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Dear Scholars,

Now that the first term is about to end, I need two things from you. 
First is your income report for this first term.  (It will also include the month of March, April and
May.)  Use the attached document, fill it up, and send it back to   Be sure to
include any housing or allowance support you are receiving through IGSL – there is a space for
that.  Please send it as a soft copy only, no paper please!
Second, I know that you have learned a lot from your classes and experiences here at IGSL. I
believe you can’t help but tell other people. Well, now is the time to do it! It’s time to write your
thank you letter to your supporters. Please follow CAREFULLY the instructions given below:
1.      The date should be June , 2021 (no specific day) and the greeting should be “Dear
2.      In the first paragraph, express your appreciation to your supporters for their help in your
3.      In the second paragraph, tell one significant thing that you have learned in one of your
classes or in your ministry. This paragraph should be the emphasis of your letter, so write
several sentences here and focus on only one class or ministry event. Focus on God and what
He has done in your life.
4.      In the third paragraph, mention briefly the ministry that you are preparing for in the
future and thank them for helping you prepare for this ministry.
5.      After the closing, (“Yours in Christ,” “Sincerely,” or whatever you like), be sure to leave
space for your signature and then type your name.
The letter should fit on ONE PAGE ONLY (letter size: 8.5” x 11”), using 12 pt. font. Do not
copy anyone else’s letter. Please take time to write the letter as carefully as possible. If you
have difficulty with English, ask someone to help you edit it. Please do not submit letters
that have not been edited.
You should email your income report and your thank-you letter to on or
before Tuesday, June 8, 2021.
I look forward to hearing what God has done for you.
Name of Students

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