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Author’s Accepted Manuscript

Functional claw trimming improves the gait and

locomotion of sows

A.K. Tinkle, K.J. Duberstein, M.E. Wilson, M.A.

Parsley, M.K. Beckman, J. Torrison, M.J. Azain,
C.R. Dove

PII: S1871-1413(16)30228-1
Reference: LIVSCI3091
To appear in: Livestock Science
Received date: 8 February 2016
Revised date: 11 October 2016
Accepted date: 12 October 2016
Cite this article as: A.K. Tinkle, K.J. Duberstein, M.E. Wilson, M.A. Parsley,
M.K. Beckman, J. Torrison, M.J. Azain and C.R. Dove, Functional claw
trimming improves the gait and locomotion of sows, Livestock Science,
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Functional claw trimming improves the gait and locomotion of sows

A. K. Tinkle1, K. J. Duberstein1, M. E. Wilson2, M. A. Parsley2, M. K. Beckman2, J.

Torrison2, M. J. Azain1, C. R. Dove1

University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA

Zinpro Corporation, Eden Prairie, MN, USA


Within the swine industry, lameness is one of the leading causes of culling and

euthanasia of sows. Lameness negatively affects sow productivity and reproduction,

both of which are major factors leading to culling sows. Claw lesions are one of the

leading causes of sow lameness, specifically caused by overgrown claws or dewclaws.

The objective of this study was to discern the difference in sow gait, pre- and post-

functional trimming. In this study, 52 sows were functionally trimmed to a claw length of

5.5 cm from the coronary band, and were videotaped using two high-speed cameras at

three time points: pre trim (PRE), one hour post (POST1) and 48 hours post (POST48)

trimming. Videos were analyzed to measure the following spatiotemporal values: stance

duration, swing duration, stride duration, stride length, limb velocity, breakover duration,

and duration of three-limb support phases. Sows showed significant improvement in gait

from PRE to POST48 in response to claw trimming including a decrease in swing and

stride duration, decreased breakover, and increased swing:stance ratio, and velocity (P

< 0.05). These changes signify more forward movement, which may indicate increased

efficiency of gait following claw-trimming.

Keywords: functional trimming; gait analysis; lameness; sow

1 Introduction

Lameness is a major issue in the swine industry. As one of the leading causes of

culling, and the leading cause of euthanasia, it has a major financial impact on swine

operations (reviewed by Pluym et al., 2013). Lameness can be caused by several

factors, ranging from limb malformation to infected skin lesions (Cador et al., 2014;

Traulsen et al., 2016). Within a sow herd, 9 percent of removals are due to lameness or

foot lesions (Traulsen et al., 2016). Gestation crates reduce cardiovascular fitness,

muscle weight, and bone strength, and increased morbidity and unresolved aggression

in sows (Harris et al., 2006). Despite the draw-backs, sows housed in gestation crates

have a lower prevalence of lameness compared to those in group housing pens (Cador

et al., 2014).

The higher lameness within group housing may be linked to pen design features

and the opportunity for increased locomotion on uneven slatted floors (Harris et al.,

2006; Traulsen et al., 2016). There may be an increase in lameness due to aggressive

interactions between sows when the flooring does not provide enough support for the

claws, such as slatted floors (Calderon Díaz et al., 2014). Sows have more opportunity

to be injured due to increased walking and having to compete to get to feed and water
when housed in group housing (Anil et al, 2009; Calderon Díaz et al., 2014). Lame sows

are less likely to compete successfully for feed and water within a group setting, which

decreases the sow’s productivity and impairs her welfare (Heinonen et al., 2013).

Studies have found sows housed in larger group-housing systems are at a higher risk of

developing leg disorders (Anil et al, 2009; Calderon Díaz et al., 2014; Cador et al.,

2014). Lameness problems can be corrected for by functionally trimming claws when

problems are noted (Van Amstel, 2011).

