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The Real Superhero

“There lived an 11-year-old orphan named,

Alex. He dreamed of going to school and being
dressed in uniform, all neat and clean. He
would always pray to God for a chance to go to
school. One day, a mechanic saw him at the
railway station. He offered him a job in his
mechanic shop. He was told to do the works.
He would always watch the children of his age
go to school from the nearby bus stand. Many
months passed by. He was contended with what
he had; but he had one wish left. His boss gave
him some money on his 12th birthday. He ran to
the shop and bought himself a new shirt and a
drink. One day, he noticed an elderly woman in
the bus stand trying to cross the road to reach
the church. He went and helped her. This
became a usual routine for him to help that
elderly woman. They became friends. And one
day he told his last wish that he wants to go to
school. The elderly woman told that she would
pray for that to happen.
After few days, some people came to the
mechanic shop and called out for Alex. He came
and was told that they were the sons of that
elderly woman and had come for offering him
to study in a nearby school. He couldn’t control
his happiness. Alex thanked them and went
back to work dreaming of his first day of
school. Next day, he dressed up and went to
school. He was very happy.

Today, he is the IAS officer of his district. He

often visits the elderly woman and is very
dedicated to her.” ,said IAS Officer Alex during
his welcome speech.

Moral: “SUPERHERO” doesn’t mean having

superpowers but having a heart filled with


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