Amir being the
Alramelian word for “gold” or “wealth”. A few tribes began to build mining
settlements and villages, which soon grew to small towns and cities. Becoming
the world’s largest gold producer, their gold is made into currencies from all
nations far and wide.

The biggest and greatest of these cities was Jafar, The City of Gold they call it.
It grew faster than any of the others due to its prime location and investment
of foreign races such as the Halflings of Sileram. Soon building the biggest
trading port in Lunitar, this is truly the land of wealth.

Many of the other races of Sileram and Lokeed usually come and immigrate
here for one of two reasons. One is to seek a new life in this land of business
opportunity. Two is to run from their old lives and from the law.

Tribal Warfare
There are many types of cultures and peoples of Alramel, each having their
own view of life and its purpose. Along with the need of survival due to the
scarce resources in the deserts, many tribes go to war over things like prime
hunting spots or a cluster of fruitful trees.

It is not uncommon to see a skirmish going on when trekking through the Ji’zar
Desert to see Grogan fighting each other over a thresher or a brock. Seeing a
trade caravan of Feline travelling with valuable cargo is also a common sight, as
well as high jacking and robbery.

Not only do tribes and clans fight for resources but also just for plain and
simple land. With land comes bragging rights, showing dominance to smaller
clans and tribes.
Regions of Alramel
Deserts of Amir
The Deserts of Amir are were the magic happens in Alramel, by magic we mean
trade. Being known as the Deserts of Gold this is the wealthiest and richest part
of the continent. Being a mix of dry and hot deserts that are chillingly cold at
night and savannah grass lands. Many pack animals such as lions and
Alramelian wolves live here and make it their hunting grounds.

Golden Port ( Trading Port Town)

Golden Port is the largest port town on the southern side of the continent, as
well as the whole of Lunitar. The entire city is made up of transport and
shipping businesses and companies. Its people having their main income from
working for these businesses and on the trading ships. The town itself houses
12,256 people of varied races, with no town guard. The town guard is made up
of hired mercenary companies by the businesses that run the port.

Jeddah (Trading Port City)

Jeddah is the second largest city of the continent, coming second to Jafar.
Being along the coast just across from Hazim, they do a lot of trading together.
Hazim has an abundance of spices which Jeddah lacks but trades bronze in
exchange. It is a wealthy mercantile city, ruled by a self-proclaimed sorcerer
king that calls himself Androphis. Hosting a population of 638,996 that are a
mix of Feline, Human, Halfling and Elves. With 1/3 of its people living in poverty
many resort to crime to feed themselves or join the various gangs that roam its

Azir (Militaristic Mining City)

Azir has been known for its strict military and regulated laws. With its elite town
guard, Silver Watch, keeping vigilant watch over its gem and silver mines. Ruled
by a fat merchant king known as A’rizer, the Silver Purse. Its people living more
or less comfortable financial lives as many have job opportunities in the mines
or as mercenaries. Its people number 500,185 that are majority Human and Elf.
Jafar (Sprawling Metropolis)

The true center of culture, power and wealth of Alramel. A bustling city
scattered with music and entertainment accompanied by many shopping stalls
along streets and dedicated trade bazaars. The city under guard by the
Vanguards of Golden Sand, grown up and trained in the military school
Barracks of Vanguards. The largest city on the continent is ruled by a
bureaucracy known as The Masters of Jafar. The city houses a whopping
1,531,837 people, that is more than twice the population of its closest
competitor on the continent. Eader on Sileram is the only city to come close
with its 1,265,116 people. The people of Jafar are extremely diverse as almost all
races can be found here.

Passage of Ships
The passage of ships is the busiest trade route from Alramel to Sileram and
Lokeed. With its area relatively safe from sea creatures such as krakens and
sea drakes. It is patrolled and watched by the Sails of Sea Lions, which is an
escort company that only works with protecting ships and their cargo. Pirates
are common on the outskirts of the passage as the ocean is just far too large
for the patrols of the Sea Lions to monitor. Its waters are also generally
favored by the weather with only the occasional strong winds that sometimes
blow ships of course.

Hazim is a part that was broken off from the mainland around the 13th Age from
a massive elemental storm of water and earth. It caused the southern part of
the island to sink or become flooded to the point where it is no longer
connected to the main land. The land itself is rich with all sort of spices. With its
only major city, also known as Hazim to be governed by a dictator known by his
people as the Juta’kar the Bloody Axelord.

