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Instapoetry is 

a style of written poetry that emerged as a result of social media. Instapoetry is written specifically for being shared
online, most commonly on Instagram, but also other platforms including Twitter, Tumblr, and TikTok. what makes these poems
popular is that, in a way, these written words serve as catharsis. Again, Instapoetry holds a mirror to ourselves, and with its
straightforwardness puts into words feelings we would otherwise be unable to make sense of.

Why is Instapoetry popular? - Instagram is a social media app on which users share all sorts of photos, be it selfies, photos with
families and friends, or shots of landscapes and nice views. The poems that are displayed go hand in hand with the feel of the
platform: they are short, simple, relatable and aesthetically pleasing. Indeed, Rupi Kaur’s poem is even accompanied by a sketch.

While Instapoetry could potentially represent the revival of poetry as a popular art form, it has also received backlash for being an
inferior form of poetry.

What type of poetry does Rupi Kaur use?

She writes in the style of “confessional poetry,” which is when the first-person speaker relates her own thoughts and experiences.
Her work is not difficult to understand, but that should not be considered a flaw. Kaur also utilizes visual art in her poems, which are
her owndrawings.

Lord Byron. Born in 1788, Lord Byron was a poet and a prominent figure of the Romantic Movement in early 19th century England.
Famous for his unconventional and adventurous lifestyle as well as for the emotional and technical brilliance of his literary works,
Byron fascinated his contemporaries and is often considered to be the first modern celebrity.
Don Juan.
I want a hero: an uncommon want,
When every year and month sends forth a new one,
Till, after cloying the gazettes with cant,
The age discovers he is not the true one;
Of such as these I should not care to vaunt,
I’ll therefore take our ancient friend Don Juan—
We all have seen him, in the pantomime,
Sent to the devil somewhat ere his time.

Mainstream Social media Backlash Depth and Collection Resistance Self-

Similarity The internet substance Best-seller publishing

Charlie Cox: “You put that sh*t on ……………………….., and you’re not a writer, you’re a blogger, or you’re an insta
journalist, or you’re an instapoet, or you’re a tweeter. And suddenly that diminishes all sense of form of what you’re
doing. I think that if anyone had had the platform that we have now, they’d be doing exactly the same thing. I’m gonna
take pride in being an instapoet, and – if that’s what you wanna do, f*cking do it. ‘Cause you can!”.
Ariel Bissett: If journalists and critics are our gage, poetry might be dead. Poets using ……………………………………..,
instapoets, are swooping in and in a matter of years completely dismantling our understanding of poetry. Instagram
poetry lacks ………………………………………………. Are instapoets destroying the art form or reviving it? This quiz is proof Rupi
Kaur writes bad poetry. It isn’t a new sentiment. How many times has the internet or the damned millennials using the
internet killed something? Napkins, real estates and now, poetry. There is ……………………………………… and pushback, and I
think the reason for it is that suddenly, poetry is popular again.
Adam Hammond: “Yeah, the first ………………………………… in English literature was a poet, it was Byron, he sold tons of
copies. That kind of avant-guard poets, they hated that stuff and they thought it was too …………………………………..,
middle-class, like… traditional, conventional values, so they rejected it and they couldn’t get their like badass poetry into
those magazines, so they started their own magazines, which is awesome. That’s why ………………………………………. is
exciting. When you can do something on your own, you can do it differently and better. Reaching a massive audience,
selling lots of copies, this is crazy, it’s… it hasn’t happened in like a century.”
Ariel Bissett: Is Rupi Kaur the new Byron? It sounds like a crazy question but perhaps has some truth or some
………………………………………….. in it. She sold out a world tour, she has posters, billboard size, all over bookstores in north
America and she has sold 3.5 million copies of her ……………………………………. I wanted to learn more about this, I wanted
to learn more about the community, understand why we have this ……………………………………….. to it and to figure out if
poetry is indeed, dead, or if it has somehow been made cool again.

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