Functional trimming is the correction of claw horn overgrowth and reestablishing

even weight distribution across the limb (Shearer and van Amstel, 2001). The functional

trimming method comes from a cattle trimming technique of five steps originally

developed in the Netherlands by Toussaint Raven (1985); sometimes referred as the

Dutch trimming method. Claw trimming within the swine industry is not a standard

practice as it is in dairy cows. Results from past sow studies revealed no improvement

in longevity, nor any clear effect on claw lesion development, thus not supporting

additional labor and costs associated with regular, preventive claw trimming (reviewed

by Pluym et al., 2013). Yet, with increasing herd lameness, the adjustment to group

housing, and improvement of claw trimming techniques, claw trimming may warrant

further evaluation.

Gait is defined as the manner of moving, such as the foot fall sequence or the

rate of movement, while locomotion defined as the capability to walk. These two

definitions highlight the two ways to select for gait quality. Lameness can be assessed

using subjective methods, such as gait and locomotion scoring (Stavrakakis et al.,

2014). These methods are useful on farms for looking at the herd on a daily basis, but

are dependent on the scorer being knowledgeable and proficient with the scoring

system. Scoring systems are successful in allowing the observer to quickly and

affordably quantify lameness prevalence in the herd on any particular day (Abell et al.,

2014). This helps the producer to regularly check the herd for lameness issues without

having to bring an expert into the farm.

One of the major problems with lameness scoring systems is that there can be

disagreement between lameness scores that are given to a sow (Abell et al., 2014).

These discrepancies between scorers can be attributed to viewing the sow day after

day. This leads to inter- or intra-scorer variation, where the same sow is given two

different scores by the same or two different scorers (Abell et al., 2014). Giving two

different scores to the same sow means that her lameness is downgraded in one of the

scores, which allows a lame sow to stay in the herd.

Visual scoring requires substantial training to make users both accurate and

proficient when evaluating sows for lameness (Abell et al., 2014). The training time

needed to create a skilled worker for evaluating lameness makes the process an

expensive one for the producer to have to validate. The long time frame that it takes to

produce skilled evaluators, along with high employee turnover rates, makes this practice

inefficient for lameness detection (Abell et al., 2014). By having objective

measurements, the discrepancies between scorers will be eliminated and uniform

method to detect sow lameness will be established (Abell et al., 2014). This would

provide a sensitive and definitive detection for lameness.

Computer assisted gait analysis is a widely accepted tool that is more accurate in

assessing gait deviation than visual gait analysis (Wren et al., 2011). Such analysis can

be used to assess changes to the sow’s gait in response to claw trimming. Gait analysis

can be used to detect abnormalities in swine that are not visually observable

(Stavrakakis et al., 2014). Gait analysis programs illustrate the differences in gait

characteristics of lame sows (Mohling et al., 2014). This helps to provide a basis on

which to compare subclinical gait changes, in response to lameness or treatment.

The objective of this study was to see the effect of claw trimming on the gait of

sows. Our hypothesis was that functional trimming of long claws and dewclaws would

allow the sow to positively alter her gait, due to increased freedom of movement.

2 Materials and Methods

Experimental protocols were approved by the University of Georgia (Athens, GA,

USA) Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (AUP #A2014-01-003).

2.1 Gait analysis

2.1.1 Gait Study

In this study, 52 PIC C29 (Pig Improvement Corporation, Hendersonville, TN,

USA) bred sows from the University of Georgia research herd were used. There were 3

gilts, two 1st parity, four 2nd parity, eight 3rd parity, and thirty-five 4th + parity. Sows were

