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oe ee ts Tun pen hie Four of the wackiest, wildest Looney Tunes characters are now dolls you can crochet in Worsted weight yarn! Gift yourself with the friendship of that 14-carrot rabbit, Bugs Bunny, Or enjoy the antics of Taz, the original whirling, twirling, perpetual motion machine. If slapstick humor tickles your funny bone, then you're sure to be a fan of mischievous Syivester and wide-eyed Tweety. Special finishing touches, such as hair tufts and simple embroidery, add just-right realism to these animated favorites. The dolls range in size from 10° (25.5 cm) (Tweety) to 19” (48.5 em) (Bugs Bunny). The zany Looney Tunes pals have long been a national treasure, and now you can treasure them in crochet! TAZ Bvés Bunny oh \ WHITE PEACH am wrremmeonsre Finished Size: 10 (25.5 cm) GAUGE: 16 sc and 16 rows = 4" (10 cm) Gauge Swatch: 4” (10) cm) square With Yellow, ch 17. Row 1: Scin second ch from hook and in each ch across: 16 sc. Rows 2-16: Ch 1, turn; sc in each se across Finish of. BODY Rad 1 (Right side}: With Yellow, ch 2, 8 sc in second ch from hook; do not join, place marker (see Markers, page 35). Rnd 2: 2 Sc in each sc around: 16 sc. Rnd 3: (Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next se) around: 24 se, Rnd 4: (Sc in nex! 11 sc, 2 sc in next sc) twice: 26 ve. Rnds 5-9: Sc in each sc around. sc in next 11 se] twice: 24/se. Rnd 11: Sc in next 5 sc, decrease, sc in next 10 sc, decrease, sc in next 5 sc: 22 sc. Rnd 12: (Decrease, sc in next 9 sc) twice: 20 se. Rad 13: Sc in next 3 sc, decrease, sc in next 8 se, decrease, sc in next 5 sc: 18 sc. Rad 14: (Gc in next 7 se, decrease) twice: 16 se. Rad 15: Sc in nex! 4 sc, decrease, sc in next 6 s, decrease, sc in next 2 sc: 14 se. Rnd 16: (Decrease, sc in next 5 sc) twice; slip stn next sc, finish off: 12 sts. HEAD With Yellow, ch 5. Rnd 1 (Right side): Sc in second ch from hook and in next 2 chs, 3 sc in last ch; working in free loops: of beginning ch (Fig. 1, page 35), sc in next 2 chs, 2 sc in next ch; do not join, place marker: 10 sc. Rnd 2: 2 Sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in each of next 3 sc, sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in each of next 2 se: 16 se. Rnd 3: 2 Sc in next sc, sc in next 4 sc, 2 se in each of next 4 sc, sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in each of next 3 sc: 24 sc, Rad 4: Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next se, sc in next 4 se, (2 se in next se, sc in next sc) 3 times, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 5 sc, (2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc) 3 times: 32 sc Rad 5: Sc in next 6 sc, loop a short piece of contrasting color yarn around last sc made to mark front of Head, sc in next 4 sc, (2 sc in next se, sc in next 2 sc) twice, (2 sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc) B times, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc: 39 sc, Rnd 65 Sc in next 12 se, (2 sc in next se, se in next 2 se) around: 48 se Rads 7-9: Sc in each sc around, Rnd 10: (Decrease, sc in next 14 se) around: 45 se: Instructions continued on page 4, Rnd 11: Sc in next 5 sc, decrease, (sc in next 13 sc, decrease) lwice, sc in next 8 sc: 42 sc. Rnd 12: (Sc in next 12 sc, decrease) around: 39 so Rad 13: Sc in next 6 sc, decrease, (sc in next 11 se, decrease) twice, sc in next 5 sc: 36 se. Rad 14: (Decrease, sc in next 10 sc) around: 33 sc. Rad 15: Sc in next 2 sc, decrease, (sc in next 9 sc, decrease) twice, sc in next 7 sc: 30 sc Rnd 16: (Decrease, sc in next 8 sc) around: 27 sc Rad 17: Sc in next 4 sc, decrease, (sc in next 7 sc, decrease) twice, sc in next 3 se: 24 sc Rads 18-21: Sc in each sc around. Rnd 22: Decrease around; slip st in next se, finish off leaving a long end for sewing: 12 sts. Stuff Head firmly with polyester fiberfil, making front of Head flat and back more rounded Stuff Body firmly with polyester fiberfil, adding extra stuffing to “bottom” area. Sew Head to Body, adding extra polyester fiberfil before closing to make neck firm. CHEEK (ake 2) Rnd 1 (Right side}: With Yellow, ch 2, 8 sc in second ch irom hook; do mot join, place marker. Rnd 2: 2 Sc in each sc around: 16 se. Rnd 8: (2 Sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc) around slip st in next sc, finish off leaving a long end for sewing: 20 sts Using photo as a guide for placement, sew Cheeks to Rnds 18-21 of Head, leaving 3 sts between Cheeks and adding polyester fiberlill before closing, BEAK With Orange, ch 5. Rnd 1: Sc in secand ch from hook and in next 2 chs, 5 sc in last ch; working in free loops of beginning ch, sc in next 3 chs, 2 sc in last ch; join with slip st to first sc, finish off: 13 