Hills of Gold
A series of small mountains and hills littered with gold mining companies that
have their main offices in Jafar. Many who are guilty of minor to medium
crimes are given a choice of prison or to work in the mines. The outskirts of the
hills are surrounded by streams and small rivers where giant crocodiles and
snakes call home, making it a prime spot for adventurous hunters, though not
to adventurous as the true beasts are out to the north.
Sav’inah Plains
The long golden grasslands that many Feline tribes hail from. Lions, elephants,
giraffes and all assort of creatures, predators and pray, call home. Many call
this place the Grasses of Dreams, as many of the Feline tribes here produce
Star Sugar from the roots of the grass and brew it under the light of the cool
night stars. Star Sugar is a crystalized form of sugar that is far sweater and
gives the user a “high” when consumed. The Felines have a higher tolerance of
this substance, but other races not so much which makes it a valued narcotic
traded in the black markets.

Fort Juzar (Village)

Fort Juzar used to be a very large and impregnatable fort, more of like a castle.
With ages long past now it has crumbled into a shamble of what it once was.
Many take refuge in it now and it acts as a runaway for outlaws that flee from
the south of crimes committed.

Passage of Gems
The Passage of Gems is a large river that is filled with gems and precious stone
on its bank and floor. This area is considered a sacred place by the Yuan-Ti and
they don’t allow and mining or extracting of these gems. The tribes of snake
people that live here are dangerous and don’t expect anyone to wonder in their
lands by “accident”. The river is located within a valley with Yuan-Ti villages
and settlements along the edge and on top.

Ji’zir Desert
Survival of the fittest, that’s the only rule out here. This is a harsh and dry land,
with threshers and sand worms prowling around, so step with caution. Many
tribes of Grogan clans and Cathay Felines tribes fight it out here against the
predators and each other. Many ruins of attempted civilization lay buried in the
sands. It is a land rich with ancient treasures and magic artifacts of old, but
many dangers lie in wait to try and kill you just plainly for food at almost every
turn. This land is known for producing and hardening some of the most feared
warlords in Alramel’s history with figures such as Ungar the Grogan Warlord
and Dro’zay the Feline Prowler of the Sands.
Dez’ifar (Coastal War Camp)

A somewhat organized camp of tribal warriors and clans. A small village type of
area that is dictated by a Grogan Warlord who demands tribute by those that
seek safety and refuge from the desert. Many who are not fit enough to survive
the desert seek this place out for some sort of home, but only to be exposed to
the ruling hand of Urag, the Horned Behemoth.

Urdack (Grogan Shaman Trials Temple)

Urdack is the one and only place a Grogan can go to attempt the Trials to
become a shaman. Part of the Trial itself is to trek through the desert and make
their pilgrimage to the Temple. It has its own caretakers of Female Grogan
Shamans, which are known as the Priests of Urdack.

The King’s Port (Port Town)

The King’s Port is not in fact a king’s port. Also known as Thieves Bay, this is
somewhat of a sanctuary for pirates and bandits. It is a makeshift harbor built
by the outlaws of Alramel, and due to it being so far north, the south don’t
bother marching up to arrest or find these bandits and criminals. There is
however a code and leadership in this small port town.

King’s Oasis

This used to be a temple dedicated to a long forgotten leader who called

himself The Gold King. It has been so long ago it is unknown to who this really
was or what they did. It is also the largest oasis on the continent.

Dunes of Du’kar
Du’kar being the native word of suffering or undying, this land is known to have
a curse on it. The land is surrounded skeletons and corpses buried by sand
dunes. Very few travel through this area to get to the Salted Paths, but with
great risk. Survivors come back with stories of the dead rising and having to
hide in ruins, fight through red eyed corpses or simply run as fast as you can.
Tread carefully here, as the living beasts and dreadful heat here are the least of
your problems.
Dunadar Keep (Ruined Wizard School)

Dunadar Keep is thought to be the cause of the curse that plagues Dunes of
Du’kar. It used to be one of the only Arcane schools on the continent and story
goes that a lesson went horribly wrong and released a wave of cursed energy
that is now the Curse of Wandering that resides in the Dunes.

Salted Paths
The Salted Paths are famous for its rich deposits of salt that have their flavor
somewhat enhanced by the arid and dry cracking ground from where it comes
from. Aspiring spice traders come here seeking to find some of this precious
salt as its very rare to find it anywhere else, which means a large profit can be
made. Not only is the salt here used for expensive foods but it also has its uses
in magical rituals. The process of extracting the salt from the barren land is not
an easy one and requires adamantine tools to even break through its dry and
rock solid crust.

