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Or iN, OT a ‘_ 27 Contents jal Module Feature —____ Spe 11 She-Rampage! — by Susan Lawson and Tom Robertson, For the first time POLYHEDRON" Newszine presents a full feature module for the MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ Game! Play one of six super-powered women out to avenge their honor Characters are included. Features _ Spells” series offers a whole new categ ment of “New Rogues Gallery campaign, try these five dwarves, 27 Ga mma Mars: About the Cover Departments ‘This isue's cover depicts the Thorinson 6 Dominion Spells — by Jon Pickens. This issue's installment of the “Un xy of magicwuser spells, 8 The Thorinson Clan of Yentam — by Skip Olsen, Our cover story is another instal: 24 Alignment Theory — by Robert DesJardins a new light on character alignment in the AD&D® Game The Attack! — by James M. Ward. ‘on Mars. Enter the natives! ficial New Iryou need few interesting personalities for your This pseudo-mathematical model puts The Humans and Luntarians Advice on dealing with problem Errol Farstad. A review of the King Arthur Pendragon Clan of Yentam, a family of dwarven player _5 Notes From HQ — by Penny Petticord characters developed and played by mem. 26 Dispel Confusion — by Penny Peticord. ber Skip Olsen and his fellow gamers. For 28 Fletcher's Corner — by Michael Preytarski detailed descriptions, ace the “New Rogue players Gallery” article on page 8. Cover at by 30 ‘The Critical Hit — b Raupp. Game POLYHEDRON® Newazine (the official newale are 620 per year (aurlace wal) or $30 per year of TSR, Ine’+ ROLE PLAYING GAM (Gis tal) Al prices ae mje fo change wit ASSOCIATION" Network) i published Bi nt notice. Changes of address forthe delivery of ‘monthly by TSR, Inc. The maling address for membership materials mutt be received at least ul correspondence i: PO, Box 509, Lake 90 days prior ic the eecive dae of the change Geneva, WI 53147, Telephone: (418) 246-9625, insure uninterruped delivery POLYHEDRON Newarine is mailed fre all RPGA® metnbers, US membership rates are $12 POLYHEDRON Newssie welcomes unsli Svar of ice wales and arts assumed bythe publisher in ny event. No submissions will be recarned ness accompanied by aselFaddresed, stamped envelope of sale Unless special arrangements to the contrary are made prior to publication, materials submitted ‘he Publisher (or publication in POLYHEDRON, Newssine ae aetpted solely upon the condition thatthe material may’ be edited and published in POLYHEDRON Newssine o used in RPGA* [Network snctioned tournaments, conventions, fd events without cox to the Puliher. Al other publication rights may be reserved by the author xcept that, upon publication, the Pablisher ranted a fist right of rfl t purchase any and all sich publication right offered for sale by NEWSZINE Volume 5, Number 6 Issue #27 alor: Penny Peuicord Contributing Editors ‘Suan Lawson, "Toa Robertson Production the autor. Solely for purposes of submissions for ae ae publication in POLYHEDRON Newazine and Roger Rawpp rated a nonexchatve ight se TER copy Calbabe cis Fighted material with proper acknowledgement however any mse of ach copyrighted material in the aubmustion beyoad the newsrne without "TSR's futher prior written approvals prob Ta the event an ate wubmitte for publica sion in POLYHEDRON™ Nevszine contains Jell Baler Jim Holloway Mace Bullpen Ret Rare ‘material copyrighted by TSR, Ine make it impraci we those Iaterials from the submission, TSR wil resin opyrigh ownership ofthe article upon submis Son for publistion However I TSR makes use of the materials pstained inthe a ny pr mercial purpote beyond RPGA™ Network use ‘TSR will pay the author the them current fe for such prodct or purpose Allleters addressed 10 the RPGA™ Network or 10 TSR, Ine, wl be conadered as submasions tnd may be printed in whole or in part at the Alscrerion ofthe editor unless the sender specif tally request heriae in writing Unless otherwite stated, the opinions expresed in POLYHEDRON Newicine are those of the individual author, and do not reflect the opi TSR, Inc. the RPGA Network, or is stall DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, ADVANCED D&D, ADED, ROOT HILL, GAMMA WORLD, TOP SECRET, DRAGON. and STAR FRONTIERS are registered trade ‘marks owned by TSR, Inc. “TM designates + trademarks owned by TSR, In. unless rie indicated. ROLE PLAYING GAME ASSOCIATION, RPGA, and GEN CON are service marks owned by TSR, Ine. MARVEL SUPER HEROES, SECRET WARS, and all Marvel characters are trademarks ofthe Marvel (Comics Group. THE ADVENTURES OF INDIANA JONES™ Game is Reserved FSR, Inc. AM Righis Issue 227 Notes From HO News for December this is your first issue of POLYHEDRON™ Newszine, I'd like 0 {ake this opportunity to welcome you to the RPGA™ Network, The newszine is Your means of communication with over 9,000 other gamers worldwide, Init, we publish articles donated by members, ‘lub news, official rulings on game-related questions, and tourna ment modules. Ifyou have an idea that you woul like to share ‘with the rest ofthe Network, write it up and send ito