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atanora Study SSStack Free Unfinished Flashcards about MC upper lim ‘Seas AlUinabds MEQ upoerin MCQup per limb MCQ upper limb MRCS part b [Question [Answer 'A28 year old man lacerates the posterolateralaspectofhiswristwitha rife-The ER wound is inspected ana found tobe located over te atral aspact of extensor ret aclu (which s intact, Which ofthe structures ist greatest risk of lary? Superficial branch ofthe radial nerve "The superficial branch ofthe radianervepasses..__to etensor retical (inthe ateral portion) ‘dorsal branch ofthe ulnar nerve and artery p88 un toTRe xensor retinaculum located nthe medial positon) superior superior [Transaction ofthe racial nerve at the level ofthe axilla willresu inal of the ollowingoxcepe [A Loss of elbow extension. 6 Lass of extension ofthe interphalangeal ants. Loss of metacarpophalangeal extension. 0. Los of triceps fefiex Loss of sensation overlying te rst drsalincerosseous. if ANSWER: (retantumorical fut). [which muscle causes abductor of shoulder? Dorsal venous ach drainslateraly supraspinatus (deltoid as well Which ofthe following structure nat clovely related tothe brachial artery” [A Uinar nerve 8: Median nerve C Cephalic vein. Long head of triceps E* Mctan cuital ain fi Answer: C The folowing statements relating tothe musculocutaneous nerve are irueexcept? A. arises from lateral cord of the brachial plexus provides catan Innervation to the lateral ice ofthe forearm C:damaged ten extension ofthe elbow jint wil be impaired D supplies the biceps muscle fun beneath biceps / Answer © Musculocutaneous nerve supplies which muscle? biceps, brachals and coracobrachals musculacutaneousnerveis a branch of Which lgament keeps the head ofthe radius connected tothe rial notchof the ulna? [Iateral cord of brachial plexus [A Annular (orbicular igament 8 Quadate garment G Radial ellateral ligament of te elbow D. Ulnar collateral ligament, Radial collateral gament 7 Answers Annular ligament [annular ligament connects radial head tothe radial notch of the ulna. [Atradlaltuberosity which muscle satlached? 'A.38 year old man presents to the clinic with shoulder weakness. On ‘examination he hae an inabilty to ntiae shoulder abduction. Which of the nerves listed below is least likely tobe functioning normaly? biceps brachi Suprascapular nerve suprascapular nerve aise5 07 upper trunk the brachial plows [suprascapular nerve innervate. action of suprascapular nerve. supraspinatus and ntraspinstus initiates abduction ofthe shouléer clinica feature of damaged suprascapular nerve. Patients may be able te abduct the shoulder by leaning aver the Bitected side and deltoid ean then continue to abduct the shoul. [Which ofthe following vessels provides the greatest contribution to the arterial supaly ofthe breast? 60% the arterial supply othe breasts derived om, Internal mammary artery internal mammarvartery [40% of areril supply to the breasts derived from. [The external mammary and lateral thoracic arteries Breast itstfies on alayer of. fascia and muscles Nerve supply ofbreast pectoralis! 1 Pectoralis major /2 Serratus anterior 8. External Bbliue Branches of intercostal nerves rom TAS, [venous drainage of breast Superficial venous plows tosub cava, axillary and intercostal veins Iymahatic drainage of breast |Ababy is found to have a Klumpke's palsy post delivery. Which of the oliowing is mos likely tobe present? -) 70% Axliary nodes 72 Internal mammary chal 1/3) Otber yates sien as deep cervicaland supra fossa lterin A. Loss of exors ofthe wrist 8 Weak elbow flexion G Pronation ofthe forearm > Acted shauler Shoulder medal rotated 017 Features of klumpkes Paralysis 2) Claw hand (MCP joints extended andiP joints flexed) //2) ass oF Sensation aver medial aspect of forearm ana hand //1/3\Horners syndrame/iii) Loss. flexors of the wrist hitpsshww studyslack comMasheard-2784679 16 snanora |c8,71 root lesion sailed Free Unfinished Flashcards about MC upper tim Klumpkes Paralysis (caused by delivery with the arm extended) with respect othe basil vein, which statements false? Basil veins used in. “surgery during procedure known as base ven ranspostion [ts deep anatomic location make lt unsultable for use as an AV ccesssite in stula surgery travels up medal pect of forearm Halsway betn shoulder and elbow ites deep to muscle Eoin brachial totormaxilaryveinAlltrue Babe arteriovenous fistula [venous drainage fr the am and hand provided by. basic and cephalic vein [Olé man sting heavy object when he fees ain in forearm anda ensie taconite Vays elingower hic upper rear WR Scan Sfowssmal cu of tendon til aiacd oratiltuberoty consistent Suthrecent tear whien muscle sired? Biceps inserts int. Biceps brachii radial wberoaiy [Which ofthe following sabranch ofthe third part of the axillary arten? Posterior circumfexhumeral branches of ailiry artery. 'A23 year old rughy player sustains a Smiths Fracture, On examination ‘opposition ofthe thumb is markedly weakened. Which nerve affected? Posterior ceunex humeral Suacapular Tantei crurflon humeral ms Mediannerve [A45 year old lady recovering roma mastectomy and auillary node clearance notices that sensation inher armalt'sImpairec. Welch nerveis injuree? Intercaastobrachial nerve ntercostobrachial nerves are frequently injured during aula dssection [An 8 year old boy falls anto an autstretched hand and sustains a \Supracondylae fracture Inadation toa weak radial pulse the child is noted to have oss of pronation of the affected hand. Median froment’ text which muscle functions tested? [adductor poles Froments sign assesses. [Assess fr ulnar nerve paky Phalen's test Assess carpal tunnel syndrome how todo‘ phalen's text for accessing carpl tunnel syndrome? Hold wrist in maximum flexion and the tests positive there numbness in the median nerve cetibution. inet in Assess for carpal tunnel syndrome how todo Tinel test for accessing carpel tunnel syndrome? Hap the median nerveat the wrist and the testis positive theres tinglngflecrictixe sensations over the dstrioution of the median "Theskin on the palmar aspect of the thumb supplied by [Mediannerve The nailbed of the index ner supplied by [Mediannerve "The skin overiving the medial aspect of the palm supplied by nar nerve From which of the following foramina does the opthalmic branch of the [wigeminalnerveextthe sal? Exit of branches of trigeminal nerve from the skull VIV2/V3 Superior orbital fissure Yi, Spero ora hssore7V2-oramen Rotunda V3-Toramen [opthalmic branch of the Wigeminal nerve exits the skull hrough..— superior orbital fissure [What nerve innnervates muscle of mastication: igenal nerve supoes wich muscle (motor sunpiafigeinal trigeminal nerve [Muscles of masication 2lMylohyoid 3 Anterior belly of digastilT 4)Tensor tyoani 5) Tensor plat trigeminal nerve supplies which region (sensory supply af Wigeminal nerve) )Scalp //2)Facel3} Oral caity (and testi) Nese and sinuses/5) Duramater "Trigeminal nerve originates where? Branches of trigeminal nerve? [Originates at the pons [ Ophthaimic nerve Vi-Sensory only MTMaxlary nerve V2= Sensory only /iil/Manaioular nerve V3=Sensory and motor mandlbular nerve. muscles of mastication are innervated: 1)Masseter/2) Temporal) Rect pteryeoid/4)Lateral pterygo'd OTHERS: 1 Tensor vl Palatin/ 2)eylonyoia//3)Anteror belly of digastrii/4) Tensor [evmpant [old lady had an axllary node clearance or breast malignancy. Post, operatively se reports weakness of shoulder Shes unable to push Rersell forwards irom wall witnright arm and scapulais pushed out rectally from chest wal, What Nerves injures? ong thoracic nerve inervates Long thoracic nerve serratus anterior [serratus anterior causes pushing out ofthe scapula during punch [winging ofthe scapular laterally may indicate Trapezius innervated by. trapezius muscle weakness Innervated by the spinal accessory nerve [A.26 year old male is admitted for elective surgery for alymph node Biapsy in the supraclavicular region. Postoperatively the patont hs \itfeuty shragging his left shouiger. What nerve hat been damaged? Accessory nerve [accessory nerve iesinthe....tiangle [posterior accessory nerve Injury causes problem with shrugging of shoulder and Wing arm above Wis head [Which ofthe following muscesis supplied by the musculocutanesus brachiaks hips: ww studyslack comMasheard-2784679 26 snanora 