Northern Coast
One of the very few places on the continent with green woodland trees. A large
druid enchanted stream runs through here. The stream here has been known to
give a mild high when consumed, the most common way is to make a small cut
and let the water into your bloodstream. And with the fruits that grow here to
combine it with the water give a real peaceful feeling to the user. Many druids
come here to learn more about the woods and many live along the coast to fish
for food and build underwater huts.

Alafah Woods
The Alafah Woods is named after the type of jungle tree that grows there. The
Alafah tree is a very rare plant in the world of Lunitar. Its uses range from
magical ingredients, crafted fine furniture for the rich and unbreakable wooden
shields. Many merchants wish to gather wood from here to sell as a profit, but
with it being in the northern part of the continent it makes it costly and difficult.
Its coast makes it impossible to dock a ship due to its jagged rocked surface and
heavy waves. The jungle is home to a few Feline tribes that are in occasional
conflict with the Yuan-Ti that live here as well.
Ameedperch is a woodland filled with a unique kind of people. Halflings are
known to be financial wizards, however, in Ameedperch they are somewhat
feral tribes. Along with the wood elves that live here, they are in constant
warfare with each other. Some dwarves come to these woods are descend into
a somewhat childish mindset and start camp fires and dance! Many strange
things happen in these woods, many say it’s a curse, some say that its presence
seems so fabulous you can’t resist and few mention its dream state effect,
whatever that means.

Northern Wastes
The Realm of Horses is a less common alias of the wastes. This semi grass and
mud filled land has the largest amount of horses, making it a valued area for
horse merchants and cavalry dragoons consider this place sacred. Reason why
they consider this place a wasteland is because 90%of it is sand and mud.

Mountains of Dracis
Known by the natives as the Peak of Dragons, many dragons call these
mountains home. It is home to a snow tundra, woodland forests and high
mountains, all assorts of dragons live here. There are few dragon worshiping
tribes that live here and in constant conflict with each other in the name of
their dragon patrons.

No Man’s Land
Desert, mud land that drakes and other large predators call their domain, Very
few make a journey here if ever. Only reason one would make the trip is to mine
the Obsidian deposits along the ranges of hills and caves.

A strange tribe of raiders live on this small island. They occasionally sail with
their small long ship type boats over to the main continent and pillage the small
villages that they can.
Races of Alramel
Alramel is home to many and diverse people, most of them however are
not native of the land. The main attraction of immigrating to Alramel is
business and opportunity for a new life.

Dwarves have a weird place on Alramel. Most come here either for mercenary
work or working with the mines. A custom that has sprouted out of the
generations of newly Alramelian dwarves is that they shave their heads and
bodies, only keeping the beard of course. Being the most experienced in mining
in Lunitar, some say that they are owed the success of the south’s gold mines.

As with most races that live in Alramel, they have immigrated for business and
a new start on life. Alramel does have its own unique origin of elves known as
the Sand Elf. They primarily live nomadic lives like many of the other tribal
races of the deserts.
Choosing Sand Elf Subrace: +1 Con Score, 35ft movement, Resistance Cantrip, proficiency with daggers,
shortbows and scimitars.

Drow are the same as they are on the other major continents, living in the
underdark and taking slaves of the other races. Very rarely coming to the
surface and are not the most welcome by most.

Very few gnomes live on Alramel due to the fact that there aren’t that many
magical schools or areas for them to utilize their skills. Many do come however
just to experience different scenery as they get bored with their natural

Being a land of wealth and many opportunities to make money, the Halfings feel
right at home, minus the heat. Starting many businesses and getting involved
with the trade of resources the Halflings are able to make a small fortune with
their natural money managing skills.
The Grogan were born and breed on Alramel. Being natives they are
accustomed to its harsh and unforgiving lifestyle. Living in clans and taking
work as mercenaries or bandits it is advised to not headbutt them. IT WILL

Also born natives of the continent, they don’t mind the heat as much for being
cat like creatures. They live in nomadic and hunter tribes all along the desert
and savannahs. Some taking a life of crime and other getting involved with
trade and business, with some mercenary work as well.

Being cold blooded intelligent creatures they love the warm desert heat of
Alramel. Living in different “broods” they call it, most live in old temples and
forgotten ruins or along rivers and an oasis. They are not “outcasted” or
“looked down on” by the city dwellers as some Yuan-Ti call the cities their
home, but they are not exactly treated the best either.

