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Psalm 34:5

Enamel- outer

Oral Hygiene and Dental Care

Bacterial Plaque - 2-3 hrs after brushing
Flossing increase your span to 6.4 yrs.
Flossing delays the effect of aging
Smoking may lead to more than half of the disease of gum disease

Pulp- contains blood vessels and nerves

Enamel- outer


First dental clinic- first eruption of primary teeth

Tooth Decay (caries)

1. Pit and fissure

2. Smooth surface
3. Cervical
4. Nursing bottle

Bacteria in the presence of sugary substance produce acid that causes tooth decay:

Four components:
Susceptible tooth

Enamel is affected first- reaches dentin- then to pulp.

Gingivitis- inflammation
Periodontitis- infected gum recedes, bone loss starts
causes: lack of oral hygiene, misaligned teeth, broken fillings

symptoms: red,puffy gums, gum pain, pus, gum bleeding

diseases in childhood : caries, malocclusion, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting,

finger sucking

Caries in adult: caries, ulcers, cancer, periodontal disease

PREVENTION: reduce sugar intake, brush twice a day, use mouthwash

prevention of gingivitis: cleaning of teeth

- periodontitis: scaling, bone grafting, maintenance of oral hygiene

signs and symptoms of cancer: ulcer, irritation in mouth, lip or throat

white or red path in oral cavity

when to visit:
sensitive teeth
bleeding gums
bad breath loosening of teeth

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