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Maria Drissi



These days social media is a big part of our lives, we spend a lot of time on it and post about
our lives a lot, sharing our life on these platforms isn’t always a good thing, there are
advantages and disadvantages.

Personally I spend a lot of time on social media, mostly Instagram. This app is used to post
pictures, you can follow your friends or celebrities and see what they post. Some advantages
of this app is that you can meet new people who have the same interests as you do and make
new friends, some people post about food and dishes and they post a tutorial on how to do it
etc, this app is great to find new hobbies and make new friends.

But it also has a few disadvantages, when you post about your life you lose all your privacy,
everyone can see what you’re doing and when you’re doing it. Unfortunately social media is
also full of cyberbullies, these people can be very mean and make fun of others. Another
disadvantage of this app is that on social media what most people post about is fake, the
pictures can be photoshopped and make people look very different which causes a lot of
insecurities, especially for young teenagers.

In conclusion, social media has advantages and disadvantages, so we have to use it

carefully, some advice to keep you safe on social media and get rid of most of the
disadvantages would be to put you account private so only your friends can follow you and
see your posts, try not to follow a lot of influencers or at least be careful when you follow an
influencer, some of them can be fake and dangerous. But the most important thing is to try
to keep your life as private as possible on social media.

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