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Marketing Research Case Exercise

Sales process and sales strategy differ from one industry to another industry. In any industry,
the brand name also plays a key in role in the sales process. The salespeople who work in the
sound brand are expected to follow a different process to improve their performance
compared to an unsound brand. In this study, the brand is referred to as a brand name. The
objective is framed to measure the impact of the brand name on the sales performance of the
full-time insurance agents. For measuring sales performance, the study considers factors like
the number of policies closed last year, collected premium amount of newly closed policies
last year and commission received for the new policies closed last year. After analyzing the
influence of relationship selling behavior on sales performance, this objective explores the
influence of brand on the sales performance of the full-time agents of both brands.

Influence of brand on the premium collected in 2015

Chi-Square Tests
  Value DoF SIG Value
Pearson Chi-Square 44.065 4 .000
Likelihood Ratio 46.938 4 .000
Linear-by-Linear Association 29.778 1 .000
Number of Valid Cases 380    

Please interpret the above table and develop hypothesis statements and interpret
the statements and explain how these statements will be helpful in decision

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