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Nama : Elly Trisnawati

NIM : 20181050004
Peminatan KMB : Kardivaskular
How To Control Risk Factors Of Cardiovascular Disorder
In this case one of the nurses' duties is as an educator or counselor in disseminating
information and providing motivation for health behaviors (patients) to raise
awareness related to improving the quality of health and living a healthy lifestyle.
Most cardiovacular diseases can be prevented by making healthier lifestyle changes
because lifestyle factors greatly influence the occurrence of cardiovascular disease,
especially Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD). The healthy lifestyle
includes regulating diets such as diet high in fruits, vegetables, and seeds, fish, beans,
and poultry. Foods that must be reduced or avoided are consumption of fatty foods,
sugar, (including sugary and packaged drinks), red meat, sodium and junk food.
(Lehr AL et al., 2016). Perform routine physical activity at least once a week, control
body weight to prevent obesity, control stress, and maintain blood pressure to remain
normal, stop smoking or alcoholic beverages and adhere to a healthy diet to help
reduce the risk of ASCVD in the future.

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