40-70 days in gestation or not pregnant while participating on this study. None of the

sows that were used were visually lame and sows had a body condition score of 2.5-3.5

out of 5. Previous to the study, none of the sow had been trimmed or seen the track. All

of the sows had overgrowth of the claws and were used to the handling. Due to the

short time frame of this study, none of the sows were trained to walk on the track. Sows

were walked at their own set pace during the three video periods without reward of any

kind. At the beginning of the study, sows had an average claw length of 6.74 cm and an

average dewclaw length 6.57 cm. The sows were video recorded immediately pre

(PRE), one hour post (POST1) and 48 hours post (POST48) trimming. Of the 52 sows,

four returned for a second trip through the study six months after their first trimming for

an additional round of videos (56 observations). Each sow was her own control over


For each time point, sows freely walked through a circular gait track with a

straightaway forming one side, allowing a straight course for the pig to travel during

recording (Figure 1). Two high-speed GigEye Ethernet Cameras (IDS, Imaging

Development Systems, Obersulm, Germany), were synchronized through the IDS

computer driver, were positioned perpendicular to the straight part of track. The gait

track itself, was centered 3 m from either camera, each standing 24 cm in height.

Footage was captured at 60 frames per second using Equine-TecTM software (Monroe,

GA, USA). The straightaway was 0.6 m wide with 2.4 m each of pre-recording and

recording distance, followed by 1.7 m post-recording distance. Electrical timers

(FarmtekTM, Wylie, TX, USA) were placed at each end of the recording frame. Sows

were walked through the gait track until 5 usable repetitions were recorded. All usable

repetitions fell within +/-10% of mean travel time between the timers and it took no sow

over 20 minutes to record the 5 repetitions. Commercial hog panels formed the gait

track walls, which at the straightaway were raised 26.5 cm from the ground, so that all
claws were visible. Following pre-trimming videography, sows were moved to another

room for functional claw-trimming.

Sows returned to the track for POST1 videography, where they were walked to

achieve another 5 repetitions, using the same criterion as described above. Once 5

useable repetitions were achieved, the sows were transferred to their individual pens,

and supplied with adequate feed and water, to allow for adjustment to claw trimming.

Filming resumed at the recording track for POST48 data, where sows were videoed

again, until 5 usable repetitions were achieved. Following POST48 videography, sows

were returned to the breeding farm.

2.2 Functional Claw Trimming

Following recording, sows were loaded into a Feet First® (Zinpro Corporation,

Eden Prairie, MN, USA) chute, equipped with a padded center support, allowing for

ventral cushioning of the sow. The front and rear chute gates were secured, and the

chute was raised to allow trimmers easy access to the claws. Hobbles with Velcro were

tightly fastened around the pasterns of the front limbs as needed. Most sows did not

require additional restraint and remained calm in the chute. DeWalt heavy-duty 11.5 cm

(model D28402W, Baltimore, MD, USA) power grinders with 20.34 cm, 60 grain grinding

pads, were used to trim the front and rear claws of each sow. Each claw was marked

following Zinpro’s Feet Firstâ: Functional Sow Claw Trimming protocol at 5.5 cm from

the coronary bands, with dewclaws marked even with the coronary band. Sows were

trimmed as close as possible to the lines marked on each claw and dewclaw, with claws

averaging 5.2 cm and declaws averaging 3.7 cm after trimming. Claws were then

carefully shaped, so that each claw would not interfere with its partner, and would

maintain a rounded edge, decreasing bluntness and providing a smooth, level sole.

Each claw was carefully inspected visually and tacitly for evenness to ensure that

pressure applied to the foot would be distributed evenly across both claws and heel.

2.3 Video Analysis

Videos were uploaded and analyzed using the software program Kinovea version

0.8.15 (, France). Individual frames from each video were isolated and

analyzed for the following parameters for each limb: stance duration, swing duration,

breakover time, stride length, total stride duration, swing:stance ratio, breakover as a

percentage of stride duration, and stance as percentage of stride duration, along with

three-limb support phases (Table 1).

Measurements were recorded for each video. Each sow was used as her own

control by comparing the PRE, POST1, and POST48 videos by pig. The recorded

measurements for each video were analyzed, considering the front and rear limbs

separately. The average values of right and left limbs were compared for both front and

rear limb sets across time. There were no significant differences between right and left

limbs, therefore measurements combined to form front and rear values.

