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Name : Novauli Marpaung

NIM : 201902030013

A. Change the sentences in Exercise B to present Unreal conditions.

1. If Laura came, she would help us
2. If she studied hard, she would pass her driver test.
3. If I had the money, I would buy a new car.
4. If I saw her, I would gave her your message.
5. If you turned out the lights, we would be in the dark.
6. If she saved the money, she would be able to go on a vacation.
7. If the weather was nice, we would go to the beach.
8. If he had time, he would go with us.
9. If the worked hard, they would learn engineering.
10. If you went to Cuba, you would have a lot of practice in speaking Spanish.
11. If Eva was present, the party would be success.
12. If we hurried, we could get there bytwo o’clock.
B. Change the sentences in Exercise B pas – unreal conditional.
1. If Laura had come, she would have helped us.
2. If she had studied hard, she would have passed her driver test.
3. If I had the money. I would have bought a new car.
4. If I had seen her, I would have given her your message.
5. If you had turned out the lights, we would have been in the dark.
6. If she had saved the money, she would have been able to go on a vacation.
7. If the weather had been noce, we would have gone to the beach.
8. If he had time, he would have gone with us.
9. If they had worked hard, they would have learn engineering.
10. If you had gone to Cuba, you would have had a lot of practice in speaking Spanish.
11. If Eva had been present, the party would have been success.
12. If we had hurried, we could have gotten there by two o’clock.
C. Complete each of the following conditional sentences in your own words.
1. If I won the lotere, I would have one.
2. If I were there, I would meet you.
3. If I got the door prize, I would have enough money to buy a new car.
4. If I borrowed some money from the bank, I would got the money to buy a new car.
5. If I trained myself, I would be able to type.
6. If I were you, I would do the same.
7. If I studied hard, I would be able to speak English fluently.
8. If I practiced everyday, I would be able to play piano beautifully.
9. If he had leisure time, he would play with us.
10. If he did his homework, he would get good mark.
11. If I were a millionaire, I would buy the most luxirous house.
12. If it was a holiday, I would go picnic.

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