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what is the purpose of the $location service?

It enables changing the path of the application in order to perform navigation

With _, views and routes are tied to the application url


Which is the correct syntax format for constructing a route and binding a route
<a ng-href=�#/detail/{{}}�>Click for more.......</a>

Which function best describes routing?

Loads templates into the ng-view element

The����� service is not able to function properly if the current URL is outside the
URL given as the base href.

Complete the code to set up the locale controller to use the local service function
LocaleController($scope,$locale) { $scope.myDate=Date.Now();
$scope.formattedDate=?.DATETIME_FORMATS.fullDate; }

Is router part of core Angular script file?

No. It is not. One need to download and include the router script file exclusively

The directive������that marks where the router should display a view.


what is a feature of the $anchorScroll service?

Enables automatic scrolling in parts of a page

Which function is used to set up a default route?

Which UI-Router directive allows you to create links connecting to your states?

____ implements routing based on the state of the application where as ______
implements routing based on the route URL
ui-router, ngRoute

which of the following variables can be injected into a function once you have
included ui-router in the list of dependencies for your module?
$urlRouterProvider AND $stateProvider

What is not a characteristics of a UI-Router?

It does not allow the use of multiple subviews on a page

For using ui-sref, what is required

The state to be the activated
Which of the directives allow the animation move?

When does ngAnimate checks for animation in the application?

During run time

Every built-in directive in AngularJS support animations.


Can animations be achieved with custom directive?

Yes. Animations are possible with custom directives using $animate service

When creating an AngularJS directive, which character is used with the restrict
option to specify that only the attribute name should be matched?

A ___ is a javaScript factory function that holds a set of instructions for the
HTML compiler for defining a specified behavior of a DOM element.

Which feature best describes the template property?

The template property is used for very small templates

A ���. is a behavior which should be triggered when specific HTML constructs are
encountered during the compilation process

In AngularJS, ����.. is an Angular service which traverses the DOM looking for

which feature best describes the $compile service?

Creates new HTML elements and attributes

States are defined using service

The params for the currect state be accessed in a controller using


�����.Configures a Router with RouteDefinitions, each mapping a URL path to a


ngAnimate module is defined in which library?


$animate can be used in a directive


��������must be called on a scope when it is desired for the scope and its child
scopes to be permanently detached from the parent

Which is not true about directives?

Code can be modularized based on the behavioral functions (wrong)
A single directive can handle multiple functionalities
One can create repeatable code
Keeps Angular scripts and HTML page less messy

What is the best scope to be used for reusable directives

Parent scope
Root scope
Inherited scope (wrong)
Isolate scope

Inside your MainCtrl class, you want to make a request to the server. Complete the
code segment you would use to do this by providing the appropriate service.
������ .get($scope.url).success(function(result,status.headers.config)
{ console.log('GET SUCCESS'); console.log(result);
$scope.result1=result['data']; });
$post (wrong)

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