2.4 Data Analysis

Data were analyzed in SAS (version 9.3; SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA)

using a PROC MIXED procedure to evaluate the differences of the two paired limbs at

the three time points as repeated measures. Time in seconds and distance in

centimeters were the dependent variables of interest. Statistical significance was

considered at P < 0.05 for all parameters measured, and PDIFF was used to separate

means where necessary.

3.1 Results

3.1.1 Spatiotemporal Changes

In this study, sows exhibited many spatiotemporal changes in gait from PRE to

POST48 trimming. Stance duration decreased (P < 0.001; Figure 2A) from PRE and

POST1 to POST48, for front and rear limbs. A decrease (P < 0.001; Figure 2B) in swing

duration was noted for front limbs from PRE to POST1 and POST48, as well a decrease

(P < 0.05; Figure 2B) for rear limbs from PRE to POST48. The ratio of swing:stance, in

front limbs, increased (P < 0.05; Figure 2C) from POST1 to POST48. No differences

were observed for the swing:stance ratio of rear limbs, at any time point (Figure 2C).

Average front limb stride duration decreased (P < 0.05; Figure 2D) from PRE and

POST1 to POST48. Average rear stride duration was also different, with sows showing

a shorter stride duration across time points (P < 0.05; Figure 2D). Front limb stride

length decreased (P < 0.05; Figure 2E) from PRE to POST1 and POST48. Rear limb

stride length was not significantly different for any time point (Figure 2E). Front and rear

limb velocity increased from PRE and POST1 to POST48 (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001,

respectively; Figure 2F).

3.1.2 Breakover

Breakover duration decreased over time for both front and rear claws (P < 0.001

and P < 0.05, respectively; Figure 3A). The ratio of breakover:stride duration for both

front and rear limbs, was decreased from PRE to POST1 and POST48 (P < 0.05; Figure


3.1.3 Three-Limb Support Phase

The percentage of stride duration spent in the stance phase for front limbs

decreased from PRE and POST1 to POST48 (P < 0.001; Figure 3C) and for the rear

limbs showed no significant differences between time points (Figure 3C). The average

percentage of stride duration spent in three-limb support phase decreased from PRE to

POST1 and POST48 in both front and rear limbs (P < 0.05; Figure 3D).

4 Discussion

The results of this experiment indicate that there is a change in sow gait, with

implications of improved gait and locomotion, following functional claw trimming. The

decrease in duration of swing, stance, and stride indicates a quicker pace, reducing the

time required for the sow to go through a step cycle. Breakover duration decreased as a

direct effect of shortening the toe (Clayton et al., 2001). This allowed the sow to move

more easily from the stance to swing phase, potentially decreasing the strain on soft

tissue of the lower limb (Clayton et al., 2001). In horses, acute hoof angles, associated

with overgrown toes, prolong breakover and increase strain on soft tissue of lower

limbs, with increased tension on the ligaments (Clayton et al., 2001). Improving ease of

breakover by shortening toe length may lead to a decrease in locomotion related

injuries by decreasing long term stress on the joints and ligaments.

The shorter stride duration observed in this study following claw trimming is due

to shorter time in both the stance and swing phases of the stride. Stride length

measurements show that the distance traveled by the sow decreased for the front limbs,
decreasing the time necessary to cover such distance. However, when examining

velocity (distance/time) an increase was observed from PRE to POST48, indicating that

sows are not reducing the distance tracked by the same proportion that their stride is

quickening. Therefore, though front stride length decreases somewhat post-trimming,

stride frequency increases at a higher level to allow for increased post-trimming velocity.

