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Find Someone in this Class Who....

1. __________________________________
has brown eyes.
2. __________________________________
enjoys P.E (Physical Education).
3. __________________________________
has celebrated Halloween before.
4. __________________________________
wears glasses.
5. __________________________________
doesn´t play a musical instrument.
6. __________________________________
can´t sing well.
7. __________________________________
has visited more than four different counties.
8. __________________________________
likes cheese pizza.
9. __________________________________
was born in the same month as you.
10. __________________________________
wants to be a teacher in the future.
11. __________________________________
can count to ten in English.
12. __________________________________
has been on an aeroplane before.
13. __________________________________
didn´t wash their hair today.
14. __________________________________
snores in their sleep.
15. __________________________________
has been on a boat.
16. __________________________________
takes dance classes.
17. __________________________________
is the oldest in his/her family.
18. __________________________________
ate McDonalds or Burger King last month.
19. __________________________________
went to primary school in Brazil.
20. __________________________________
likes to listen to Shakira.

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