Modul Kalk 1 Work Sheet 12 Mam Yul

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In this unit , students are expected to be able to :

1. Understand the function of interjection.

2. Interjection in dialogue

Examples of Interjections
An interjection is a part of speech that demonstrates the emotion or feeling of the author. These
words or phrases can stand alone, or be placed before or after a sentence. Many times, as within
the examples of interjections below, you'll notice many interjections are followed by an
exclamation point.
Interjections: Showing the Author's Emotion
Here are some examples of interjections and their definitions:
 Ahem - The sound of someone clearing their throat in an attempt to get your attention
 Aah - Used as a call for help or when someone is scared
 Boo - Used to scare someone or to voice disapproval
 Eh - Used when you didn't hear or understand what someone said
 Eww - Conveys dislike or disgust
 Hmm - Can mean you're thinking or hesitating
 Jeez - Could indicate you can't believe something or you're exasperated
 Ooh-la-la - A slightly comical way to refer to something as fancy or special
 Oops - An exclamation people use when they do something by accident
 Phew - Expressing relief or gladness something is over
 Whoa - Can show surprise or amazement
 Yahoo - Expresses joy or happiness
 Yeah - Demonstrates a very strong affirmation or approval
 Yoo-hoo - An expression used to get someone's attention
 Zing - Usually used comically to emphasize a clever statement or comeback
Interjections in a Sentence
Here are some more interjections, this time used in the context of an accompanying sentence:
 Ahh, that feels wonderful.
 Alas! I'm lost in the wilderness.
 Bah! That was a total waste of time.
 Bless you! I couldn't have done it without you.
 It's time for me to go. Cheerio!
 Congrats! You finally got your master's degree.
 Crikey! Do you ever think before you speak?
 Gesundheit! Are you starting to get a cold?
 Good grief! Why are you wearing shorts in the winter?
 Grrr. I'm going to get back at him for that.
 Humph. He probably cheated to make such good grades.
 Oh dear! I don't know what to do about this mess.
 Shoot! I forgot my brother's birthday.
 Well, duh! That was a stupid thing to do!
 Yowza! That is a gorgeous gown.

Interjection Examples
adios alleluia all hail aloha ay bah hambug
bleep brrr bye ciao cripes eureka
fiddlesticks gadzooks goodbye great ha-ha heigh-ho
hello holy cow holy smokes hot diggity dog hurray hush
jeepers jeepers creepers lo and behold man my word oh
oh my oh well ooh ow phooey pow
presto pshaw right-o shh shoo so long
thanks touché ugh uh-huh uh-oh voila
wahoo wham whoopee whoops whoosh yea
yeah yippee

Examples of interjection in dialogues

1.Anne : “ My husband was just fired from his job.”
Betty :“Wow – I’m sorry to hear that.”
2. Mira :” I’m having a problem with my printer. Could you take a look?”
Budi :“ It doesn’t look like there’s a paper jam. What happens when you try to print?”
Mira :“I get an error message that says ‘cannot find printer.'”
Budi:“Aha! That’s the problem – you don’t have the printer software installed.”
3.Amir : “ Oops – I just spilled my soda all over the table.”
Amanda :“I’ll get some paper towels to clean it up
Complete each sentence choosing the correct option

1.   You scared me!

a) Ouch!
b) Hmm.

c) Ah!

2.   My eyes hurt!

a) Well!
b) Oh!

c) Eh!

3. What do you think of my new shoes,   ?

a) oh
b) well

c) eh

4. We tried to get him to come out with us,   , he wouldn't leave his house.

a) alas
b) well

c) eh

5.   , this drink tastes delicious!

a) Er
b) Hi

c) Ah

Complete these sentences with suitable interjections

1. We have won the match.

2. Where are you going now?.

3. What a beautiful color?.

4. I hear some one coming.

5. What a wicked lie.

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