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Attack on the Twin Towers

On September 11 2001 on a clear Tuesday morning, an American Airlines crashed into the north
tower of the World Trade Center in New York City.
As the evacuation of the tower and its twin, television cameras broadcasted live images of what
initially appeared to be a freak accident. Then, 18 minutes after the first plane hit, a second United
Airlines sliced into the south tower.
The collision caused a massive explosion and It immediately became clear that America was under

The history about the trade centre: it was build in the midlate 60’s early 70’s it was built by the
port autority and so they was finished place their the man quarter the main archited was japanese
man named Minoru Yamasaki.
The power broker of New York and roscild family wanted to build this centre for commerce and
world trading. In one day you could see 70,80 towsend people in 16 acree and he became famous
for this tragedy.

The attack is claimed by Al-Qaeda, a Sunni terrorist organization headed by Osama Bin Laden: a
Saudi fundamentalist who became known during the years of the war against the Soviet Union in
Afghanistan and then one of the main public enemies of the United States. The motivation is the
involvement of the US in conflicts "against Muslims", in addition to its support for Israel.

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