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SET-UP Number of Players. Separate out how many starting infantries you receive based on che number of players in che game game, there i always a ‘neutral’ player, so you separate infantry as if playing 4-player Roll 1120 to determine “turn order” for the rest af the game. ‘The highest roller goes first and is also the ‘dealer’ for Game Ser Up. Wasteland Markers The dealer draws (4) random land terticory cards, places a “wasteland mat land cerrisory drawn, chen removes the hand territory cards from play Starting Territories 3-5 player game: in curn arder, exch player places (1) infantry dows from dheir inicial starting pool onto a single (land) territory of their choice until all the land tervicories have been raken, Next, place (1) infantry down all caken as well Av Ta carn order, place your remaining infantry down, (3) unitsac time, wichin your chosen ISSION - RISK - 2210 d 1 can place L-unit in three differen 4 I-unit es in one territory in another, or 3-units in the same tetrieory Once everyone has finished placing all their infanery units, i's ime co place the Land and Water Comm: M in curn order, ders, and Space Station. ich player draws (3) random rnission cards, Quick sates re: Missions Turn your Mission in the momenc ies completed, don’t wait tll the beginnin You get to draw and keep (1) Command Card for every completed Mission Once all (3) Missions are won Mission RISK 2210! Finished, you've PLAY 0 In curn order, each player sakes their turn, From the beginning of player one’s carn to the end of the last players turn is called (1) year. Some Commane! Cards function until the end of the year, some until the start of your nexe turn, bur most are immedia Collect Infantry The firse thing you'll da ar the sare of your ect infantry for che following Territory. Bonuses Continent Bonuses — Space Stations Space Stations no before Deployinent MISSION - RISK - 2210 © Commanders cost soldier points (infanty) ade, varying with how many of your Commanders are custently: on the board. fanery: Of, 1/2, 215, 314, 405 Cmdr © Space Stations cast soldier points (infantry) to upgrade, varying with how many of your Space Stations are custently on the board Infantry: 042, 143, 244, 315 5 Place your collected infantry, commande and space stations in your lands Ma Same as standard RISK 2210, except for every territory you conquer, you may collect (1) Command Card, maximum (3) cards s Fortiiy (or mo Same as standard RISK 2210, one rerrivory to one any connected and of your turn and the next player its now their ruen, ’ , Complere all (3) of your Missions before any of die other players every player from off board, you've won the game Early Red If the game drags on wishous a determined soldier points and add them together «© highest score wins CHANGES No Land Bonus, only Command Cards. You ean get re received for the Territory ny Command Card, even if you don’t have the proper commander in play All Commanders Aetack and Defend wich a D8. You begin play with a Land and Water Commander. Ie now casts you infantry units ard appropriate to create @ Commander. As with stan 2210, you must have the commander in play ro use shar commander's cards or attack on that commander's land You can fortify from any (1) cerrizony to any other (1) textitory you control so long as they are both connected by lands you control You may fortify down off of the moon from the Space Ports, through your Space Stations, and into any connected bands

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