17 yr presents to clinic. Complains: difficulty using lft hand. Has persistent proslem since sustained a dstalhumerus fracture as achld PE: There s dimin'shed sensation overlying Bypothener eminence and meclatone and haf fingers. Nerve lesion? Free Unfinished Flashcards about MC upper tim uinarnerve 'A72 year old male with end stage critical ischaemia is undergoing an ‘dullotfemoral bypass. What structure ent closely related tthe slry latory Scalenus anterior muscle axillary artery is the continuation of sublavianarery [Which of the following carpal Bones is asesamold boneinthetendong? lpicitorm Rexor carpi ulnar? [A 70 year old man falls and fractures his scaphold bone, The fracture ie displaced and the decisions made oinsertascrew to focthe fracture, |Lunate Which ofthe folowing structures ies directly medial ta the scaphoid? 1473 year od lady ishit by a car She suffers a complex fracture ofthe lista aspect of her humerus wlth assocated inury tothe radial nerve. Which ofthe folowing movements wil be most impaired asa result wrist extension (The triceps will not be affected so elbow extension lle preserved) "An 18 year old man develop a severe spreading sepsis ofthe hand. The palms explored surgealy and he Mexor agit’ minim brevis muscle mobilised to faclitatedrainage of te infection Which snot closely Felatedto this muscle? | =Mecian nerve On undersurface ies the ulnar contribution tothe superclal palmar arterial arch and cgital nerves derived from the esr nerve} IIIT -median nerve overies te exor tendons flexor digit minim brevis oriinates fom amate [2 year old man develops an infectionin the pulp of his tle finger. |What's the most proximal site to which tis nection may migrate? Proximalto the Nexorretinaculam [Which ofthe following muscesisnot innervated bythe deep branch of {the unar nerve? [A Adcuctorpolicis B Hypathenar muscles C Allthe interosseous muscles D. Opponens pols Third and fourthlumbricals Answer: D deep branch of the ulnar nerve innervate which muscles? Hiypothenar musclsi/Allthe interosseous muscles //Third and cto adductor poli Medial head o thelr [palicisbrevis Which ofthe following stroclureslie between the lateral and medial heads ofthe triceps muscle? Racial nerve Into which ofthe following structures does the superior part ofthe INorous capsule ofthe shoulder joint ingert? |The anatomical neckof the humerus "fibrous capsule attaches tothe anatomical neck — ‘ad the surgical nether Damage tothe posterior cord of the brachial plexus will not result in any lof thefollowing except superiorly inferiorly A. Klomples palsy B Anaesthesia averiving the ateralsspect of the Horearmc-Awarm sweaty handn the affected se D. Loss of flexion ofthe arm. Anaesthesia overlying the posterior surface of the arm Vi Answers radial nerve gives evtaneous branches whichaupply te forearm_.and posterirly/ laterally Loss of sympathetic funtion would not result in sweaty hand [Awoman develops winging ofthe scapula folowing aPatey mastectomy, {Whats the most ikely cause? Damage tothe long thoracicnerve during allay dissection [The serratus anterior muscle is supplied by long thoracicnerve [Which ofthe following isnot closely related tothe capitate bone? JA. Lunate bone B Saphold bone © Ulnar nerve D. Hamate bone rapezold bone iil Answer: Ur nerve [The unarnerve and artery Te adjacent tothe Psiform bone "The capitate bone articulates with lune, scaphoid,hamate and wapezoid bones acgest ofthe carpal bones eapiate In capitate bone, rounded head setinto the cavities of the. Flatter articular surfaces are present forthe. medially and thems laterally —AND lunate and scaphoie bonesiiihamate-medialytrapezoilaterally [An ijury tothe spinal accessory nerve wilaffect which ofthe folowing movements? [Upwardrotation ofthe scapula Function of tapers Entire muscle will retract the scapula. The upper andlower fibers act together toupwaray rotate [A23 year old man falls over whist intoxicated and ashard of lass transects his median nerve atte proximal border ofthe eeor etinaculum. His tendons escape nary. Whien ofthe following features \wllnot be present? Loss of sensation onthe dorsal aspect ofthe thenar eminence median nerve may be njured to the fexa retinaculum proximal [When the patents asked to close the hand slowly thereisalagof the |iumbrical index and middle gers reflecting the impaired samc function. [Abductorpolcs longus willcontribute to. Fhumbabeuction [Abductor polis longusinnervated by... 