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CHAPTER 7  Traditional Cultivation and Identification 103

important gram-negative bacteria are resistant to vanco- Types of Enzyme-Based Tests

mycin. Therefore when organisms with uncertain Gram In diagnostic bacteriology, enzyme-based tests are designed
stain results are encountered, susceptibility to vancomy- to measure the presence of a specific enzyme or a complete
cin can be used to help establish the organism’s Gram metabolic pathway that may contain several different en-
“status.” Any zone of inhibition around a vancomycin- zymes. Although the specific tests most useful for the iden-
impregnated disk after overnight incubation is usually in- tification of particular bacteria are discussed in Part III,
dicative of a gram-positive bacterium (Figure 7-15). It is some examples of tests commonly used to characterize a
important to understand that with the increasing use of wide spectrum of bacteria are reviewed here.
antibiotics to treat serious infections, some gram-positive
organisms have acquired mechanisms of resistance to Single Enzyme Tests
vancomycin. With few exceptions (e.g., certain Chryseo- Several tests are commonly used to determine the presence
bacterium spp., Moraxella spp., or Acinetobacter spp. iso- of a single enzyme. These tests usually provide rapid results
lates may be vancomycin susceptible), truly gram-negative because they can be performed on organisms already grown
bacteria are resistant to vancomycin. Conversely, most in culture. Of importance, these tests are easy to perform
gram-negative bacteria are susceptible to the antibiotics and interpret and often play a key role in the identification
colistin or polymyxin, whereas gram-positive bacteria are scheme. Although most single enzyme tests do not yield
typically resistant to these agents. sufficient information to provide species identification, they
are used extensively to determine which subsequent identi-
Nutritional Requirements and Metabolic fication steps should be followed. For example, the catalase
Capabilities test can provide pivotal information and is commonly used
Determining the nutritional and metabolic capabilities of a in schemes for gram-positive identifications. The oxidase
bacterial isolate is the most common approach used for de- test is of comparable importance in identification schemes
termining the genus and species of an organism. The meth- for gram-negative bacteria (Figure 7-13).
ods available for making these determinations share many
commonalties but also have some important differences. In Catalase Test
general, all methods use a combination of tests to establish The enzyme catalase catalyzes the release of water and oxy-
the enzymatic capabilities of a given bacterial isolate as gen from hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 1 catalase d H2O 1
well as the isolate’s ability to grow or survive the presence O2); its presence is determined by direct analysis of a bacte-
of certain inhibitors (e.g., salts, surfactants, toxins, and rial culture (Procedure 12-8). The rapid production of bub-
antibiotics). bles (effervescence) when bacterial growth is mixed with a
hydrogen peroxide solution is interpreted as a positive test
Establishing Enzymatic Capabilities (i.e., the presence of catalase). Failure to produce efferves-
As discussed in Chapter 2, enzymes are the driving force in cence or weak effervescence is interpreted as negative. If the
bacterial metabolism. Because enzymes are genetically en- bacterial inoculum is inadvertently contaminated with red
coded, the enzymatic content of an organism is a direct re- blood cells when the test inoculum is collected from a sheep
flection of the organism’s genetic makeup, which, in turn, is blood agar plate, weak production of bubbles may occur, but
specific for individual bacterial species. this should not be interpreted as a positive test.
Because the catalase test is key to the identification
scheme of many gram-positive organisms, interpretation
must be completed carefully. For example, staphylococci
A B are catalase-positive, whereas streptococci and entero-
cocci are negative; similarly, the catalase reaction differ-
entiates Listeria monocytogenes and corynebacteria (catalase-
positive) from other gram-positive, non–spore-forming
bacilli (Figure 7-13).

Oxidase Test
Cytochrome oxidase participates in electron transport and
in the nitrate metabolic pathways of certain bacteria. Test-
ing for the presence of oxidase can be performed by flooding
bacterial colonies on the agar surface with 1% tetramethyl-
p-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride. Alternatively, a
sample of the bacterial colony can be rubbed onto filter
paper impregnated with the reagent (Procedure 12-33). A pos-
• Figure 7-15  A, Zone of growth inhibition around the 5-µg vancomycin
disk is indicative of a gram-positive bacterium. B, The gram-negative itive reaction is indicated by the development of a purple
organism is not inhibited by this antibiotic, and growth extends to the color. If an iron-containing wire is used to transfer growth, a
edge of the disk. false-positive reaction may result; therefore, platinum wire or
104 PA RT I I  General Principles in Clinical Microbiology

wooden sticks are recommended. Certain organisms may pyogenes and Enterococcus spp., which test positive, whereas
show slight positive reactions after the initial 10 seconds other streptococci test negative.
have passed; such results are not considered definitive.
The test is initially used for differentiating between groups Hippurate Hydrolysis
of gram-negative bacteria. Among the commonly encountered Hippuricase is a constitutive enzyme that hydrolyzes the sub-
gram-negative bacilli, Enterobacteriaceae, Stenotrophomonas strate hippurate to produce the amino acid glycine. Glycine is
maltophilia, and Acinetobacter spp. are oxidase-negative, detected by oxidation with ninhydrin reagent, which results
whereas many other bacilli, such as Pseudomonas spp. and in the production of a deep purple color (Procedure 12-19). The
Aeromonas spp., are positive (Figure 7-13). The oxidase test hippurate test is most frequently used in the identification of
is also a key reaction for the identification of Neisseria spp. Gardnerella vaginalis, Streptococcus agalactiae, Campylobacter
(oxidase-positive). jejuni, and Listeria monocytogenes.