There are many different cultures and types of humans depending where in
Alramel you go. One key feature that is the same throughout all that originate
from Alramel is their taste for spicy food and colorful clothing. Many wearing
robes of purples and blues and decorating their armor with feathers or furs.
Fashion on Alramel is something the humans that come from here a vital virtue
of life.
Factions, Societies, Groups, Leaders and Guilds
The Masters of Jafar (Leaders)
The Masters of Jafar are somewhat like an elected council that act as the city’s
leadership. Each member being responsible for their own aspect of the city or its
interests. With there being 7 members total.

Master of Development – works with all the builders guilds in the city and oversees all
the small and major construction developments.

Master of Arcana – keeps a close eye on the use of magic and magical items in the city
and informs the rest of the council of events or incidents of the non-mundane matter.

Master of Law – enforces the laws of Jafar, serving as a High Judge on grand matters
of the court of law. Keeps a vigil eye over the city’s prison, The Golden Chain.

Master of Commerce – works with all major merchant guilds and large independent
merchants. They maintain a healthy economy within the city as well as keep good
trade relations with other cities.

Master of Information – oversees outsider diplomacy and maintains a well-developed

network of spies and agents. They are to find any and all secrets.

Master of Defense – is head of the Vanguards of Golden Sand and works closely with
the Master of Law. In times of peace the military is left in the care of this Master.

Master of War – a temporary position only filled during a time of war, usually with
another city state. The council elects a Master of War during the time and all military
decisions start with them.

Androphis, Sorcerer King of Jeddah (Leader)

Androphis is an Archmage that came into power by proclaiming himself to the position
of king through his cunning actions and diplomatic sabotage. This Elven Sorcerer is
known to have his patience were thin on those that defy his rule, sending them to the
gallows without trial. Nonetheless he keeps the trading port of Jeddah functioning.

A’rizer, the Silver Purse (Leader)

A’rizer is a fat feline merchant that bought his way into office over Azir. With his
siblings being great warriors and tacticians they managed to gain the respect of the
Silver Watch, allowing A’rizer to ease their loyalty towards him with coin. Eventually
the Silver Watch assassinated the previous governor of Azir and put the new
“Merchant King” on the chair of ruling, or so the story goes.
Urag, the Horned Behemoth (Leader)
The dictating Warlord of Dez’ifar is a ruthless and bloody Grogan. Calling himself the
Horned Behemoth due to his size of 8ft and 1200lbs, he is big for a Grogan, and the
pair of Thresher teeth he has mounted onto his shoulders to look like horns. He beat
the previous dictator of this refugee camp in a 10 to 1 fight. Killing all of the previous
ruler’s captains and the ruler himself with nothing but his fists. He now has the
previous rulers head mounted on a spike by his chair of power that he uses as a foot

The Blood League (Society)

The Blood League is an illegal gladiator league. Many of the rich nobles and merchants
that spectate the battles bet money on them in hopes of making a profit. Due to most
of the gladiators being kidnapped or abducted, they are forced to fight against their
will for these wealthy betting men. In the League there are three options for a fighter,
one is to fight and die in the ring, two is to fight and become a well-paid but still be
forced to fight, or three is to take part in the Grand Blood-Bath and earn your
freedom. There are many of these illegal and secret gladiator rings all over the
southern part of Alramel, each having their own Blood Champion who reigns as top
dog in the ring.

The Magister Academy of Magic (Guild)

The Arcane Academy is the only current place on Alramel where magic can be learned
by aspiring wizards. With access to old tomes and texts imported from Doctum, this
makes the Library heavily guarded by the Vanguards and only the Magisters of the
Academy may access these areas. With acceptance into the Academy comes with lots
of paper work and back ground checking. Not only is it a tedious task of logistics, but
also one must show promise in the field of magic to be accepted.

The Reavers (Group)

The Reavers are the largest and most organized bandit gang in southern Alramel.
They are notorious for robbing trade caravans and transports, by land and sea. The
Reavers have no single leader but many, making hunting down the bandits difficult as
they don’t all think the same. The most common marking they leave behind is corpses
mounted on jagged spikes with their eyes and bottom jaws ripped out. Finding one of
their hideouts is no simple task either as the path leading to them is usually booby-
trapped and confusing.
The Gangs (Factions)
There are way too many gangs through the big three in Alramel. Each having their
own goals and levels of influence.

The Blood Pact (Bloody Dagger) – Are the largest gang within Jeddah, with most of
their activates involving violence such as brutalizing, beating, decapitating,
disintegrating, incinerating, mutilation and the list goes on. They get paid to send
messages to people or even just to cause trouble.

