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1. Matthew 13:47 Fisher of men

a. A fisherman catches fish that are alive and puts them to death. A fisher of men catches fish
that are dead and brings them back to life.
b. John 21 Casting their net on the right side. If we follow the instruction of Jesus and do things
the right way we will experience more results.
c. Gospel Workers p. 66 “workers, rightly trained” “How soon might the end come.”? Note to
self: remember this phrase.

2. What is evangelism?
a. It is not an event of the church or a job of the paid professional, but rather the lifestyle of
the Spirit-filled Christian. Lifestyle of the Christian.
b. We are an evANGELism. We are called to give a message. Only two kinds of angels, good and
bad. Which one am I?
c. Lifecycle of the spirit-filled church.
d. 1 Corinthians 15:10-11
i. I am what I am
ii. Labored abundantly
iii. We preach
iv. You believed.
e. He preached from the depths of who he was. His verbal proclamation came from an
experience of the grace of God in His life. His preaching was backed up by his life.
f. We are human beings and not human “doings.”
g. Our doing will become our very being when we realize that it is a lifestyle.
h. COL p. 393 Divine truth… A right example will do more to benefit the world than all our
i. DA 141 Many have gone down to ruin. . . If we are Christians, this will be our DELIGHT.
j. ManGo
k. DA p. 822 Your job is what you’re paid for, your calling is what you’re made for. To know
Him and to make Him known to others.
l. Why choose us to share this message? Because He wants to save us.
i. Isaiah 43:10 “that YOU may know and believe Me. As we reach out, God is wanting
to reach in.
ii. Proverbs 11:25 My cup runneth over.

Section 2

1. Evangelism p. 93 It is God’s plan…

a. The Law of Interdependence- every part depending on every part. Wheel within a wheel.
Ezekiel 1.
b. Flat tire or spirit filled evangelism. The tire is where the rubber meets the road. Where the
rubber of the church’s ministries meets the road into the community. As we do this, we
become a movemet.
Section 3.
1. Lifecycle of Evangelism
a. Spiritual synergy syn/energy
b. The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations or other agents to
produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
2. 4 Cycles
a. Preparation
b. Penetration
c. Proclamation
d. Preservation
3. Preparation
1. 1 SM p. 121 “A revival of true godliness…” We have many needs in church, but
revival is our first need.
2. Counsels on Diet and Foods p. 455 Th Lord does not now work to bring many souls
into the truth, because of the church members who have never been converted…
“The Lord brings what the church can handle.” The healthier people you have, the
more patients you can see. In church also.

Four. COL p. 229

1. OT people came to church. NT church went to the people.

2. Practical penetration
a. Pray constantly for church and community. Prayer walks, door to door prayers, etc.
b. Establish relationships in community.
c. Build anticipation for meetings.
d. Assist with public advertising
e. Host various bridge events.
f. Room for improvement. Higher than the highest.
3. Proclamation (one month)
a. Burnt out. Tapping out. Dying out.
b. He has chosen the foolishness of preaching not the preaching of foolishness.
4. Preservation (5 months)
1. Clarification
2. Integration
3. Activation

Not interested in numbers but names. The long genealogy is names, not numbers. God is interested in
names. God wants not only members, but disciples.

For newly baptized.

Theological clarification

a. Evangelism p. 334 “After the first efforts. . .”

Social Integration

a. After individuals have been converted… Evangelism p. 351 Educated, led along, visited, prayed
b. When a person is just baptized, that’s when they are most vulnerable. Jesus in the wilderness
after baptism. Newly baptized go into the wilderness so it is the time when they need us the

Ministerial Activation

a. Sharing faith.
b. Practical preservation
i. Execute follow up plan.
ii. Launch new members Sabbath School. Going over same information on a slower, more
intimate pace and environment.
iii. Integrate newly baptized into church life
iv. Within 6 months, newly baptized be trained/involved in ministry.
v. Invite contact list to follow up programs.

Section 4.

Evangelistic Teams:

CS p. 118 “There are those who for a lifetime have professed to be acquainted with Christ…”

1. Outreach teams. Ev. 463 “If half the time now spent…”
2. Sign Team. Welcome signs, direction signs, topic signs, and thank you for coming signs after the
3. Parking team.
4. Greeters. Evangelism p. 156 What the greeter does at the door is just as important as what the
preacher does at the pulpit.
5. Registration
6. Children’s Team p. 582. Parents will be reached. Two evangelistic meetings, one for the adults
and one for the kids.
7. Ushers
8. Row Hosts. Row hosts every two rows.
Table Leaders. Round table meetings. We learn and retain much more when we discover truth
for ourselves than just from someone else.
9. Music Team
10. Evangelist
11. Healing/Medical Team. COL. p. 233
12. Cooking Team. Dinner or refreshments.
13. Prayer Team.
14. Materials Coordinator
15. Audio Visual Team
1. Be Evangelistic
2. Be a participant and not a spectator. “There is action here.”
3. Be available and intentional
4. Be sociable and relational. Ministry of Healing p. 143
i. Mingled
ii. Showed
iii. Ministered
iv. Bade
v. Follow Me.
5. Be real and authentic.
6. Be professional.
7. Be inclusive. Never call someone a visitor. A friend or special guest.
8. Be Tactful. Matthew 10:16. Isaac Newton. Tact is the art of making a point without making an
enemy. “There is a progression of revelation. GW p. 119, 120.
9. Be prayerful. COL 328
10. Be flexible
11. Be watchful
12. Be confident in the power of the Holy Spirit at work. COL 363
13. Be faithful. If success was measured by numbers, then Noah is a failure. Evan meeting for 120
years. God measures success by faithfulness. Colporteur Ministry. P. 114
14. Be blessed.

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