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# 16 Ar. SHEEJA

"Behold, my brothers, the spring has come. The earth s

received the 
embraces of the sun and we shall soon see the results of
that love! Every 
seed is awakened and so has all animal life. It is through
this mysterious 
power that we too have our being and we therefore yield
to our neighbors, 
even our animal neighbors, the same right as ourselves
to inhabit this land. 
My love of our native soil is wholly mystical."
- Chief Sitting Bull (Tatanka Iyotaka), Hunkpapa Sioux (1831-

We stand on planet which is losing its natural ultra violet

radiation blanket -the ozonosphere. We stand on a planet where

carbon which was slowly locked in the earth over millions of years

is released into the atmosphere as C02 at a rate unprecedented. We

Hand on a planet with erratic and capricious weather because of the

explosive fossil fuel dissipation into the systems which in turn has

resulted in more storms and intense precipitation. We stand on a

planet where large parcels of coastal land that we see today

including major cities, could go under water in a relatively

shorter time. And if we continue to stand ignoring these serious

signals, then it is only a matter of time that this planet would not

be there for us to stand on.

Our conventional design and construction methods produce
buildings that have all negative impact on the environment as
well as occupant health and productivity, building construction
consumes approximately 25% of the virgin wood and 40% of the raw
stone, gravel and sand used, 17% of the fresh water withdrawals,
54% of energy used and 50% of fossil fuels consumed on this
planet In recent years, an increasing amount of attentions has been
given to minimizing these adverse environmental impacts in building
projects, often Called "green building"

Us architects and builders we have a great responsibility in ensuring that

green principles be actually being applied rather than just being

paid lip service as the construction industry accounts for most of

the environmental impacts.

Moreover with the recent failure of the global political domain, to
bring all the nations under one roof and a few of them with laws
and mutual agreements unto green concepts, the burden of
The present situation in Kerala is also the same way that it is in
need of new concepts like green buildings. And to the
applicability of these concepts in Kerala, where the tradition of
buildings was always a climatic responsive and environmentally
friendly .it is really shameful that such green thoughts which on
the way of improvised technology are not brought into practice
And yet at this precarious threshold, it is indeed a pity that green
buildings and green concepts are still matter of speculation and
much debate in today's learned world, it is indeed high time that we
break free from our nonchalance and take up green concepts and
its implementation on a war footing to compensate the colossal
damage already inflicted.
To study the relevance of green architecture in traditional
buildings of Kerala

• Detailed study on green architecture and its different
• Study on kerala architecture and comparing its
parameters with those of green buildings
• To formalize green building technologies and standards
that can be incorporated in the present situation for
propagating principles of green buildings


Our present design and construction methods produce
buildings that have a negative impact on the environment as
well as occupant health and productivity. These buildings are
expensive to operate and contribute to excessive resource
consumption, waste generation, and pollution.
An increasing amount of attention has been given to
minimizing these adverse environmental impacts in building
projects as green buildings.As green architecture is a vast topic
the study is limited to Kerala context.

Understanding Green architecture in general based on data
collection , literature review and live casestudies.
Understanding the efficiency of these buildings and comparing
it with traditional kerala architecture
Comparing the efficiency of these architecture and the
relationship between them
Formulating green building principles to be practiced in Kerala

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