It is possible that the decrease in front stride length is a result of the change in

angulation of the claw and may lead to a decrease in slipping due to limbs being held

closer underneath the body. The findings support the theory of Applegate et al. (1988)

where, due to an increase in horizontal force, the farther away from center of gravity the

limb was at “toe-on” the greater chance the pig had to slip. In pigs, slipping and falling is

a common issue (von Wachenfelt et al, 2009), with most slipping occurring as micro-

slips that handlers do not detect (von Wachenfelt et al, 2010). These slips occur on all

floor surface types, but have an increased magnitude on surfaces with low coefficients

of friction (Applegate et al. 1988). In some cases, these slips lead to pig injuries (von

Wachenfelt et al, 2009). So while we can change flooring, slipping will continue to occur

if claws are overgrown and the sow has to walk with limbs farther away from her body.

The ratio of stance: stride duration supports the idea that the pattern of sow gait

is not impaired by long-lasting hoof soreness that may arise from functional trimming.

Lameness causes animals to lengthen the duration of the stance phase in order to

diminish pain (Clayton and Back, 2001). Since the ratio does not decrease from PRE to

POST48, the sow is not showing signs of lameness at POST48. The ratio of

breakover:stride duration decreased following claw trimming, indicating that the sows

were able to push off the ground more efficiently when moving into the swing phase.
The percentage of the stride spent in the three-limb support phase decreased following

trimming; this along with the decrease in percentage of stride duration spent in the

stance phase shows that the sow had more propulsion to her stride. This conclusion

can be made due to the gait being a symmetrical stride with a four-beat pattern

(Clayton, 2004). At a medium walk, there are eight support phases during each stride

that alternate between two or three limbs supporting the body. As speed increases at

the walk, the three-limb support phase decreases, while the two-limb support phase

increases due to decreased overlapping stance times of the limbs (Clayton, 2004).

Sows were used as their own control over time, following the equine hoof

trimming model (Kummer et al., 2006, Clayton et al., 2011, Caldwell et al., 2016). Sows

were not trained as no rewards were provided. Training in pigs does not occur without a

reward system as pigs are not motivated to perform tasks (Elmore et al., 2012). Instead,

sows were allowed to walk at their own pace. By looking at the repetitions that were

within +/-10% of the mean velocity, the velocity of the sow was representative of her

normal walking pattern.

5 Conclusion

This study showed that functional claw trimming of sows improved locomotive

and gait quality. This study was a short duration study from pre- to 48 hours post-

trimming. Changes observed in gait 48 hours after trimming reflected improved

locomotion and may lead to a decrease in sow injury and lameness. A longer study may

provide more evidence for the long-term impacts of claw trimming on sow health and

longevity. Potential behavior and performance changes from trimming were not studied,

but may provide more data to validate the benefits of claw trimming on sow welfare in

the industry.

There are no conflicting interests.


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Figure 1: Diagram of the track. Squares illustrate where the timers sat relative to the track. Triangles
illustrate the position of the cameras, 3 m perpendicular to the track on each side of the straightaway.
The straightaway consisted of 2.4 meters of videoed space and 1.7 m of post recording distance with a
0.6 m width.

Figure 2: In this section the graphs illustrate spatiotemporal changes that occurred. Difference in letters
stand for significance (P < 0.05) A) Stance duration decreased (P < 0.001) from PRE and POST1 to
POST48 for front and rear limbs B) Swing duration decreased (P < 0.001) for front limbs from PRE to
POST1 and POST48, as well as a decrease (P < 0.05) for rear limbs from PRE to POST48 C) Swing:Stance
increased ( P < 0.05) in the front limbs from POST1 to POST48 D) Stride Duration decreased (P < 0.05)
for front limbs from PRE to POST1 and POST48 and for the rear limbs over all time points. E) Stride
Length decreased (P < 0.05) for the front limbs F) Velocity increased for the front (P < 0.05) and rear (P <
0.001) limbs from PRE and POST1 to POST48.

