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winter pullover

this one is knitted with Royal van Zeeman on needles no. 4

fantasy stitch : see method :

multiple of 13 + 4

Row 1-3-5-7 = 2 edge stitches * P2 K2 P2-k1-P2 k2 P2 * 2 edge stitches

Row 2-4-6-8-10 = Purl all even rows
Row 9:
2 edge stitches * P2, sl2, K2, P2sso – K1 - P2, sl2, P2sso backward, and K, P2, * 2edge stitches

or possibly for row 9 see :


cast on 56 stitches , proceed immediately to fantasy stitch

knit up to 33cm bind off the 56 stitches.


cast on 56 stitches , proceed immediately to fantasy stitch

when piece measures 30 cm, bind off the 20 middle stitches,
then bind off 2 x 2 and 1x1 stitches at the beginning of the next rows,
when piece measures 33 cm, bind off the 2 x 13 shoulder stitches.


cast on 29stitches , proceed immediately to fantasy stitch, but place 1 x fantasy stitch in the middle
so : 8 right 13 fantasy 8 right
knit up to 30cm but increase 8 x 1 stitches at the beginning and end of every 8 th row,
bind off 45 stitches.


sew the shoulder-, sleeve- and sideseams together

using a circular knitting needle, pick up 70 stitches knitting, work 8 more rows in stockinette stitch
and bind off.

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