HQ. This is ‘your chance to speak out! White Rabbits “Oh deat! Oh dear! I shall be to late!” “Now, here, you se, it takes all the running you can do, 10 keep in the same place. Ifyou want to get somewhere else, you tus run a¢ Teast twice as fast as that!” = Lewis Carroll In che early days of the Network, before the newszine even had a name, a column entitled “White Rabbits” appeared whenever promised items were delayed in production. This time our white Fabbits are the newszine (which sill in’t on schedule despite our best efforts) and the membership directory. The latest snag withthe directory is that though we now have a computer program capable of pulling the necessary information out ir membership files and feeding it directly othe typesetter some oft comes through garbled. We have ta correct each such problem by hand, since the eause is different in each case. As for the Newszine, blame that delay on the fact that we believe in giving you quality merchandise for your money, so we won't let anything ‘out until it meets the standards. ‘This sometimes takes a litle extra time, but we feel that it's worth i ‘Overall, I must admit that many of this past year’s delays have been caused by me alone. That i, they have resulted from the fact that [have been alone at HO, handling the memberships, the rewszine, the tournament program, the purchasing, and all the other aspects of administration by myself, with only a part-time membership director in another department to help. Be Network is service organization and not a profit-making venture, we run the budget very close to the line, keeping staf to a mini- rmurn, But chough we serimp on staff to keep the price of member- ip dawn, we fefuse to scrimp on quality, so the workload does pile ‘up during busy seasons ‘Nowadays, HO and the Convention Services department are working together on both conventions and membership. Shipments ‘of membership packets are already back on schedile thanks to Diane Cocrolt (the new GEN CON® Game Pait coordinator) and Mary Lauderdale (the able part-time assistant), and we should be able to get the newszine back on schedule within the next couple of isgues, (Note that your newseine subseription and your membership ‘may not start and end together, but you will still receive six issues per year of membership, regardless of when your membership Actually expires.) After that, we will be devoting all our efforts to the membership directory, which will be mailed to the entire mem- bership upon its release, inchicing those whose memberships have technically expired in the meantime. “The good news is that our computer i finally being repro grammed to accept experience point data from tournaments, which should make ita whole lor easier to keep you tournament players and judges updated on your progress. Member Ollie Cahoon (TSR, Inc's computer wizard) is working feverishly to complete the new programming. (I guess he wants his tournament points too.) POLYHEDHON GEN CON® 19 Game Fair Convention Services is gearing up for GEN CON 19 Game Fair, and will shorily be sending out letters soliciting events. All RPGA™ members wil gt letters automatically; we know you ate the best land most reliable game masters available. Bur we'd aso like you 10 squeeze in some judging time for the RPGA Network events. you will be attending the convention and would ike to take a turn at judging a Network event, fill aut the form on the inside back cover Jand send it to HO, Do not use chat form to submit your own ‘events; the leter you will receive from the convention department is for that purpose. Hostever, approximate scheduling is given for the [Network events for your convenience, so that you ean try to sched tule your own events around your Network judging slots Please indicate how many time slots (4 hours each) you are will ing to devote to Network events, so that we don't overburden you in scheduling. You can always call HO and request more slots if ‘your own events are turned down for some reason. New “Classes” c player and judge rankings were created to give proper recogni tion to the skied role players who participate in tournaments, But ‘here are others who contribute tothe system as wel. As expert tournament coordinator Rembert Parker pointed out, they aso serve who only ahutle paper. ‘To date, we have awarded judging points to tournament coordinators so that they don’t have to give ‘up all advancement to coordinate an event, But that doesn’t seem fair, since judging is not the service they're really performing. Plus it muddies up the meaning of the rankings, making it impossible to tel from the numbers which individuals are aeually the most skill ful judges, and which are coordinator material T think its time to call an administrator an administrator, and create a separate ranking category for those who deal with the Dreaded Paperwork, from the volunteer scorers and office worker to the tournament coordinators. After al, it aure would be nice f clubs to know who they could call on to help out with their tourna ‘ments, And we at HO appreciate those coordinators. (Try it some time; it's