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Meishu-Sama’s Teachings – December 11, 2021


I have previously written about myself from an objective viewpoint. Now I
am going to write about myself more subjectively – about how I really feel.
I truly believe at this moment that I am perhaps the happiest person in the
world, and my heart is filled with gratitude to God. What makes me feel this
way? As members all know, God has given me a particularly important mission
and I am working hard day and night to fulfill 1 it. They also know so well how
many people are being helped through these efforts. There is a secret to my
happiness that can easily be put into practice by anybody, even by those who
have more ordinary missions. That is what I am going to write about.
First, I would like to share the attitude that has always filled my
mind. Since my early years, I have loved to make others happy – so much so that
it has become almost my favorite pastime; my thoughts are always centered on
how I can help others to become truly happy.
For example, as soon as I get up in the morning my first concern is the state
of the members of my household 2. If even one of them is not feeling quite up to
par 3, my happiness diminishes as well. In this regard I am the opposite of the
average individual. In most Japanese homes, everyone shows concern for the
head of the family before anyone else. Since I am quite the opposite, I feel
strange and sometimes almost sorry for it.
The hardest things for me to hear are abusive language, angry words, idle 4
complaints 5 or grumbling 6. It is also very difficult for me to repetitively listen to
the same problems. I love just to be peaceful and happy. This is my true nature.
I believe one of the things that helps me most in being able to enjoy the
happiness I feel today is this mental attitude. For this reason I continue to say
and write, “Unless we make others happy, we ourselves can never become truly
Meishu-Sama’s Teachings – December 11, 2021

I am sure that the greatest goal of our mission, the realization of Paradise
on Earth, can be attained 7 when this way of thinking has spread and is shared by
all the people on earth.
Though this article may seem somewhat self-admiring, I have written it in
the hope it will be of some help to you.
(v) accomplish; complete (also fulfil); execute, realize,
1 *fulfill bring into being, make a reality;
2 household (n) domestic establishment; family
3 up to par (idiom) good enough, up to the mark, satisfactory
(adj.) groundless, without foundation; worthless,
4 idle unimportant
5 complaints (n) protest, objection; dissatisfaction, or resentment.
(n) (onomatopoeia) ill-natured (mean, having evil
6 grumbling intentions) complaints in a low voice; murmuring in
7 attained (v) reach, achieve, fulfill (goal, desire, etc.)

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