sc. Fold Beak in half widthwise with wider end on top. Sew Beak to Head between Cheeks. FOOT AND LEG (Wake 2) SOLE With Orange, ch 3, Row 1: Sc in second ch from hook and in last ch: 2sc, Rows 2 and 3: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc. Row 4: Ch 1, tum; 2 sc in each se: 4-sc. Rows 5 and 6: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. Row 7: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 2 sc, 2 se in last se: 6 se. Row 8: Ch 1, tum: sc in each sc across. Row 9: Ch 1, tur; decrease 3 times; do not finish off: 3 sc. SIDES Rnd 1 (Right side): Ch 1, turn; sc in first se, 2 sc in next sc, 8c in last sc: work 8 sc evenly spaced across end of rows; working in free loops of beginning ch, sc in next 2 chs; work 8 sc evenly spaced across end of rows; join with slip st to first se: 22 sc Rnd 2: Ch 1, do not turn; hde in first sc, 2 hde in each of next 2 sc, hde in next 4 se, sc in next 12 50, hhde in last 3 sc; join with slip st to first hde: 24 sts. Rnd 3: Ch 1, hde in first 9 hde, sc in next 12 so, he in last 3 hde; join with slip st to first hde; do. not finish off. INSTEP Rnd 6: Pull up a loop in Row 1: Ch 1, he in first hdc, * (YO, insert hook next S de, YO and draw in next hde, YO and pull up a loop) twice, YO and through all 6 loops on hook draw through all 5 loops on hook: repeat from * (dumb made), sc in next ‘once more, hdc in next hdc, slip st in next 2 hde, Tse: 8 3, leave remaining 16 sis unworked: 6 sts. Rnd 7: Decrease 4 times; Rows 2-5: Ch 1, turn; skip first 2 sip sts, se in slip st in next st, finish off next 4 sts, sip st in next 2 sts on Sides: 6 sts. leaving a long end for sewing. Row 6: Ch 1, turn; skip first 2 slip sts, decrease ‘Sew remaining sts closed twice, slip st in next 2 sts on Sides; do not finish off: Stuff Arm with polyester fiberfil. 4st Flatten Arm, having thumbs at side, and sew across beginning ch LEG to close; sew Arm to Body with Rad 1: Ch 1, turn; skip first 2 slip sts, sc in next thumbs pointing upward., hdc in same sc as next slip st and in next 6 se on Sides; do not join, place marker: 9 sts. Instructions continued on page 6. Rnds 2 and 3: Sc in each st around. Rnd 4: Sc in each sc around; sip st in next se, finish off leaving 2 long end for sewing ‘Stuff Foot and Leg with polyester fiberfil. Sew Leg to Body. 5 To shape toes, thread yarn needle with cut ends of a doubled strand of Orange. Insert needle through top of Sole at front of Foot, and go straight through Foot and out top of Row 2 of instep until loop protrudes from Foot. Bring yarn over Foot, and insert needle through loop; pull tightly to form toe definition. Take a couple of very small stitches to secure; insert needle inside the Foot and push it out the bottom so the yam does not show; cut the end close to the Foot ARM (Make 2) With Yellow and leaving a long end for sewing, ch 8; join with slip st to form a ring. Rnd 1 (Right side)s Ch 1, sc in each ch around; do not join, place marker: 8 sc. Rnds 2-4: Sc in each sx around. Rad 5: 5 De in next sc, sein next 7 sc: 12 sts. TAIL With Yellow and leaving a long end for sewing, ch 6; join with slip st to form a ring. Rad 1 (Right side): Ch 1, sc in each ch around; do not join, place marker: 6 sc, Rnds 2 and 3: Sc in each se around Rnd 4: (Decrease, sc in next s) twice; slip st in next se, finish off leaving a long end for sewing ‘Sew remaining sts closed, forming a point Using photo as a guide, flatten Tail and sew beginning ch to Body at center back of Rnd 8. 00) Black LtBlue White FINISHING For hair, cut one 10" (25.5 cm) length and one 5" (12.5 cm) length of Black. Tie the short length in a not around the other length, about 21/2" (6.5 cm) from one end. Trim the ends of the short length to. (4 em) and 2" (5 cm). Thread yarn needle with the long end. Insert needle around st at center of Rnd 2 at front of Head and secure yarn at the knot. Insert the needle inside the Head and push it out the back so the yarn does not show; cut the end close to the Head. Trace eye patierns and cut 2 pieces of each pattern from felt. Using photo as a guide, glue White Eves to face, placing bottom just to the outside of halfway point between Cheek and beak and top curve angling outward slightly. Giue the Lt Blue pieces to the White pieces and the Black pieces to the Lt Blue pieces. Cut a 16" (40.5 cm) length of Black and separate plies in half, Thread needle with 2 ply and add eyelashes using 3 straight stitches and eyebrows using one straight stitch for each eye. SYLVESTER ‘Shown on page 3. em renee ¥ Finished Size: 14° (35.5 cm) LT Te GAUGE: 16 sc and 16 rows = 4" (10 cm) Gauge Swatch: With Black, ch 17 Row 1: Sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across: 16 sc. Rows 