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María Drissi 1°Bachillerato C


Stress is something that everyone has to deal with, adults, teenagers and even children. People deal
with stress differently, and unfortunately some people deal with it the wrong way, which results in
addictions to drugs, alcohol etc. Here are some things I do to deal with stress.
I usually suffer from stress when I’m studying for an exam. Sometimes in school we have a few
weeks where we have a lot of exams at the same time and I get a lot of stress, so when that happens
I try to calm down and do some relaxing activities like yoga or paint. Another thing that I really like
to do in that situation is go for a walk, breathing fresh air really helps me relax.
I really like coffee but caffeine is really bad when you suffer from stress, so when I start feeling
stressed I stop drinking coffee and start drinking tea instead, I also like to spend time with my
family and get the stressful thoughts out of my head, spending time with them really clears my head
and makes me forget about everything stressful that is happening around me.
But personally, I think the best way to deal with stress is doing physical activities, boxing is
definitely a very effective way to release all the stress you’re feeling, martial arts can also be a
possibility. There are lots of great physical activities to deal with stress but the one that really works
for me is running, it makes me forget about everything. If im feeling stressed I go for a run and it
makes me feel relaxed and stress-free.
Stress is something that can affect anyone, so learning how to deal with it can be really helpful,
there are lots of ways to deal with it, painting and doing manual activities can be one of them,
physical activities like boxing and running can be another one, but the most important thing is to be
careful and to not yield to drugs and alcohol. Talking to someone you trust can be very helpful in
difficult times.

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