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Thank you Honorable Chair and Esteemed Delegates. Today the delegation of Sudan is here to
discuss one of the most aggravating issues in the world, the HIV virus, most commonly known
as AIDS.
HIV/AIDS is a serious problem that affects over 1.1 million people in Sudan alone. Within the
next ten years, more than half of Africa’s population will be threatened by it. Because of our
country’s poverty, state health facilities offer no treatment for HIV/AIDS other than voluntary
tests and council. Overall, the HIV/AIDS virus acts as a significant brake on the economic
growth and development of our country as well as globally, since the people affected are forced
to leave their jobs.
Given the current and past state of our country, Sudan has only just begun the process creating
more health centers and educational programs to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. Globally,
Sudan has collaborated with various other African countries to jumpstart continent-wide
campaigns to fight HIV/AIDS. However, there is still much work and support needed to end this
As a result of our close connection to this issue, Sudan proposes that the UN Committee: #1
offers financial support to continue and increase the endeavors in Africa to prevent the spread of
HIV/AIDS. And #2 Calls upon member-states to make health gains in HIV/AIDS treatment and
in finding an eventual cure a priority.
Sudan is very much devastated by this issue and strongly urges all delegates to consider our
proposals. Thank you for your time and I yield my time to the Chair.

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