2-16: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. Finish off, (10 om) square BODY With Black, ch 15; join with slip st to form a ring. Rnd 1 (Right side): Ch 1, sc in each ch around: do pete place marker (see Markers, page 35): s. Bnd 2: 2 Sc in next sc, sc in next 6 sc, 2 se in next sc, sc in next 7 se: 17 se. Rnd 3: Sc in next 4 sc, 2 s in next sc, sc in each ‘sc around: 18 sc. Ba: 2 Sein net se, goin nent 8 cl tte: Rnd 5: Sc in next 14 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sein next 5 sc: 21 sc, Rnd 6: 2 Sc in next sc, sc in next 9 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in each sc around: 23 sc, Rnd 7: Sc in next 6 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in each se around: 24 sc Rnd 8: (2 Sc in next sc, sc in next 11 sc) twice: 26 se. Rnd 9: Sc in next 18 sc, 2 sc in next se, sc in each sc around: 27 sc. Rnd 10: 2 Sc in next sc, sc in next 13 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in each sc around: 29 sec Rnd 11: Sc in next 8 sc, 2 sc in next sc, se in each sc around: 30 se. Rnd 12: (2 Sc in next sc, sc in next 14 se) twice: 32 se. Rnd 13: Sc in next 22 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in each sc around: 33 se. Rnd 14: 2 Sc in next sc, sc in next 15 se, 2 se in next sc, sc in each sc around: 35 sc. Rad 15: Sc in next 10 sc, 2 sc in next se, se in each sc around: 36 sc. Rad 16: 2 Sc in next sc, sc in each sc around: 37 sc. Rnd 17: Sc in next 18 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in each se around: 38 sc. Rnd 18: Sc in next 8 sc, 2 sc in next se, sc in each sc around: 39 sc. Rad 19: Sc in next 24 sc, 2 sc in next se, se in each se around: 40 sc. Instructions continued on page 8. Rnd 20: 2 Sc in next sc, sc in each sc around: 41 sc. Rnd 21: Sc in next 20 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in each sc around: 42 se. Rnd 22: Sc in next 10 se, 2 sc in next se, sc in each sc around: 43 sc. Rnd 23: Sc in next 26 sc, 2 sc in next se, sc in each sc around: 44 se, Rnd 24: 2 Sc in next sc, sc in each sc around: 45 se. Rnd 25: Sc in next 24 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in each se around: 46 se. Rnd 26: Sc in next 12 sc, 2 sc in next sc, s¢ in each se around: 47 sc. Rnd 27: Sc in next 30 sc, 2 sc in next se, sc in each se around: 48 sc Rnd 28: [Decrease (see Sc Decrease, page 35), sc in nexb 14 sc] 3 times: 45 sc Rnd 29: Sc in next 5 sc, decrease, (sc in next 13 sc, decrease) twice, sc in next 8 sc: 42 sc. Rnd 30: (Sc in next 12 se, decrease) around: 39 se. Rnd 31: Sc in next 6 sc, decrease, (sc in next 11 se, decrease) twice, sc in next 5 sc: 36 Rnd 32: (Decrease, sc in next 10 sc) around: 33 sc Rnd 33: Sc in next 2 sc, decrease, (sc in next 9 sc, decrease) twice, sc in next 7 sc: 30 se. Rnd 34: (Decrease, sc in next 8 sc) around: 27 sc Rad 35: Sc in next 4 sc, decrease, {sc in next 7 sc, decrease} twice, sc in next 3 sc: 24 sc. Rnd 36: (Decrease, sc in next 6 sc) around: 21 sc Rnd 38: (Decrease, sc in next 4 sc) 3 times: 15 se: Rnd 39: Sc in next 2 sc, decrease, (sc in next 3 sc, decrease) twice, sc in next sc; finish off leaving a long end for sewing: 12 sc. Finish stuffing Body with polyester fiberfl, shaping Body to be more rounded at one side to make Sylvester's chubby bottom. Sew opening at bottom closed Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around stitch to mark back, TUMMY With White, ch 3. Row 1 (Right sides Sc in second ch from hook and Rnd 37: Sc in next 3 sc, decrease, (sc in next 5 sc, decrease) twice, sc in next 2 se: 18 sc. in last ch: 2 se Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around any stitch, to mark Row 1 as right side and top edge. Row 2: Ch 1, tum; 2 sc in each se: 4 se. Rows 3 and 4: Ch 1, turn; 2 se in first sc, se in ] each se across: 6 sc Row 5: Ch 1, tum; sc in each sc across. Row 6: Ch 1, tum; sc in each sc across to last se, 2 sein last se: 7 sc. Row 7: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. Row 8: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in first sc, sc in each se across: 8 sc. Rows 9-24: Repeat Rows 5-8, 4 times: 16 se. Rows 25-27: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. Rows 28-31: Ch 1, turn; decrease, s¢ in each sc ‘across to last 2 sc, decrease: 8 sc. Finish off. Border: With right side facing, join White with se in end of sc on Row 1 (See Joining With Se, age 35); sc in end of each row across; sc in each se actoss Row 31 and in end of each row across; finish off leaving a long end for sewing. Sew Tummy to front of Body opposite back marker; remove marker LEG (Make 2) With Black, ch 14; join with slip st to form a ring. Rad 1 (Right side): Ch 1, sc in each ch around; do not join, place marker: 14 sc, Note: Mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rnd 2: Se in each se around, Row 1: 2 Sc in next sc, sc in next sc, slip st in next sc, leave remaining 11 sc unworked. Row 2: Ch 1, turn; skip first slip st, (2 sc in next 8c, SC in next sc) twice, slip st in next sc: 7 sts, Row 3: Ch 1, turn; skip first slip st, sc in next 3 se, 2 sein next sc, sc in next 2 sc and in same sc as, next slip st: B sc. Row 4: Do not turn; sc in next 9 sc on Rnd 2, se fn same sc as next slip st and in next 2 sc, (2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc) twice, slip st in next sc: 20 sts, Row 5: Ch 1, tum; skip first slips, sc in next 5 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 4 se, slip st in next sc, leave last 8 sc unworked: 12 sts. Row 6: Ch 1, tum; ship first slip st, sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 4 sc, slip st in same sc as next slip st on Row 4: 14 sts. Row 7: Ch 1, turn; skip first slip st, sc in next 6 se. 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 6 sc, slip st in same sc as next sip st on Row 4: 15 sts. Row 8: Ch 1, tun; skip first sip st, sc in next 3 se. 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 6 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc, sc in next ch and in next 8 sc: 25 sts, Row 9: Do not turn; sc in next ch and in next 8 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 8 sc, slip st in next sc, leave remaining 7 sc unworked: 20 sts. Row 10: Ch 1, turn; skip frst stip st, sein next 6 sc, 2 sc in next se, sc in next 5 sc, 2 sc in next se, sc in next 6 sc, slip st in next sc: 22 sts. Row 11: Ch 1, tum; skip first sip st, se in next 10 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 10 se. Rnd 1: Do not turn; sc in next ch and in next 6 sc, sc in next ch and in next 4 sc, (2 sc in next se, 3 in next 5 sc) 3 times; do mot join, place marker: 38 sc, Rnd 2: Sc in each se around; slip st in next se, finish off leaving a long end for sewing, Using photo as guide for placement, sew large ‘opening of Leg to Body, positioning Legs to point and curve forward so that when Sylvester stands, he is leaning forward. Instructions continued on page 10, FOOT (Make 2) SOLE Rnd 1 Right sid and leaving a long end for sewing, ch 2, 8 sc in second ch from hook; join with slip st to first se Rad 2: Ch 1, sc in first sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in next sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc, 3 sc in last s¢; join with slip st to first sc: 14 sc Bands 3-5: Ch 1, sc in each se around working 3 sc in center sc of each 3-s¢ group; join with sip st to fist sc: 32 se Finish off, INSTEP With White, ch 14; join with slip st to form a ring, Rnd 1 (Right side): Ch 1, sc in first 2 chs, 3 se in next ch, sc in next 3 chs, 3 sc in next ch, sc in next 2 chs, 2 sc in next ch, sc in next 2 chs, 3 sc in next ch, sc in last ch; join with stip st to first sc: 21 sc Rnd 2: Ch 1, se in first 3 sc. sc in next se, se in next 5 se, 3 sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc each of next 2 sc, sc in next 3 sc, 3 sc in next sc, Sc in last 2 sc; join with slip st to first se: 29 se. Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in first 4 sc, 3 sc in next se, sc in next 7 sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in sein next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next ‘sc in next se, $c in Jast 3 sc; join with slip st Rad 4: Ch 1, sci each sc around; join with slip st Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in first 19 sc, decrease 5 times, sc in last 8 sc; join with slip st to first sc, finish off leaving a long end for sewing: 32 sc. With beginning yarn end on Sole, sew opening closed, Holding pieces with wrong sides together and matching stitches, sew outside edges of Instep ar Sole together. Stuff Foot firmly with polyester fiberfil. Sew opening at Instep closed, gathering sts across top of Foot behind toes area To shape toes, thread yarn needle with cut ends of a doubled strand of Black. Using photo as a guide for stitch placement, insert needle through Sole at first toe and go straight through Foot and out Instep, palling yarn until loop protrudes from Foot, Bring yarn over top of Foot forming toes and insert needle through loop; pull tightly. Insert needle back: through Sole on outside of loop to secure and bring needle out at second toe on Sole. Bring yarn over Foot and insert needle through Instep and go straight through Foot and out Sole at same point; poll tightiy. Take a couple of very small stitches to secure; insert needle inside the Foot and push it out the bottom so the yam does not show; cut the end lose to the Foot. Stuff Legs firmly with polyester fiberfil. With Black. and using photo as guide for