Figure 3: Difference in letters stand for significance (P < 0.05) A) Breakover decreased over time for
both front (P < 0.001) and rear (P < 0.05) limbs B) Breakover as a percent of Stride Duration decreased (P
< 0.05) from PRE and POST1 to POST48 C) Stance as a percent of Stride Duration decreased (P < 0.001)
from PRE to POST1 and POST48 D) Three Limb Support percent decreased (P < 0.05) from PRE to POST1
and POST48

Table 1: The definitions of gait analysis measurements that were used within the project

Measurement, unit Definition

Stance Duration, sec The length of time in which the claw initially contacts the
ground until contact is broken
Swing Duration, sec The length of time in which the limb breaks contact with the
ground until it touches again
Stride Duration, sec The total time for the limb to move through a stride cycle of
stance and swing durations
Stride Length, cm The distance between sequential footfalls of the front of the
lateral claw
Breakover, sec The amount of time from when the heel is lifted until the limb is
no longer in contact with the ground
Swing:Stance, ratio Ratio of the duration of the swing and stance phases
Breakover as a Proportion of total stride represented by the time taken for claw
percentage of stride breakover
duration, %
Stance as a Percentage of time limbs are in contact with the ground relative
percentage of stride to the entire stride cycle
duration, %
Percentage of three- The percent of the stride cycle in which the weight is supported
limb support, % by three limbs


· High speed cameras are useful to differentiate changes in the gait of sows.
· Functional trimming changes gait values significantly.
· Functional trimming is a useful tool for preventative care.


0.6 m 1.7 m

2.4 m

Figure 1: Diagram of the track. Squares illustrate where the timers sat relative to the track. Triangles illustrate the position of the cameras, 3 m
perpendicular to the track on each side of the straightaway. The straightaway consisted of 2.4 meters of videoed space and 1.7 m of post
recording distance with a 0.6 m width.
a a
0.8 a a b
a a b b
a b b

Time, s
Time, s
0.4 0.35

0 Front Rear
Front Rear

0.7 a b
a c
1.1 a ab
0.65 c
a 1

Time, s
a b

0.55 0.8
Front Rear Front Rear

PRE POST1 POST48 114 a
b ab
a 108
a a
106 102
b b
Velocity, cm/s

Distance, cm

98 Front Rear
Front Rear
Figure 2: In this section the graphs illustrate spatiotemporal changes that occurred. Difference in letters stand for significance (P < 0.05) A)
Stance duration decreased (P < 0.001) from PRE and POST1 to POST48 for front and rear limbs B) Swing duration decreased (P < 0.001) for front
limbs from PRE to POST1 and POST48, as well as a decrease (P < 0.05) for rear limbs from PRE to POST48 C) Swing:Stance increased ( P < 0.05) in
the front limbs from POST1 to POST48 D) Stride Duration decreased (P < 0.05) for front limbs from PRE to POST1 and POST48 and for the rear
limbs over all time points. E) Stride Length decreased (P < 0.05) for the front limbs F) Velocity increased for the front (P < 0.05) and rear (P <
0.001) limbs from PRE and POST1 to POST48.
0.16 0.13
a a
a b a
b c
0.12 c
a 0.12
c b b
b b
0.08 0.11

Time, s
Ratio of Stride
0.04 0.1

0 0.09
Front Rear Front Rear

0.64 0.68
ab aa a
0.63 0.66 a a

0.62 0.64
b b
Ratio of Stride

Ratio of Stride
0.61 0.62

0.6 0.6
Front Rear Front Rear
Figure 3: Difference in letters stand for significance (P < 0.05) A) Breakover decreased over time for both front (P < 0.001) and rear (P < 0.05)
limbs B) Breakover as a percent of Stride Duration decreased (P < 0.05) from PRE and POST1 to POST48 C) Stance as a percent of Stride Duration
decreased (P < 0.001) from PRE to POST1 and POST48 D) Three Limb Support percent decreased (P < 0.05) from PRE to POST1 and POST48

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