harder than you think), Likewise, there should be recognition for authors who write tournament scenarios and con: tribute them for Network use. The author category could also cover articles written for the newszine T haven't worked out the specs for these proposed “classes” yet Lhecause I'd like to hear some commentary from authors, adminis trators, and plain old members on ths idea. Do you think work, or sit complicating matters too much? Personally I think it ‘would help us to recognize the potential and talents of each individ tial member, and it lets the rest of us know who's especially good With which aspects of the hobby. Afterall, we each have something, to contribute, whether or not we are able to get to a lot of tourna April Fool The annual April Fool issue will be going into production soon. For those of you who have never experienced one before, the April issue is devoted to silly acces, encounters, spells, etc. Afterall, games fare supposed to be fun, so once a year we try to put some levity into the hobby. you have something foolish to contribute, send itn by. March 15, 1986, and we'll ry to inelude it "Til nex issue, Penny Pettcord An Unofficial New Spell Category for Magi by Jon Pickens “Unofficial New Spells” series with rll category: dominion spells. Pre bbe found in issues #22, #24, ‘ious installments of the series ma T have long Flt that the best way to develop a specialized mage is via spell selection within the standard clase, Most spell categories ‘ce. evoeations, alterations, ete.) have enough spells 10 make this workable. However there is one spell that doesn't fit into any group: magie jar. The development of a spell category into which this spell wil fit forms the basis of this installment. ‘The new cate: > which T call dominion, has its roots inthe psionie system, specially the domination discipline. The basic tricks of the mage ‘who specializes in dominion spells inclide controlling the vietimn’s Soluntary muscles and sensory linkages, and finally shifting entie life forces. For campaign play, these spells should be limited to neutral magic-users or evil NPCs, asthe classic practitioner is a Snuron-type, sitting n the middle of his zombie army and secretly pulling strings from alar, The secking and use ofthese spells are Fighly questionable activities for good characters, Empathic Seizure (Dominion) Leve Components: iS Rang Casting Time: 4 segment Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg Area of Effects One creature Explanation/Description mind of a single creature leet This spell enables the easter to seize the and hold its body rigid. To establish the aster must meet the vietim’s gaze (automatic unless the t precautions) "The spel automatically fails against With mare than 6 hit dice (or levels), mindless or unsecing rd by protection from evil If the ttn takes damage while the spells in effec, the caster aso takes ‘damage equal (0 14 of the amount inBicted on the victim due to tempathic shock, The spel ends when the easter ceases concentra tion upon it, takes any damage, of is otherwise disturbed Empathy (Divination) Reversible Level: £ Range: I level Duration: J urn Area of Components: VS Casting Time: 7 segment Saving Throw: None fect: One creature per planation/Description: Tis spel allows the caster to sense the basic needs, drives, and emotions (ie.y hunger thirst, fear, fatigue, pain, uneertainty, rage, hatred, eurisity, hostility, friendliness, love, ete.) of one of mone unshielded sentient minds within range The’ caster may probe one creature or object per round. ‘The spell gives no result fr creatures protected against such detection Lineluding psionic creatures) or emotionless ereatures (eich a8 limes, oozes, jellies, golem, skeletons, zombies, ete). Unlike the ‘eal version, empathy allows the easter to detect the presence of joni ability ina ereature or object, and its relative strength ik, moderate, or strong), The reverse of the spell masks the Empathie Control (Dominion) Level: 2 Components: VS Range: 6” Casting Time: 2 segmenes Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg Area of Efe ‘One creature n/Deseription: This spell enab s the caster to seize the Users ‘mind and control the body of a single creature within the spell range. Creatures of more than 6 hit dice (or levels), mindless erea tures, and those warded by protection from evil are immune to this spall. Although controlled, the victim remains aware and cannot be Forced to act against its nature or perform obviously self-destructive acts, I'such an order is given, the victim may make a new saving throw vs. death with a 4 bonus; success ends the spell immed ately Irthe controlled creature takes damage while the spell sin ‘fect, the caster also takes damage equal to Vs of that inflicted upon the victim de to empathic shock, The spell ends when the caste loses sight of the creature for any reason, ceases concentration, o takes damage other than empathic shock, (In the Iatter case, the ‘aster must make a saving throw vs. spells at *2 to maintain con tual) It is possible for the caster o send the subject beyond