placement, sew Foot to Leg adding more polyester fiberiil firmly to Leg before closing; wrap Black around seam 3 or 4 times to slightly indent and shape ankle; secure 10 RIGHT ARM LOWER ARM With Black, ch 10; join with slip st to form a ring, Rand 1 (Right side) Ch 1, sc in each ch around: do not join, place marker: 10 sc Rnds 2-6: Sc in each sc around. ELBOW Row 1: 2 Sc in next sc, sip st in next sc, leave remaining 8 sc unworked Row 2: Ch 1, turn; skip first slip st, sc in next 3 sc, slip st in next se: 4 sts. Row 3: Ch 1, turn; skip first slip st, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc, sc in same sc on Rnd 6 as next slip st, slip st in next sc: 6 sts. Row 4: Ch 1, turn; skip first slip st, sc in next 5 sc, sc in same sc on Row 6 next slip st, slip st in next sc: 7 sts Row 5: Ch 1, tur; skip first slip st, sc in next 6 se, sc in same sc on Row 6 as next slip st, sip st in next sc: 8 sts. Row 6: Ch 1, turn; skip first slip st, sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc, slip st in same se on Row 6 as next slip st: 9 sts Row 7: Ch 1, tur; skip first slip st, sc in next 7 se, skip next sc, slip st in same sc on Row 6 as next sip st: 8 sts. Row 8: Ch 1, turn; skip first slip st, se in next 7 sc, slip st in same sc on Row 6 as next slip st; do not finish off: 8 sts, UPPER ARM Rad 1: Ch 1, turn; skip first slip st, sc in next 7 sc Sc in next ch and in next 3 sc on Rnd 6, sc in next cch; do not join, place marker: 12 sc. Rnds 2-5: Sc in each sc around; do not finish off SHOULDER Row 1: Sc in next 4 sc, siip st in next sc, leave remaining 7 sc unworked. Rows 2-5: Ch 1, t 4 sc, slip st in next sc. skip first slip st, sc in next Finish off leaving a long end for sewing LEFT ARM Work same as Right Arm through Upper Arm, SHOULDER Row 1: Sc in next 10 sc, slip st in next sc, leave last sc unworked. Rows 2-4: Ch 1, tur; skip first slip st, sc in next sc, slip st in next sc Finish off leaving a long end for sewing, Instructions continued on page 12. " HAND (Make 2) With White, ch 10; join with slip st to form a zing, Rad 1 (Right side): Ch 1, sc in each ch around; join with slip st to first se: 10 se. Rad 2: Ch 10 (for thumb), (sip st, ch 1, $0) in same sc, sc in each sc and in each ch around; join with slip st to first se: 20 se. Rad 3: Ch 1, sc in first 4 sc, 2 sc in each of next 2 sc, sc in last 14 sc; join with slip st to first sc: 22 se. Rad 4: Ch 1, sc in first 5 sc, 2 sc in each of next 2 sc, sc in next 6 sc, skip next 8 sc, sc in last sc; join with slip st to first sc: 16 se Rad 5: Ch 1, sc in first 6 sc, 2 sc in each of next 2 se, sc in next 6 sc, 2 sc in each offlast 2 sc; join with slip st to first se: 20 se. Rnds 6 and 7: Ci 1, sc in each sc around join with slip st to first sc. Finish off leaving a long end for sewing FINISHING HAND Sew sides of thumb together. Flatten Rnd 7, with thumb towards side. Sew center 4 sts of Rnd 7 together, then gather 6 sts at ‘each end of seam; secure yarn. Stuff Hand firmly with polyester fiber 2 To shape fingers, thread yarn needle with cut ends) cof a doubled strand of Black. Using photo as a guide for stitch placement, insert needle through back of Hand at first finger and go straight through Hand and out palm pulling yarn until loop protrudes from Hand, Bring yarn over top of Hand and insert needle through loop: pull tightly. Insert needle back through back of Hand on outside of loop to secure and bring needle out at second finger on back of Hand, Bring yarn over top of Hand and insert needle through palm and go straight through Hand and out back of Hand at same point; pull tight ‘Take a couple of very sinall stitches fo secure; insert needle inside the Hand and push it out so the yarn does not show; cut the end close to the Hand, ‘Sew Arms to Body at Shoulders, placing Elbows ppointing back With Bleck, sew Hands to Arms, positioning thumbs facing up; wrap Black around wrist 3 or 4 times to slightly indent and shape wrist; secure yarn. TAIL With Black and leaving a long end for sewing, ch 11; join with slip st to form a ring. Rnd 1 (Right side): Ch 1, sc in each ch around; do not join, place marker: 11 sc Rnds 2-25: Sc in each sc around, Rnd 26: Sc in each sc around; slip st in next se, finish off Rad 27: With right side facing, join White with sc in slip st; sc in each sc around: 11 sc Rnds 28 and 29: Sc in each sc around, Rnds 30-34: Decrease, sc in each sc around: 650. Finish off. Sew Tail to Body even with top of Legs, adding polyester fiberfill as needed. HEAD Rnd 1 (Right side)z With Black, ch 2, 4 sc in second ch from hook; do not join, place marker. Rnd 2: 2 Sc in each sc around: 8 se. Rnd 3: (2 Sc in next sc, sc in next sc) around 2s. Rnd 4: (2 Sc in next sc, sc in next 2 s<) around: 