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Singapore Government

The government of Singapore is a parliamentary representative

democratic republic. This means it's government is composed of their

president being head of the state, their prime minister being head of the

government, and a multi-party system. Back in the 1940's After World War II,

Singapore was under British control But we're allowed a little leniency with

self-governing. They would get to control their country and rules but

ultimately Britain would still have control of their control of defense and

foreign policy.

They soon elected Lee Kuan Yew as their first prime minister in 1959

and he is known as the ‘founding father’ of singapore. Although Britain's

reign over them did not last long, due to disagreements between the

Malaysia's Alliance party and Singapore's People Action Party, it resulted in

Singapore's separation from Malaysia causing Singapore to become an

independent republic in 1965. After their separation from Britain the country

focused on their economic success and rapidly became known as being

immensely successful with their economic and high living standards.

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