'A23 year old man falls ang injures hishane. There are concerns that he may Rave a scaphod fracture as there s tenderness inhi anatomical Suffbox on clinial examination Which o the following forms the posterior border of this structore? posterior interosseous nerve deap branch of radial nerve Extensor pollicis longus boundry af anatomical snutt box boundaries are extensor polls longus, medially (posterior bordee) andi steraly (anterior border by the tendons of abductor pails angus anc extensor policis brevis "AB year old man isstabbed outside a Nightclub nthe upper arm The hips ww: studyslack.comMasheard-2784679 JAbductorpolicisbrevis a6 snanora median nerve is transected, Which of the following muscles will demonstrate mpared function as result? Free Unfinished Flashcards about MC upper timo |What nerve supplies each??727?Palmars brevis ana Pallar interosse- Adductor pallic's~_...-Abcuctor sliislongus~ abductor poles brevis= Palmaris and the interosselare innervated by the Palmaris brevis- Ulnar nerve Palmar interosse- Ulnar nerve... Acductorpallels-Uinar nerve... --Abductor polis ongus = Bosteriorinterosseous nerve... Abductor pallies brevis Mediannerve ulnar nerve "The median nerve inervates al the short muscles ofthe thom Jecept adductor and the deep head ofthe short Pexor Mnemonic branches off the posterior cord. STAR (Subscapular (upper andlower) Thoracodorsal Anilary Radial wusculocutaneous nerve sa branch off ateralcord [A.56 year old machinist Ras his arm entrapped na steel grinder and is brought to che emergency department. On examination ne unable to lextendhis MP and abduct his shoulder Hehas weakness offs elbow nd wrist What hasbeen injured? Posterior cardof brachial plexus "Thoracodorsalnerveinnervate atisimos dors Lower subscapular nerve innervate teres major and subscapularis Upper subscapularnerve innervates subscapularis innervates deltoid and teres minor imervated by lla nerve 'Amotor eyclsts involved ina road traffic accident causing severe right [shoul inuries He's ound to have an adducted, medially rotated shoulder. The elbow is fully extended and the forearm pronated. Which themostkely diagnosis? 1C5,cé oot esion Erbs Paley [E5, C6 lesion The features include: Erbspalsy: A) Loss of shoulder abduction eloid and supraspinatus| aly} ) Loss of external rotation ofthe shoulder (paralysi of ffraspinatus and teres maj) Cl Lasso elbow flex on (paralysis of| biceps brachals ane brachioradials) rth injury when a baby has shoulder dystocia, What lesion? Erbs palsy "A 23 year old man has a cannula inserted into his cephalic vein, Through which structure does the cephalic vein pass? Clavipectoral fascia nun favored vessel for arteriovenous fistula formation eephalieveln —-~ shouldbe preserved in patients with end stage renal failure cepnalievein [Which of the following snot amuscle ofthe ratator ctf 'A32 year old man stabbed in the neck and the inferior trunk of his racial plow njred. which o the macaltes sted Below ast kel to be fected? [A SubscapularsBTeres minor G Supraspinatus Dlnraspinatus Betoie iit Answer: Ieitiating abduction ofthe shoulder sites the ail te racial nerve ison whieh the Yllowing Tres Major 'A.62 year old man presents with arm weakness, On examination he has a lvcakners of elbow extension and los of sensation onthe dorsal arpecto| the rst cig What isthe ste ofthe most Hkely underlying defect? "The long head oF the triceps mescle may be innervated bythe. and therefore compete loss of triceas muscles function may noi be present even with Racal nerve axlarynerve/ proximally sted nerve lesions From which f the following structures does the long head ofthe Wiceps From which esraglenoid tubercle Both heads (Reshylateralard medial ead are atached tothe insertion of triceps? Posterior aspect of the humerus between the Insertion of te teres rinor and the olecranon ‘ores, Nipple retraction may occur asa result