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iy for Scayesies phacmingy HUGE F Avy at oa sae vue AD Herd immunity es : i fi afl) tance of a group to a disease attack as a (arge No. of them (not all) are immune. pul 8 large % of te community és immune, the entire community is protected, Because the likelfiood that infected person will encounter a sensitive person to whom fie can transmit the infection is small, so the presence of a large which are imamune lessens the (felifiood that an ifectedt person will come into & contact with sensitive person, © Sus ce gebye) -Herd immusity Is 20 important: Hecessary to immunize [arge p Protection, ar the remainivy -The resist Because in immunization programs it i part of the community & get highly ¢ i 4 i 4 f 8 A 8 9 part Rave fier cus tay R= Dente, ‘he requirements of the herd immunity: VXeRd bs Seem of , 1 Mo is restricted to a single fist species. Nntea ouk bofea a Relat direct transmission from one member of the fost to anger, 3+ Infection must induce sof immunity. Va Vace LxaR {+ Outbrealis occurs only in randomly mixing populations, = DuBi- Random mixing means fT 0%5 of the community is free ant 30% ere infected, fier immumity means that the probability that an infected person come in contact with every other person is the same (ranco-n mixing) but i; a Person is infected and aft fis interactions are free sensitive (not rauloraly mixing) he will transmit the infection into iis interactions. So fiend immanity is present if the community is randomly mixed Gut this is theoretical only as any community will be never randomly mixed as You are in contact with your Jamily & friends more than with the strangers but the better the community is randomly mixed, the better the fierd immumtity is achieved, ae ETRE ae Hate Eira Esa - @e1:- measles (7 communicable) — 95 % - = what's different between eradication, elimination? | 4 elimination 2- eradication _ | [- interruption — of endemic) = Reduction of infective | | transmission of inf. disease. | Organism in wil world wide to be How:- by maintaining vaccination zero. (yg C2 S88 e 6 FAG c | cc 7 5 . | SeGlee aged iA apo overage to feep 9% of immune | Ey - small pox, \ ividuals above critical) Yo ge X EXadscader , e\ny murnunization threshold. SWE MSN Donic sted l When mass vacci m programme exceeds herd Imm: c c C + Pf vaccination programme cause % of immune individuals in population wy exceed critical threshold for significant (ength of time — transmission ye f ( € i { { . jon, COWRA OY SY Bung ng disease in that pop will gradually halt — elimination. ©*¢ 95 evs rg) TER SRO bi Gabe Voce nasen Clodlam (Sahin AL — B mass Taman tahor GaPoion Resare na OAT G 4 . ABERBEREE EEE Dr te Younes exrrwenex xx evs 225533 EERE Re 323 REABARRA? In measles, many cases are of moderate severity & only few are unapparént. » Rabies has no unapparent cases & most untreated cases are fatal. ‘ 750 _, severity of disease depend on -|- Virulence of the organism (how good it's at producing disease) “fe 2- Site in the body at which organism multiplies. ¢ ~ Host characters ¢.g. immune defense mechanisms. ig: saos’ testonte D i FoTe\ 4 ENA Cah oe a “oMarta\ sever dSeete s A het soe diated” me ar Ao dibecta > ft aa CB AD So RUE gh wo vos.@ ee et ection : ft ases of tuberculosis are unapparent but can transmit the diséases so. they / from the previous figure, wit only its tip visible so, it is like n disease i mout of an iceberg is underwater and ‘hidden fotin he ‘ - we see only clinical illne: oadily apparent | illness are important especially for disease transmission i But infections without clin "although they are not visible clinically. f « Iecberg concept is important because it isn't sufficient to count only 11. most cases of polio in pre-vaccine days were clinically apparent’ c |. subelinical(>90%) but they were able to spread the virus. -...,. Un aprarenY Bo We cond wr Ux—lain ep oF Pelle’ withenk recegai bor NTs cakes * “ we distinguished different Staies of Diseases:- 4 * Ya- Clinical disease: disease characterized by sings & symptoms, | & nical (unapparent) diseases it may include the following. 1- Preclinical Disease: : - Disease in stage not clinically apparent but expectéd & designed to be progress to clinical vase. (short period before appearance of symptomps) dis 2 Sub-clinical Disease:~ - Disease in stage not clinically apparent but not designed to become clinically apparent. 0 ~ itis often'diagnosed by serologic (antibody) response or culture of organism. “CF persistent(aligexit) disease 4. latent disease ; | Only genetic message (virtl nucle Frost coll and multiply Packet ‘| that enter. host cell not m.o as pravi Tntegrated in to nucleus rather than ‘cytoplasm. Usually ‘affect neuron but ‘also lymphatid tisste. 2 canny, Persistent) Mel Hs @ tent) Sy Szall el ps sleet a Reactivation Jars 2) | Scanned with CamScanner Nfs sinall I (latent) Cine is killed vaccine b- give around 2 years protection has m Oderate protective value deal 2 Protective period of BCG vaccine vari ® antigenic nature of vaccine b-booster dose s from 5-10 years depending on ©mass immunization compaign d- none 3-if the herd immunity is developed which of the following is correct the disease may spread as outbreak or sporadic bethe disease is eliminated c-the dis d-the pattern of reattack of disease is dependent is eradicated 4-\n Egypt pregnant mother can be immunized a a polio b- HBV c- rabies the virulence can be measured iy capacity of agent to produce toxin b-CFR --death rate e-death ra 7 d- none -complete the following I- types of human antiserum are 2-ex for live vaccine is protective period... ine 3-yellow fever va effectiveness i 299999999999 uses of reinfection related to agent? -ecplain ¢ Scanned with CamScanner

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