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4º ESO: HISTORY María López Cabrera IES La Madraza


In 2º ESO we learned about the Middle Ages and the Modern Era. As you will remember, certain events that
took place from the 15th century onwards led historians to define this period as the beginning of “The
Modern Era”. One of these events was the fall of Constantinople in 1453, which many people consider to be
the end of the “medieval” period. Almost forty years later, Columbus discovered the Americas -an event
which opened up the “new world” and which had a massive impact on the development of human society.

The Modern Era lasted almost until the end of the 18th century, when the French Revolution and the
Industrial Revolution in Britain marked the beginning of another period of great changes.

In the last history course you studied, you learned about the characteristics of the Modern Era up to the end
of the 17th century. Now, we will concentrate mainly on the 18th century, identifying the main events and
political developments, then analysing the economic, social and political characteristics of culture (art, science
and literature) that also characterised that century.


1. The Islamic conquest of the Iberian peninsular began in the early 8th century. The Latin name for the peninsular was
“Hispania”. Can you remember the name the Muslims gave to the peninsular?

2. During the Middle Ages, society was “feudal” and consisted of three “Estates”. The First Estate consisted of the
nobility. What did the 2nd and 3rd consist of?

3. The beginning of the Modern Era is defined by the Fall of Constantinople in 1453 and by the discovery
of_______________ in 1492.

4. Can you remember the two monarchs who first created the idea of a unified Spain?

5. The first king to unify in his person all the kingdoms of Spain was_________________.

6. In England, laws were passed in the “Parliament”. In France they were passed in the “Estates Generales”. In most of the
Iberian kingdoms the laws were passed in the ________________.

7. During this period the most important new trade route was the __________________ Ocean, which was used to carry
raw materials and commodities to and from different continents.

8. Louis XIV of France was a good example of an ________________ monarch.

4º ESO: HISTORY María López Cabrera IES La Madraza

As you will remember, the 16th and 17th centuries were periods of changes for many countries. After the
Castilians discovered the New World, the 16th century became the age of exploration and expansion, as
kingdoms realised that they could gain wealth and power by controlling new lands. Spain became an imperial
power, and its king, Charles I, was crowned Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor in 1519. His empire was vast,
containing different territories, religions and cultures.

Religious issues caused wars in this period, especially as a result of Martin Luther's Protestant Revolution, and
because of the desire of various princess and monarchs to gain more power. There were also wars that were
caused by territorial disputes and royal successions, where states were also in search of more power and
influence. As a consequence of these conflicts, the centre of political influence in Europe began to change.

From the late 15th to the mid-17th century, Spain possessed the world's most important empire. However, by
the 18th century, Spanish power and influence had declined, and other countries such as France, England and
The Netherlands had taken Spain's place.
We will look in more details at he events of the 18th century and also at the different political systems that
became established at that time.

16th century 17th century 18th century

Authoritarian monarchy Absolutist monarchy Parliamentary monarchy
Enlightened Despotism

- A ____________________ system is where royal power is limited or reduced.
- A ____________________ system is where royal power is total and centralised.
- A ____________________ system is a state without a monarchy.
- A ____________________ system is where a group of nobles choose the monarch.

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