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Difficulty With Speech:

Symptoms & Signs

Speech difficulty is a condition in which a person has difficulty creating or
producing speech sounds needed to communicate with others. Some Speech
problems occur when a person is born while others are the result of metabolic
disorders, diseases, tumors, or injuries.

Abnormal vocal cords such as inflammation, polyps, cysts, and tumors may
affect tone and tone of voice. Speech problems that appear may be temporary,
or they may have a lasting effect. The speech therapy center in UAE has the
expertise to deal with these types of difficulties and to raise children to be
confident in speaking.
One of the most common speech problems include apraxia and dysarthria.

★ Aphasia is a loss of language comprehension, whether spoken or written, and

occurs as a result of disturbances in the brain areas used in language processing.

★ Dysarthria refers to a condition in which it is difficult to move those muscles

Symptoms of dysarthria vary, depending on the patient's physical conditions and type
of dysarthria.

➢ Unexplained speech
➢ Slow speech
➢ Not being able to speak more
➢ Fast speech that is hard to understand
➢ Unequal or abnormal rhythm of speech
➢ Unequal speech volume
➢ Monotone speech
➢ Difficulty moving the tongue or facial muscles
Speech difficulty can affect people of all ages. Some children have difficulty
understanding and speaking and need help. but children may not be fully
aware about language delay or speech disorder. A good speech therapist in
sharjah who specializes in child care can find a solution to these types of
problems easily.
Parents can also help their child to improve speech difficulty in following

★ Responding to the first sounds, rumblings, and gestures made by the

★ Repeating what the child says and adding to it.
★ Talk about what the child sees.
★ Asking questions and listening to answers.
★ Looking at or reading books.
★ Telling stories.
★ Singing songs and sharing rhymes.

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