of. Tumour inflation of Coopers Ligaments that run through tne breast and surround the lobules, Majority of blood supply tobreast. Internalmammary artery [The internal mammary artery isa branch of Up to 70% of lymphati drainage isto. ubclavianartery Ipsilateral axilary nodes Nipple retraction isa feature of [breast malsignancy 'Atypst presents with pain atthe dorsalaspect ofthe uaper part of her forearm, Complains of weakness when extending ner Angers: PE- triceps land supinator- Normal There s weakness of most ofthe extensor muscle. Nosensory deficit lesion? nay become entrapped the ‘arcade of Frohse* which isa sibel part ofthe supinator muscle Posterior interosseous nerve Racial nerve — gives branches to extensor carpadialis brevis and supinator Posterior interorseous nerve "A 28 year teacher reports citficully with writing, There iso sensory loss She it known to ave an aberrant Gantzes musele Lesion? Anterior interosscous nerve [The Gantzer muscle isan aberrant accessory of Fexor polis longus and isa isk factor for anterior interosseous nerve comoression) oss of pincer grip and normal sensation indicates [A.35 year tennis player attends reporting tingling down is arm He saya tha is funny Sone was Nt very Hard by a terme. Theres weakness hips: ww studyslack comMasheard-2784679 Ulnar nerve 46 snanora of abu n and adduction af is extended fingers. lesion? Free Unfinished Flashcards about MC upper tim [A353 year old lady presents with pain and discomfort inher hand. She works as typist and notices thatthe pain is worst when she is working She lao suffers symptom atight. Her little finger is less affected by ie ain Whichnervelsatfected? Mecian nerve supolie in hand, Median ater? himbricals © pponens polis A bductorpolcisbrevs Flexor palicisbrevis. [A.24 year female sadmited to ASE with ngling afer hand ater afall ‘She found to nave fracture of the medial enicondyle. Whats the most katy nerve lesion? uinarnerve "843 yoar old ladys undergo an axillary nod dearance for breast ancdr: The mada isease bully, During earanceo helevel Smads {here ssuddenly br haerortage. The mont Tay vessel responsible 'A7 year old ady with ong standing atrial fibrilation develops a cold and olseless white arm Abbrachial embolus is suspected and a brachial [embolectomy is performed, Wha structure's greatest sk of Injury during this procedure? Thoracoacromialartery Mediannerve median nerve lies clase tathe brachial artery in antecubital fossa ~n usual ste of surgical access to the brachial artery for an embolectomy procedure antecubital fossa [Which ofthe following fingersis nota point of attachment forthe palmar Interosse Middle finger [The middle inger has no attachment of palmar interosseh [AG year old sustains a supracondylar facture ofthe distal humerus ‘There are concerns that tne radial nerve may have been injured. What is the relationshipottheradalnervetothehuerus at this point? radlalnerve Hes... t0 the humerus nthe. | Anterolateral anterolteralsupracondyar area [The following ae rue ofthe ulnar nerve excent: A. tinnervates the palmar interosseiB. Derived from the medial cord ofthe brachial plexus C Supplies the muscles of the trenar eminence B. Supplies the medial Ralf of lexorcigtorum peotundus 107117 Answer Which muscle i responsible for causing flexion of the distal interphalangealjontofthering finger? superfcais tendons inser on the bases of Flexor digitorum profundus idee phalyn profundus tendons inser on the bases of distalphatanges| nn tendon flexthe wrist, MCP and PIP joins Flexor digitorum superfcals and ecr digitorum profundus [ony the .-w.-tendons flex the DIP joints Profundis [Which ofthe following muscles lies mecialto the long thoracic nerve A. Serratus anterior 8, Latiasimus dara, Pectaralia major D. Pectoral minor £ None Answer: fnd tout yourselp Created by: sarthaknepalt [—t > hntpsshwww-studyslack comMasheard-2784679 56 atanora Free Unfinished Flashcards about MCQ upper tim ime Flasheard About FAQ Forms of Srv Privacy Statement Conta Browse or Search Create Flashcards illo of eating Meehearée plu dose eter acteiae htpsswwa studyslack comMasheard-2784679

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