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Non-Specific Parameters Test of Ethanol Extract of Rambutan Leaves

(Nephelium lappaceum L.)

Ameng Tariho, Prihardini 1, Fita sari2

Faculty of Pharmacy, Institute of Health Sciences Bhakti Wiyata Kediri
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Rambutan leaves (Nephelium lappaceum L.) are fruit plants that can be
used optimally for improving public health. This plant contains tannins and saponins
which are efficacious as antioxidants and anti bacteria. This study aims to determina the
non-specific parameters of ethanol extract of rambutan leaves. The extract was made by
extracting 250 grams of nettle leaves with 1250 Ml of 70% ethanol using maceration
method. The maceratoin process is carried out for three day with occasional shaking.
Filtrate is filtered and concentrated using Waterbath. This study was used to determine
the safety and stability of rambutan leaves (Nephelium lappaceum L.) then non-specific
charaerizations were carried out which included spesific gravity test, drying losses,
moisture content, and ash content. The results of the study obtained specific gravity
0,9124grams/ml, drying shrinkage 1,3617%, moisture content 8,825%, and ash content
11,51% this shows that result still meet the standards Depkes RI (2008).

Keywords : rambutan leaves, extraction, non-specific parametrs

1. Rambutan leaves ( Nephelium lappaceum L. ) are horticultural fruit plants that can be used optimally to
improve public health.
2. .....for improve public health
3......and anti-bacterial
4. This study aims to determine the non-specific parameters of the ethanol extract of rambutan leaves.
5..... grams of rambutan leaf simplicia with 1250 mL 70% ethanol using the meceration method.
6. The maceratoin process was carried out for three days with occasional shaking.
7. The filtrate was filtered and concentrated using a water bath.
8. This research took advantage of the safety and stability of rambutan leaf extract ( Nephelium lappaceum L. )
so a non-specific charaerizations was carried out which included tests of specific gravity, drying shrinkage,
moisture content and ash content.
9. The results obtained by the specific gravity of 0.9124 gram/ml. drying loss 1.3617%. water content 8.825 %.
and ash content of 11.51% this indicates. that the results still meet the standards of the Indonesia Ministry of
Health ( 2008).

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