The Golden Grin (Devious Smiling Sun) – Are the southern portion of the continents
biggest narcotics producer as well as professional fences. Not afraid to get their hands
dirty either, dealing with extortion and staged fights.

The Cracked Fists (Black Stone Gauntlet) – Brutes of all kinds, whether you need
someone taken care of or need a place taken down. Arson, break-ins, murder are just
some of the services or rather pass times they provide.

The Eyes of Gulosh (Large Green Vein Eye) – Secrets and blackmail is the game these
ladies and gentlemen play. Stirring up false rumors, stealing valued documents and
creating new identities is some of what this gang provides to the highest bidder.

The House of Kings (Society)

Alramel’s largest organized crime syndicate. Made up of multiple crime families that
form one large mafia type of organization. They have a foothold in every major city on
the continent. No manner of large scale criminal plans such as heists or political
assassination by their members or the other gangs makes it past their ears. Most if
not all the small and large gangs and crime syndicates pay tribute or “tax” to these

The Black Hand (Guild)

The Black Hand is a brotherhood of trained assassins that see it as more of a religion
than a profession. With most of their members being born into the order, it is very
rare for them to accept outsiders. They are responsible for some of the greatest
assassinations in recent history on Alramel. They have their signature black and red
leathers with a dark Black Hand print on the chest for night time stealthing kills,
alongside their mounted wrist blades.

The Crow’s Foot (Guild)

The only real free-lance group that does not involve themselves with the House of
Kings or the smaller gangs is the Crow’s Foot. The largest and oldest “Thieves Guild”
on the continent. A shadow of what they were 50 years ago due to the death of their
“Master Thief”, they still have a large presence in southern Alramel. They have small
secret sanctuaries all over the large cities and along their outskirts.

Champions of the Sun (Guild)

The Champions of the Sun is one of the largest and most expensive mercenary
companies on the continent. Having built a reputation as honorable and professional
bodyguards and escorts, as well as war time soldiers. The majority are elves, felines
and humans, wielding their signature Golden shield and Golden Spear.

Thresher Born Grunts (Guild)

The rival company of mercenaries to the Champions of the Sun. They are more direct
and imposing than their rivals. Many wearing black and red leather and plate armor,
wielding hammers and axes. The majority of the company is Felines, Dwarves and

Church of the Ten (Faction)

The Church of the Ten is not one but 10 churches of the New Pantheon combined to
form a single church. They have shrines all over southern Alramel, to worship each of
the new gods.

Many more…
There are many other companies, guilds and factions on Alramel that work as trading
companies, merchant guilds, gangs, bandits, pirates, mercenary groups and many
more. The ones mentioned above are just some of the most popular and well known.

The Dangers of the Desert

There are many dangers that one will come across when journeying
through the sands and yellow grass of Alramel. These are just some of the
most dangerous and feared of creatures, as well as the events that may
as well be your last.

Bandits and Pirates

There are many who go against the somewhat loose order of Alramel and take a life of
“I do what I want” approach. There are many groups of bandits and outlaws that will
hijack or simply kill you on the travelling road for simply the fun of it, or if you are
sailing along the coast to be boarded by a bored or loot enraged ship of pirates.
The very people of Alramel that you think you trust will stab you in the back or sell
you out if there is mention of profit and fortune in for them. Be careful who you make
friends with.

Threshers are the largest predators of Alramel, swimming through the sand dunes and
burrowing just beneath the sand’s surface. They are massive serpent/worm like
creatures capable of incredible speed. They are one of the most feared and respected
predators of the sands.

The Hydras of Alramel have heads like that of a cobra rather than a drake. They are
guardians of temples as well as wondering predators. There are many stories of
champions attempting to slay this ancient and primal beast, many failing and few

The most common of dragons on Alramel are the blue, brass and bronze dragons.
Many are worshipped by tribes that see them as gods or patrons while others hunt as
predators and raid these small villages and tribes.

River Serpents
If it’s not the heat trying to kill you, it’s the creatures that live in the water. With large
snake like creatures that live in the major rivers and lakes, they see anything as food.
Often fishermen are made the fish food by these varies large River Serpents.

The Wondering Dead

In some places, the things that were already killed are trying to kill you. With there
being many curse plagued upon people or lands, undead of all sorts might come out
and strike at you.

The Very Land Itself

There are many sorts of sandstorms and environmental hazards that are out to get
everyone. In times like this it’s best to seek shelter and only come out when it’s quiet.

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