the initial easting range, a8 long as it remains insight Empathie Link (Dominion) $ Components: VS 1 evel Gasting Time: 5 segments Duration: Special Saving Throw: Special Area of Effect: One creature Explanation/Desripton: This spel allows the caster to make once each round the spell isin elle, attempe to inuence the vic penalty of -2 when the spells east. Failure means that the spell spells each time the caster attempts to influence the victim's actions that the speifc attempt bas failed but the spelt itself remains in ‘cflcct. Unwilling recipients of exceptional inteligence (13 or beret fave vs pels wih +2 bonus for each attempeto influence, and are free ofthe spell succeafl. The victim cannot in any ease be -o1gds “ty 26 26 EXCELLENT Popularity: 10 ‘Talents: Jennifer isthe lawyer for the Fantastic Fous™, and her Rea- son is Excellent in matters ofthe law. She is licensed to practice in Cal- iMornia and New York. She-Hulk rarely, if ever, uses this knowledge. Background: Jennifer Walters had established a sucess legal prac tice in California when she was visited by ber cousin, Dr. Bruce Ban- et wold hea he waaay he Hulk, While ving Brace {her home in Los Angeles, Jennifer was shot by a gangter: Bruce Sesoged u euatince ie so Rare aoe epee nee from turning into the Hulk again. Jennifer rst warned into the ‘She-Hulk wen attacked by other qasgsters in her hospital room, ‘Discovering that she hiked evimelhting beter as green giantess _Jensiter accepted an invitation to join the Avengers™ and moved to ‘New York: Fallowing the Secret Wars™, she accepted another ofer 2 jim the Fantastic Four™ to replace the Thing”. She has worked with the later group since then Appearance: She-Hulk is 6'7 tall and weighs 650 Ibs. Her skin is green, and her hair and eyes are darker green. Her alter-ego is only $75" tall and weighs 110 tbs. Jennifer Walters has brown hair and brown eves, Personality: She-Hulk likes being a green-skinned giantess beter than she likes being petite Jennifer Walters, and she rarely reverts bback ther old form unless iecessary. Jennifer Walters is prim, profes: sonal, and polite, though hard-nosed and aggressive asthe lawyer for Fantastic Four. Ms. Walters (Jen to her frends) has great farniian= iy with the kaw and with legal jargon. Recent Events: Alter a number of adventures in the Marvel Universe™, Thundra went off to an alternate Earth contrelled by women. Hovsever, she has recently discovered that Machian soldiers were plotting to infiltrate her universe. Upon learning that the Machians had also established a base in the Marvel Universe, she ‘managed to obtain a special planar-travel device with which she has now arrived in the local area. She chose Pander Magazine as the place to start her investigation, since only Machians would harass heroines in this manner She has decided to attack the building to break up (ina Iiteral sense) the Machian operation Jennifer Walters undergoes a considerable personality change when she turns into She-Hulk. She-Hulk sees the world ina very uncompli: tated fashion. There are bad guys and good guys, and te bad guys {get pounded fat. She-Hulk thrives on action, danger, and adventures fhella ung fighter who beleen that her atyength and fits an ‘overcome almost any opponent, Her language is simpler and more fearthy than Jennifer's and she doesn’t mind bantering with criminals {na good-natured fashion while stomping them, However, her temper is very shore-fused, and anyone who seriously injures oF kills close friend of hers may be savagely attacked ‘She-Hulk wants very much to be taken seriously as a major hero ine. Joining the Fantastic Four was the high point of her career, and she has been working out daily to improve her strength and fighting abilities, She-Hulk is very sensitive to eiteism of her performance as ‘heroine and will do her best in any situation She-Hulk knoves Tigra™ from the New York Avengers and the time ‘when both fought A.T/M." to save a young girl with super powers ‘She is also aequainted with Spider: Woman’ from the Secret Wars™ Recent Events; This scenario takes place shorly ater the events in Fantastic Four® issue #275, when She-Hulk made an unwanted appearance in a girlie magazine as its centerfold. She-Hiulk is sil Smarting from the incident with The Naked Truth Magazine, in ‘which a photographer in a helicopter caught her sunbathing on the roof of the Baxter Building. Things worked out well, the pictures of her were inadvertent “eolor-corrected”” 30 that her green skin and hair were changed to pink and broven, making the pictures look like a hoax, but She-Hulk is eager for some action to take her min off the entire episode. Pounding a criminal Nat would do her lots of good. Recently, she got hold (literally) of another photographer, this from Pander Magazine, which had been running “exposés” on super-females — including She-Hulk. After she took apart his ear and ‘camera, he was happy to tell her the magazine's Denver addres, and that his employers were from "Macho-somewhere.” entail Cas Grow nto Cases et A

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