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In modern society, young people always spend their free time in shopping mall.

And this has a lot of

bad influences on both young people and society. From my perspective, I totally agree with this
opinion because when you spend more time for shopping you will waste your money and you don’t
have more leisure time to do anything else.

Initially, almost youngsters waste a lot of money in shopping. I think shopping is one of the hobbies
for some young people but which also a thing for them to brag and show off with their friends. For
example, when you see some luxury items of Gucci, you really to buy it to brandish with your friends
so you usually pay large of money for some superior quality clothes, fashion accessories, jewelries
but you don’t know whether you really love that or not. In contrast, Shopping has lots of
conveniences which help you feel chill out and comfortable after a chain of hard-working days.

Secondly, you can’t ability to manage your leisure time to do other things. Shopping takes so much
time so you don’t have any opportunity to do exercise or attend extracurricular activities. Instead of
spending time for shopping or just window shopping, you should hang out with your friends and
take your time to do voluntary work. Additionally, you need to consider before making a decision to
separate your time to do these things, actually you should make an adequate time for shopping and
you spend the other time to participate sport activities or charity. On the contrary, shopping will
help you have chance to observe lots of deluxe items and unique creations of human beings.

Overall, shopping will be vastly essential for you if you spend enough time for it and don’t abuse it.

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