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/usr/bin/env python

# Author Name: Seth Cram
# Date: 12/16/2021
# File:
# Goal:
# Write a script to reverse the contents of a text file.
# Project Description:
# -This script needs to be run with a file name
# -File I/O is used to replace the changed file
# Clarifications:
# -Also have to reverse ordering of words
# -Assumed reversal meant reverse letters and ordering of each word
# -Preserves file formatting
# Possible Expansion:
# -Could pass in more than one file at a time or a directory

import sys #need for sys.argv

#reverse lines of f:
def revFile( f ):
'Reverses file contents'

#read in the whole contents of the file:

lines =

print "Original contents of file:"

print lines

#reverse contents of lines:

lines = lines[::-1]

return lines


#error codes:

#account for this file's name passed in:

argvLen = len( sys.argv ) - 1 #subtr 1
argv = sys.argv[ 1:argvLen + 1 ] #slice to cut off

print "Number of args:", argvLen

print "Arg List:", argv

#if too few args:

if( argvLen < 1 ):
print "Too few arguments passed"
print "Suggested format: fileName"

#exit with fail error code:

sys.exit( TOO_SHORT )

#store input file and option:

inputFile = argv[0]

f = open( inputFile, 'r' ) #r for read

#reverse the lines in f:

fmtLines = revFile( f )


#replace file w/ its formatted I/O:

f = open( inputFile, 'w' ) #w for write

print "New reversed contents:"

print fmtLines

#overwrite new reversed lines to file:

f.write( fmtLines )


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