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What are key differences between the ontological, teleological, and cosmological arguments?
Identify the philosopher who you think best supports his or her argument. Explain your answer

The ontological argument uses intuition and reason alone. It examines the concept of God and states
that if we can conceive of the greatest possible being, then it must exist. It also finds its basis in reason,
which separates it from both the cosmological and teleological arguments which find their strength in
worldly observation. The teleological argument is linked to the cosmological argument, as it finds that
all things exist because of a higher power, which is God. It is based upon examination of the nature of
the world. The argument states that the world is too complex and well ordered to have been produced
by chance or random change. This being sad, it is argued that God is the only being responsible. The
cosmological argument observes the world around us to find that the reason that things exist is because
of a type of God that is invisible and unclear, but which we believe exists. It also attempts to prove that
God exists by showing that there cannot be an infinite number of regressions of causes to things that
exist. It states that there must be a final uncaused cause of all things. This uncaused cause is asserted to
be God. I think that Julian of Norwich was the most influential philosopher. She was an English
anchoress who argued that we are in God and God is in us and that we learn about God through
learning ourselves. She finds the highest support for her belief in God by the evidence that some people
have experienced God's presence directly and first-hand. This is proof of God's existence.

Can religious decisions be made without faith? Explain your answer. In doing so, you may wish to
provide your definition of faith as it relates to our discussion this week.

I think it is possible to make religious decisions without faith. The decisions may not be the best. Most
people do not find true faith until they find their religious preference or belief in God. The majority of
people choose their religious beliefs based on their upbringing. I was raised Baptist, therefore, I'm
Baptist. There are other people that choose different religous beliefs as they mature. Faith is the
confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person, concept, or thing. If you have real
faith, you believe and trust that it exists without question. Without uncertainty, faith would not be
necessary. Absolute certainty requires no faith. But, having limited knowledge rather than omniscience,
faith is always necessary. There is always that which is unknown (Just because we are not aware of
something does not mean it is inexistent).

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