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“Interview some you look up to”

SUBJECT: English

WORKED BY: Alisia Zissi, Enea Voj, and

Marissa Dhima.

1. What was your dream job when you were little?

2. What is one thing you wish you knew before becoming
Tirana’s major?
3. Do you like being in the public eye so often?
4. Is there a decision that you regret making?
5. If you had the opportunity to change professions, what would
you choose and why?
6. What is your favorite thing about living in Tirana?
7. What motivated you to get involved with city government?
8. What is the one thing you wish people knew about Tirana?
9. What do you believe is the most pressing issue facing the
City Council in 2021? (Except COVID-19)
10. How encouraged are your employees to work in the City
11. What's the biggest factor that has helped you be successful?
12. What’s the biggest mistake you have learned from?
13. What was the hardest decision you ever had to take?
14. What is the best advice anyone has ever given to you?
15. If you had the chance to start all over again would you
change anything? If yes Why?

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