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E-kerosene for cleaner

European Commission has been urged to set an e-
kerosene green jet fuel target

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Europe should set a binding target for airlines to use a share of e-kerosene green jet fuel to reduce
carbon dioxide emissions.

E-kerosene, known also as synthetic kerosene or e-fuel, is created by combining hydrogen

and carbon dioxide.

A consortium, including Lufthansa, the campaign group Transport & Environment (T&E)
and Schiphol airport in Amsterdam calls on the European Commission to set a target for companies
to use 0.5% to 1% share of e-kerosene produced from green hydrogen in 2027.

The group says the mandate should be enforced through a „meaningful penalty‟ on airlines that do not
comply with it.

Matteo Mirolo, Aviation Policy Officer at T&E, said: “E-kerosene can immediately and sustainably
start reducing aviation‟s climate impact without any changes to the way aircraft operate.

“The EU should provide investors with an unambiguous signal that there will be a growing market for
e-kerosene in Europe while at the same time put in place measures to avoid competitive distortion to
the disadvantage of European airlines.”

According to official data, pre-Covid, aviation accounted for 3.7% of the European emissions.

Europe recently confirmed its target to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 55% by 2030
compared to 1990.

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