16 . Rnd 5: Sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next se, (sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next se) 3 times, sc in next sc: 20 se Rnd 6: (2 Sc in next sc, sc in next 4 sc) around: 24 se. Rnd 7: Sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next se, (sc in next 5 sc, 2sc in next sc) 3 times, sc in next 3 sc: 28 sc Rnd 8: (2 Sc in next se, sc in next 6 sc) around: 32 sc. Rnd 9: Sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next se, (sc in next 7 sc, 2 sc in next sc) 3 times, sc in next 4 se: 36 se. Rnds 10-13: Sc in each sc around. Rnd 14: (Decrease, sc in next 4 sc} around: 30 sc. Rnd 15: Sc in next 2 sc, decrease, (sc in next 3 sc, decrease) 5 times, sc in next sc: 24 sc. Rnd 16: (Decrease, sc in next 2 sc) around: 18 sc. Rnd 17: (Se in next sc, decrease] around: 12 sc Rnd 18: Sc in each sc around; slip st in next sc, finish off leaving long end for sewing Stuff Head firmly with polyester fiberfil. Big FURRY CHEEKS (Make 2) Rnd 1 (Right side}: With White, ch 2, 6 se in second ch from hook; do net join, place marker. Rnd 2: (2 Sc in next sc, sc in next sc) around: 9 sc. Rnd 3: (2 Sc in next sc, sc in next 2 se) around: 12 se. Rnd 4: (2 Sc in next sc, sc in next 3 se) around: 15 se. Rnd 5: Sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next se, (se in next 4'sc, 2 sc in next sc) twice, sc in next 2 se: 18 se. Rnd 6: (2 Sc in next se. sc in next 5 se) around: 21 se. Rnd 7: Sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, (sc in next 6 sc, 2 sc in next sc) twice, sc in next 4 sc: 24 se. Rnd 8: (2 Sc in noxt sc, sc in next 7 se) around: 27 se. Rnd 9: Sc in each sc around. Row 1: Ch 1, tum; sc in first 8 sc, leave remaining 19 se unworked. Row 2: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 6 sc, 2 scin last sc: 10 sc. Rows 3-5: Ch 1, turn: 2 sc in first se, sc in each sc across to last sc, 2 sc in last se: 16 sc. Border: Ch 1, turn; sc in each se across, skip next 4 sc on Rnd 9, sc in next 11 sc, skip last 4 sc; join with slip st to first sc, finish off leaving a long end for sewing, Sew 4 skipped stitches on each side to end of rows. Instructions continued on page 14. MUZZLE ight side}: With White, ch 2, 6 se in second ch from hook; do not join, place marker, Rad 2: 2 Sc in each sc around: 12 se. Rnd 3: (2 Sc in next sc, sc in next se) around: 18 sc. Rnd 4: (2 Sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc) around: 24 sc. Rad 5: Sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, (sc in next 3 se, 2 sc in next sc) 5 times, sc in next sc: 30 sc. Rad 65 Sc in each sc around. Row 1: Sc in next 12 sc, leave remaining 18 sc unworked. Row 2: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 10 sc, 2 sc in next se: 14 sc. Row 3: Ch 1, turn;2 sc in first s across to last sc, 2 sc in last se: 1 sc in each se Row 4: Ch 1, tum; se in each se across Rows 5 and 6: Ch 1, turn; decrease, sin each se across to last 2 se, decrease: 12 se. Finish off. Sew ends of Rows 1-3 to 3 sc on each side of Rnd 6 leaving 12 se unjoined. Border: With right side facing, skip first 10 se on Rnd 6 of Muzale and join White with slip st in next sc; S¢ in next sc and in same sc as joining; sc in end. ‘of next 3 rows; sc in next sc, 2 sc in gach of next 10 sc, sc in last sc; sc in end of next 3 rows; s¢ in same sc as joining and in next sc; sip st in next sc, leave remaining 8 sc unworked; finish off leaving Jong end for sewing. 4 NOSE With Red, ch 4. Rnd 1 (Right side}: Sc in second ch from hook and in next ch, 3 sc in last ch; working in free loops of beginning ch (Fig. 1, page 35), sc in next ch, 2 se in next ch; join with slip st to first sc: 8 sc. Rnd 2: Ch 1, 2 scin first sc, sc in next sc, 2 so in each of next 3 sc, sc in next sc, 2 sc in each of ast 2 sc; join with slip st to first se: 14 sc. Rad 3: Ch 1, 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 3 se, 2 in next sc, sc in next 2 sc, 2 se in next se, sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in last 2 sc; join with slip st to first sc: 18 sc. Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in first 7 sc, 2 sc in next sc, cin each sc around to last sc, 2 5c in last se: Join with: slip st to first sc: 20 sc. Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in each se around; join with slip st to first sc, finish off leaving a long end for sewing, EARS INSIDE EAR With White, ch 7 Row 1 (Right side}: Sc in second ch from hook and in next 4 chs, 3 sc in last ch; working in free loops of beginning ch, sc in next 5 chs; do not join, finish off. OUTSIDE EAR With Black, work same as for Inside Ear; do mot. finish of, Row 2 (Joining row): Ch 1, turn; with wrong sides of both pieces together and working through both thicknesses, sc in each sc actos; finish off leaving a Jong end for sewing, HEAD ASSEMBLY Stuff Muzzle firmly with polyester fiberfl ‘Sew Muzzle to Head, lining up end of flap with neck edge. Stuff Fury Cheeks firmly with polyester fiberfill Sew Furry Cheeks to side of Muzzle with points facing doum; sew Furry Checks to Head lining up bottom curve with neck edge. Sew Nose to top of Muzzle, stuffing firmly with polyester fiberfil before closing. Fold bottom edge of Ears almost in half. With Black and using photo as a quide for placement, sew across bottom fold, then sew Ears to Head. To form mouth, thread yarn needle with cut ends of a doubled strand of White. Insert needle at one side of Muzdle at end of Border and go straight through Muzle and emerge at opposite point on other side, pulling yarn until loop protrudes from Muzzle, Bring yarn around between Row 6 and Border where there is a definite smile line and insert needle through loop; pull tightly. Insert needle back through Muzzle on outside of loop to secure and bring needle out at center of Muzzle just under Nose. Insert needle under center of “smile” forming split sections of cat's upper lip and bring needle out at same point; pall tightly. Use tip of needle to adjust polyester fiberfill as needed. Take a couple of very small slitches to secure insert needle inside the Muzzle and push it out so the yarn does not show; cut the end close to Muzzle EYE PATTERNS Black — White FINISHING ‘Trace Eye patterns and cut 2 pieces of each pattern from felt. Using photo as guide, give White Eyes to Head; glue Black pupils to the White Eyes, placing one slightly higher than the other. Sew Head to Body with Head almost looking upward — this will make Sylvester look straight ahead as he leans forward Cut 6 pieces of plastic animal whiskers or wire, each 2" (5 crn) long. Insert whiskers into face For hair tuft, cut four 4” (10 cm) strands of Black; Using a crochet hook, insert strands through stitch at top of Head, between Ears; tie a knot Trim ends to 1" (2.5 em); fray yarn slightly Buvés Bunny Em premneoiare Finished Size: 19" (48.5 cm) GAUGE: 16 sc and 16 rows = 4" (10 em) Gauge Swatch: 4" (10 cm) square With Grey, ch 17. Row 1: Sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across: 16 sc. Rows 2-16: Ch 1, turn; sc in cach sc across. Finish off. CROTCH With Grey, ch 6. Row 1 (Wrong sides Se in second ch from hook and in each ch across: 5 sc Note: Loop a short piece of yarn around back of any stitch on Row 1 to mark right side. Rows 2.4: Ch 1, tum; sc in each sc across Finish off 16 FIRST LEG r With Grey and leaving a long end for sewing, ch 1 join with slip st to form a ring. Rnd 1 (Right side): Ch 1, sc in each ch around; do not join, place marker (see Markers, page 35): Tse. Rnds 2-12: Sc in each sc around. Rnd 13: Sc in each sc around; slip st in next sc, finish off. SECOND LEG ‘Work same as First Leg through Rnd 12. Rnd 13: Sc in each se around: do not finish off; continue to mark beginning of rnd. BODY Rad 1 (Joining rnd}s Sc in next 4 sc; with right side ‘of Crotch facing, sc in each se across Row 4; with rright side of First Leg facing, sc in same st as slip st_ and in next 3 sc, 2 sc in each of next 2 se, sc in next sc, 2 se in next sc, leave remaining 3 sc unworked; ‘working in free loops of beginning ch on Croteh (Fig. 1, page 35), 2 sc in first ch, (sc in next ch, 2 sc in next ch) twice; skip next 3 sc on Second Leg. 2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc, 2 sc in each of next 2 se: 35 se. Rad 2: Ch 1, sc in each se around. Rnd 3: [Decrease (see Sc Decrease, page 35), in next 9 sc] twice, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc, 2 sein next sc, sc in next 9 sc: 35 sc. Rads 4-10: Sc in each se around Rnd 11: Sc in next 15 sc, decrease 10 times: 25 se. Rnds 12 and 13: Sc in each sc around. Rnd 14: Decrease, sc in each se around: 24 se, Instructions continiied on page 18. 7 Rad 15: Sc in each sc around, Rnd 16: Sc in next 11 se, decrease, sc in each se around: 23 sc. Rad 17: Sc in ach sc around }: Decrease, sc in each sc around: 22 se. in each se around. Rnd 20: Sc in next 10 sc, decrease, sc in each se around: 21 sc Rad 21: S in each se around. Rnd 22: Decrease, sc in each se around: 20 sc. Rad 23: Sc in each sc around. Rand 24: (Sc in next sc, decrease) 6 times, sc in next 2 sc; sip st in next sc, finish off leaving a long end for sewing: 14 sts ‘Sew sides of Crotch to 3 unworked stitches on each Leg, Stuff Body and Legs firmly with polyester fiberfil, rounding bottom area. FOOT (Make 2) SOLE With White, ch 10. Rnd 1 (Right side): Se in second ch from hook and in next 7 chs, 5 sc in last ch; working in free loops cof beginning ch, sc in next 7 chs, 2 sc in