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ALWAYS LEARNING PEARSON BRINGING LEARNING INTO FOCUS FOCUS is a rich, varied and clearly structure upper secondary course that provides motivating content and a reliable exam preparation path. Its methocology is built around the 3Ms — Motivation, Memory ts underpin the benefits of the course for learners and signal its pedagogical and Meaning. These key c eff iveness to teachers. FOCUS on Motivation A motivated learner is a more successful learner - FOCUS 's brimming with topies, texts and tasks that engage students both intellectually anc emotionally by referring to their life 2, and the thin ey aspire to. Accordingly, language is brought vividly to life through grammar animations and interactive videos, which make learning with FOCUS bot! entertaining and effective, susseessnseees FOCUS on Memory - One of the unique features of FOCUS is the approach to learning and retention of vocabulary. On top af comprehensive exposure to and req the course offers Word Store, a vocabulary practice booklet with a wide variety of exercises noon and a unigue method of invalving learners actively in recording new words and phrases, 1g of lexical items, FOCUS on Meaning « FOCUS 's built on content studer want to read, listen and talk about, Every exercise has been nade relevant to students’ Ives t FOCUS, they are engaged every step of the way. ‘ough frequent personalisation, ensuring that, FOCUS on Authors Sue Kay and Vaughan Jones are recognised worldwide their meaningful, stucent-centred courses and pragmatic attitude towards teaching. To them, a go0¢ ELT course is one that 's reliable. flexible and credible for both teachers and stu dents. They are the authors of the popular course Inside Dut, with FOCUS being the first course they have written 1 Pearson, Current. they are devoted to training teachers all aroun the world and inspiring them to believe in, ust ancl rely on the concept they affer in FOCUS FOCUS on Reliability FOCUS hes been prepared with the needs of teachers and students at its forefront, It offers clean designs, ‘easy-to-understand instructions 2nd a wide variety of engaging tonics, texts, and tasks, all combined to ensure itis both Figly effective, and a real pleasure te teach from. A Vocabulary vow I a Listening reading — IB crammar Specking ME writing Language infocus [eleUsytaV/I= ae Clear colour coding for each section helps students and « \chers navigate the uns FOCUS on Teaching off the page FOCUS is an unparalleled example of a course that can be taught ‘off the page’. This means very Ive extra preparation is required on the part ‘of the teacher. With one page per lesson, intui- tive methodology, and colour coded sections, lessons are logically structured and easy « especially with the help of the outstandingly prag- matic Teacher's Book, The Teacher's Book includes full pages from the Students’ Book in colour, with overprinted answers. FOCUS on Learning objectives Language development in FOCUS is carefully mapped to the Global Scale of English (GSE). Each exercise in each unit of each level refers specifically toa Can-Do statement from the GSE adult syllabus and a specific GSE band. The GSE helps students and teachers measure exactly where they are in their learning journey, and by idenviying their strengths and weaknesses, it enables them to pinpoint exact'y what they need to do next. al GLOBAL SCALE of English Ce Usa * ‘mening * Oo ‘oS OBJECTIVES = TESTING SCALE In order to place students accurately on the GSE and assess their Language abilities in the most reliable vay, we recommend the use of Pearson Progress Test alongside FOCUS (see ww for more details). BRINGING LEARNING INTO FOCUS FOCUS on Vocabulary acquisition The approach to teaching vocabulary in FOCUS involves 3 distinctive steps: |. Remind students what they already know, 2. Provide extensive and diversified vocabulary practice 3. Show students what they have learnt. aso PCa ate ed ee eto Pera Vocabulary esto Praa wrbs Coloeeens borsonaty adc SHOW WHAT YOU

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