Indole Test Tests for the Presence of Metabolic Pathways

Bacteria that produce the enzyme tryptophanase are able Several identification schemes are based on determining
to degrade the amino acid tryptophan into pyruvic acid, what metabolic pathways an organism uses and the sub-
ammonia, and indole. Indole is detected by combining strates processed by these pathways. In contrast to single
with an indicator, aldehyde ([4-dimethylamino] benzalde- enzyme tests, these pathways may involve several interac-
hyde, 37% hydrochloric acid, and amyl alcohol, also re- tive enzymes. The presence of an end product resulting
ferred to as Kovac’s reagent), which results in a pink to red from these interactions is measured in the testing system.
color formation (Procedure 12-20). Spot indole contains Assays for metabolic pathways can be classified into three
p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (DMACA), 37% hydro- general categories: carbohydrate oxidation and fermen-
chloric acid, and deionized water, which results in a blue tation, amino acid degradation, and single substrate
color formation. This test is used in numerous identification utilizations.
schemes, especially to presumptively identify Escherichia coli,
the gram-negative bacillus most commonly encountered in Oxidation and Fermentation Tests
diagnostic bacteriology. As discussed in Chapter 2, bacteria use various metabolic
pathways to produce biochemical building blocks and en-
Urease Test ergy. For most clinically relevant bacteria, this involves utili-
Urease hydrolyzes the substrate urea into ammonia, wa- zation of carbohydrates (e.g., sugar or sugar derivatives) and
ter, and carbon dioxide. The presence of the enzyme is protein substrates. Determining whether substrate utiliza-
determined by inoculating an organism to broth (Stuart’s tion is an oxidative or fermentative process is important for
urea broth) or agar (Christensen’s urea agar) containing the identification of several different bacteria.
urea as the primary carbon source followed by detecting Oxidative processes require oxygen; fermentative ones
the production of ammonia (Procedure 12-41). Ammo- do not. The clinical laboratory determines how an organism
nia increases the pH of the medium so its presence is utilizes a substrate by observing whether acid byproducts are
readily detected using a pH indicator. Change in medium produced in the presence or absence of oxygen (fermenta-
pH is a common indicator of metabolic process and, be- tion). In most instances, the presence of acid byproducts is
cause pH indicators change color with increases (alkalin- detected by a change in the pH indicator incorporated into
ity) or decreases (acidity) in the medium’s pH, they the medium. The color changes that occur in the presence of
are commonly used in many identification test schemes. acid depend on the type of pH indicator used.
Prolonged incubation of urea agar may result in false pos- Oxidation-fermentation determinations are usually ac-
itive reactions because of the hydrolysis of proteins in the complished using a special semisolid medium (oxidative-
medium. In addition, weak urease positive organisms fermentative [O-F] medium) that contains low concentra-
such as Enterobacter spp. may not demonstrate a positive tions of peptone and a single carbohydrate substrate such as
reaction in urea broth because of the buffering capacity of glucose. The organism to be identified is inoculated into
the media. The urease test helps identify certain species two glucose O-F tubes, one of which is then overlaid with
of Enterobacteriaceae, such as Proteus spp., and other im- mineral oil as a barrier to oxygen. Common pH indicators
portant bacteria such as Corynebacterium urealyticum and used for O-F tests, and the color changes they undergo with
Helicobacter pylori. acidic conditions, include bromcresol purple, which changes
from purple to yellow; Andrade’s acid fuchsin indicator,
PYR Test which changes from pale yellow to pink; phenol red, which
The enzyme L-pyroglutamyl-aminopeptidase (PYR) hydro- changes from red to yellow; and bromthymol blue, which
lyzes the substrate L-pyrrolidonyl-b-naphthylamide to pro- changes from green to yellow.
duce a beta-naphthylamine. When the beta-naphthylamine As shown in Figure 7-16, when acid production is de-
combines with a cinnamaldehyde reagent, a bright red color tected in both tubes, the organism is identified as a glucose
is produced (Procedure 12-36). The PYR test is particularly fermenter, because fermentation can occur with or without
helpful in identifying gram-positive cocci such as Streptococcus oxygen. If acid is only detected in the open, aerobic tube,

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