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Hello this is what ive done so far

Why Is Iron Deficiency AnaemiaEffecting Children?

·       Title:what is the topic or label of your assignment?

What is your topic? ▪ Does your topicreflect health promotion or prevention or protection? ▪ Does your
topic mentionthe health condition that you have chosen? ➢ Make it short and to the point

In this thesis I will be discussing the impact of irondeficiency anaemia for children age 1-16 years and
promoting how to reduce it.

·       Introduction:what is the purpose and content of your assignment?100

▪ What is thepurpose of your assignment? ▪ What is the content of your assignment, includingkey
elements? ▪ How is your work presented for clear understanding? ➢ You can use the assignment
question tostate the purpose of your work ➢ You can use the assignment guideline to outline the content
of yourwork

The objective of this thesis is to investigate the impactanaemia has on children health, what cause
anaemia, the variation, what help isavailable national and global level and analyse and evaluate
published literature.

I will be conducting an in depth research on how youngchildren are affect by anaemia and what family,
society and government can doto improve conditions. As a future nurse I will also be discussing how
topromote healthy lifestyle to prevent further cause of anaemia and spread socialawareness also prepare
a treatmentplan. Therefore, this essay willcover the following topics: background, rationale, epidemiology,
assessment,goals, interventions, evaluation and the link within the nursing field.


·       Rationale: what is the reason for choosing the health condition?200

What is the reason for selecting this topic? ▪What is the importance of this topic to you or others? ▪ Have
you had livedexperience of the health condition? If so, briefly explain, being mindful ofidentity, dignity and
confidentiality. ▪ Do have workplace or professionalinterest in the condition? If so,briefly explain, being
mindful of confidentiality. ➢ Provide 2 to 4 references to support your explanation

I have selectedthis subject because I am have anaemia, genetically inherited from my motherand all my 5
sibling are carriers. I have both thalassemia and iron deficiency.So I have experience many of the
symptoms. But over the years I have realisedwhen my iron levels are low and need to take supplements.
It has affected myphysical ability on day to day activities I experience tiredness and weakness. It took
several years for me to become comfortablemanaging anaemia. My journey included multiple diagnoses,
experimenting withvarious treatment plans including tablets and B12 injection

For myfirst placement I have been working at gastro ward where many of the patientshave long term
illness such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis and are required blood transfusion due toloss of
blood and iron deficiency.

anaemia isa highly common in African and Asian communities, where majority are not awareof it.
According to WHO anaemia has not improved globally since 2012. Approximately25% of world's
population are affected and of which 50% is iron defiency.

Anotherissue we are facing is anaemia in adolescents, who are not active and arealways looking for short
cuts such as escalator, lifts, transportation insteadof walking/cycling.  Another factor isthe unhealthy
eating habits high consumptions of unhealthy snacks and largeportion of carbohydrates and sugar.

·       Background:what is the definition and forms of the health condition? 200

What is the meaning of the healthcondition you have selected? ▪ What are the types or forms of the
healthcondition? ▪ Define the types of the health condition ▪ Some information here can besimilar to that in
the epidemiology section ➢ Provide 2 to 4 references tosupport your description

What is anaemia

What is anaemia? also known as erythrocytopenia. Anaemia is basically a deficiency of oxygenin the
body due to low red blood cells or low in protein called haemoglobin.

Iron is vital ingredient to maintain body functions,including the production of haemoglobin (red blood cells)
and healthy maintenanceof hair, skin and nail. Iron is absorbed by the digestion system and release tothe
blood heading towards the liver. The liver stores iron as ferritin andreleased to make new red blood cells
in the bone marrow (NHS)12.

What cause anaemia

Anaemia is caused by many reasons, a few of them are dietarydeficiency, inheritance/dna, hormone
disorder, high blood flow in periods,infection, blood loss, bone marrow disorder and so on
What are the types of anaemia

There are 3 major forms of Anaemia which are iron deficiency,vitamin deficiency anaemia and sickle cell.
There is also Aplasticanaemia and Pernicious anaemia 

Iron deficiency anaemia, as the name suggest shortage of iron inthe body which will reduce the amount of
quantity of blood cells.

Vitamin deficiency anaemia shortageof B12 to produce healthy red blood cells.

 Sickle cell is a defective form ofhaemoglobin causing a deformation of red blood cell, resulting in
carryingan extremely low amount of oxygen.

What are the symptoms

There are many symptoms that canhelp to detect anaemia such as pale skin,fatigue, weakness, tiring
easily, breathlessness. frequent headaches, racingheart or palpitations, becoming irritated easily,
concentration difficulties,loss of appetite and many more.

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