next ch; join with slip st to first sc: 22 sc. Note: Mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rad 2: Ch 1, sc in first 8 sc, 2 hdc in each of next 5 sc, sc in next 8 sc, 3 sc in last sc; join with sip st to first sc: 29 sts, Rad 3: Ch 1, so in first 7 sc, hdc in next 2 sts, 2 hde in next hde, (hdc in next hde, 2 hde in next Ihde) 4 times, had in next sc, sc in next 8 sc, 3 sc in next se, sc in last se; join with sip st to first sc: 30 sts. Rad 4: Ch 1, sc in first 7 sc, hde in next hde, 2 hde in next hde, (hdc in next 2 hde, 2 hde in next hdc) 5 times, hae in next sc, sc in next 8 sc, 2 sc in each of next 2 sc, sc in last sc; join with slip st to first sc: 44 sts, Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in each st around; join with slip st to first sc, finish off. INSTEP With Grey, ch 6. Row 1 (Right side}: Sc in second ch from hook and in cach ch across: 5 se. ‘Note: Mark Row 1 as right side. Rows 2-5: Ch 1, tum; sc in each sc across. Row 6: Ch 1, tum; 2 sc in first so, sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in lst sc: 7 sc Rows 7 and 8: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. Row 9: Ch 1, tur; sc in first 2 se, hdc in next 3 se, sc in last 2 sc. Row 10: Ch 1, turn; sc in first sc, hde in next 5 sis, last se. Rnd th 1, turn; sc in first se, hdc in next 5 hde, Sc in last sc; sc in end of each row across; working in free loops of beginning ch, sc in next 5 chs; sc in end of each row across; join with slip st to first sc: 32 sts. Rad 2: Ch 1, do not tum; 2 se in fist sc, sc in next 5 hde, 2 sc in next sc, sc in each sc around; join with slip st to first sc, finish off: 34 sc. TOES Row 1: With right side of Instep facing, join White with se in same st as joining (see Joining With ‘Se, page 35). sc in noxt 8 sc, leave remaining 25 sc unworked: 9 se. Row 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in first 2 sc, 2 sc in each of next 5 sc, sc in last 2 sc: 14 se. Rows 3-6: Ch 1, tum; sc in each sc across. we Row 7: Ch 1, turn; sc in first 2 sc, decrease 5 times, sc in last 2 se: 9 sc. Border: Ch 1, do not turn; work 5 sc evenly spaced across end of rows; sc in each s¢ around Instep; work 5 se evenly spaced across end of rows on Toes; sc in each sc across Row 7; join with slip st to first sc, finish off leaving a long end for sewing: 44 sc. FINISHING FOOT With wrong sides together and matching stitches, sew Instep and Toes to Sole, stuffing Foot firmly wath polyester fiberfil before closing. To form indent on Sole, thread yarn needle with a double strand of Whit. Insert needle through top of Instep at center of Row 4 (area where Leg will be joined) and go straight through Foot and out Sole, move over a couple of stitches and insert needle back through Foot. Pull all vam ends tight to forrn indent and tie ends in a double knot. Trim ends to about 1" (2.5 cm) which will be hidden in Leg To shape toes, thread yarn needle with cut ends of a doubled strand of Black. Using photo as a quide for stitch placement, insert needle through Sole at first toe, and go straight through Foot and out top of Toes palling yarn until loop protrudes from bottom of Foot. Bring yarn over Foot, and insert needle through loop; pull tightly forming toes. Insert needle back through Sole on outside of loop to secure and bring needle out at second toe on Sole. Bring yarn ‘over Fool, and insert needle through top of Toes and go straight through Foot and out Sole at same point: pl tightiy forming tocs. Take a couple of very small Stitches to secure; insert needle inside the Foot and push it out the bottom so the yarn does not show; ut the end close to the Foot ‘Sew bottom of Legs to Instep (over kot), adding extra polyester fiber to Legs as needed before dosing. TUMMY ‘With White, ch 3. Row 1: Sc in second ch from hook and in lest ch: Qe. w Row 2 (Right side): Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in each se: 4 se ‘Note: Mark Row 2 as right side and top edge. Rows 3 and 4: Ch 1, tum; sc in each sc across. Row 5: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 2 se, 2 sc in last se: 6 sc. Rows 6-9: Ch 1, turn; sc in each se across. Row 10: Ch 1, tum; 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in last sc: 8 se. Rows 11-16: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. Row 17: Ch 1, tum; 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 6 sc, 2 sc in last se: 10 sc. Rows 18-20: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc actoss. Row 21: Ch 1, tum; decrease, sc in next 6 sc, decrease: 8 sc. Row 22: Ch 1, tur; sc in each se across. Row 23: Ch 1, tum; decrease, sc in next 4 sc, decrease: 6 sc. Instructions continued on page 20.

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