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Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin will conceive and give

birth to a
son, and she will name Him Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14

2000 Muslims will directly hear the Good News this Christmas Session
Christmas celebration 2021

Bangladesh is a potential country to create the kingdom of

God. Total 90% of the people in this country are Muslims.
Christians only 0.4 percent. There are very few people
working am the Muslims. We want to win these 90 percent
of the people in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe
Christmas is a special season through which we can enter
the communities.
Christmas is a great opportunity for us to share the good
news of Jesus' birth with people. The people of Bangladesh
know Jesus, but they know him wrongly. We want to break
human error and reveal the true story of Jesus' birth. This year we want to do Christmas programs
at 15 locations.
Why have we decided to celebrate Christmas with the Muslims?
• To bring the good news of salvation to unreached people directly.
• We want to see that the communities and lives will be transform.
• We aim at least 2,000 people will be able to hear the truth and fresh good news about Jesus'
birth through our program.
• Our relationship will be built in the communities as a Christian.
Do you want to take this opportunity? Maybe you can't come here physically, but you can
join with us from a distance by prayer or financially. As well as your economic co-operation
and gift will be appreciated very much.
Our financial needs
Items Name Quantitycost per Total
unit Cost
New Testament for gift to the Muslim 1000 copies $1.2 $1,200
Snacks for 1500 people after Christmas 2000 food packs $1 $ 2,000
Local Transportation different ministry area 15 places $40 $ 600
Total budget $ 3,800

Our total needs are $3,800 this year. Please pray that God will provide the needs for this great
purpose. Thank you so much for your love, prayer, and support for the ministry.
Under His Mercy
Hira and Limu

Merry Christmas 2021

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