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Name / Contact Details

In your profile on your resume you can outline and summarize the skills and experience that you have
gained from your education and any work experience (internships or other work experience). Only
include things that would be relevant to a potential employer. The profile should only be about 5 or 6
lines of text - an employer won't want to read anymore than this. Make sure that you stick to the facts
and never lie on your resume. You can certainly inject a bit of your personality into the profile. If you
are a tenacious hard worker with a good eye for details then say this in your resume (if these
characteristics are important for the sort of role you are applying for). You have to be careful that you
don't build yourself up too much though - don't describe yourself as if you were a major business leader,
when you are only applying for a junior position. Overselling yourself on your resume could cost you

Major Achievements
Achievements can help to sell you to an employer. You should outline about 3 to 6 major achievements in your
resume. These achievements must be relevant to what an employer is looking for. They can relate to what you
have achieved at college / university, in sports teams, clubs / societies, internships and other work experience.
Achievements could be about captaining a team, organizing an event or saving money or improving processes
in the workplace.

Try and include facts and figures to quantify your achievements, as this makes your resume more interesting
and helps to show your achievement in a better light. Make sure that you clearly state what the achievement
relates to, is it for a particular club, society, employer, etc. Employers hate it when they can't work out what an
achievement on your resume relates to, and may then dismiss it.

Education / Qualifications
 I have completed my matriculate in 2005 with 1st Division from
Sarwswati Sisu/Vidya Mandir.
 I have completed my +2 Sc. In 2007 with 2nd Division.
 Now I am Pursuing my B.Tech in Electronics &
Telecommunication Engineering.
 I have completed a Computer fundamental Course from
NIIT as well as C++ from Lakhsy.

Work Experience
It is normal to list work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position and
then working your way backwards. However if your most recent job isn't that relevant to what you want to do
next then you may want to include any relevant internships / work experience first, perhaps having a separate
section for the most relevant experience (perhaps call this Internships or Relevant Work Experience) and then
have another section (perhaps called Other Work Experience) listing your other roles.

Concentrate on the roles that are most relevant to what you want to do and don't waste too much space on roles
that are not that relevant. Focus on your main responsibilities, achievements and skills that you have learned in
each role. Be sure to mention if you were promoted and perhaps include this as a separate role on your resume.
If you were a team leader / supervisor or manager be sure to mention this on your resume, listing financial or
budgetary responsibilities. For companies that aren't household names it might be worth outlining a brief
description of the company.

Language Skills (optional)

 I can Speak & Write English, Oriya and Hindi.
IT Skills (optional)
If IT skills are relevant to the roles you are applying for then you should list your IT skills on your resume.

Personal Details (optional)

Name : Biswoprakash Mohapatra
Father’s Name : Bidyadhar Mohapatra
Sex : Male
Nationality : Indian
Religion : Hinduism
Marital Status : Single
Hobbies / Interests (optional)
 Chatting.
 I have an Interest in Playing Badminton & watching
National Geography as well as Discovery Channel.
References (optional)
References aren't generally required at this stage - but check with your college / university whether employers
in the profession that you have chosen would expect to see references listed on your resume. Leaving references
out will also give you more space on your resume for other things.

I do hereby, declare that all the above given information are true to the best of my knowledge
and belief.

Signature of the candidate

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