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Rosas-Salas 1 Danny Rosas-Salas English 1010 Doctor Haslam November 2, 2021 Rhetorical Analysis on MEXICO: THE COSTS OF VIOLENCE. Montserrat Trujillo wrote an article called, “MEXICO: THE COSTS OF VIOLENCE,” where it was published by the Latin America Policy Jounal on March 1, 2020. Trujillo wrote her atticle to discuss the ongoing violence that has been increasing in certain parts of the world, yet the new data being collected that measures the amount of violence does not accurately correspond to the increasing violence that is actually occurring and how much of an impact it is causing. Trujillo takes this as an opportunity to write about the economic and damaging impacts that violence is causing in certain parts of the world. Where the author is able to inform the main idea of her article towards her audience, who are wondering about the effects of violence in less developed countries, by using and gathering a variety of resources and information from other sources In the article, Trujillo expresses how in most parts of the world the crime rates have been steadily decreasing, but the amount of violence is increasing in areas that are in Latin America, Africa, and the Caribbean. “With a homicide rate reaching 17 homicides per 100,000 habitants in 2017, LAC accounts for 37 percent of the world’s homicides, despite being home to only 9 percent of the world’s population,” (Trujillo). The author uses Mexico as an example on how itis one of the areas that is being heavily impacted by violence. By explaining that Mexico’s organized crimes revolving around drug trafficking has contributed to the country’s increase of violence and homicides. “During the period 2006-2017, homicides attributed to organize Rosas-Salas 2 confrontations accounted for 20-50 perecent of the total homicides,” (Trujillo). Trujillo explains that the amount of violence from organized crimes has caused an impact on Mexico's economy. ‘Where people have been spending on supplies to defend themselves, businesses have been decreasing their investments and suffering from losses in their productivity, and resources have been relocated in different areas by the government. Trujillo found in other studies that the impact of violence increased Mexico’s nominal costs, and the economic impact from violence has grown to about 21 percent of the country’s national GDP The author summarizes the economic impact from violence by saying, “In sum, the economic impact of violence is s it causes significant losses as a result of property damage, changes in investment and consumption, and the diversion of resources to protective measures.” ‘Throughout the article Trujillo has been successful by informing and expressing the main idea of her article by being credible and conclusive. The author uses multiple rhetorical strategies that are effective at demonstrating that the issues that she discusses and showcases are a major problem that should be addressed. What the author does to be effective in her writing is appealing to logos, ethos, and pathos. Trujillo appeals to logos by using a variety of evidence and information to support her main idea, yet at the same time she appeals to ethos by using trusted sources and citing them throughout her article. Lastly, the author appeals to pathos by expressing her voice towards the audienc eating a feeling that they could vizulize Trujillo's greatest strength in her writing is being able to appeal to logos. Where the author uses a large amount of evidential information that helps structure her article to support her claim. For example, the author explains that there has been a recent increase of violence in certain parts of Latin America, Africa, and the Caribbean. Trujillo uses Mexico to show the increasing trend of violence that has been occurring lately by explaining a figure that she uses in Rosas-Salas 3 her article. “Figure 1 shows Mexico among 20-40 annual killings per 100,000 population in 2017, in line with national statistics which registered 30 homicides in 2017, 33 homicides in 2018, and an increasing trend for 2019,” (Trujillo). This author is appealing to logos because she is providing evidence to support her main idea that even though crime rates have been decreasing the amount of violence is increasing and it is impacting a lot of areas, for Mexico has been experiencing this trend in recent years. With Trujillo being successful in appealing to logos it helps the article to be effective at being credible and conclusive. Where the author is providing information and evidence that is proving the article's point that areas in the world are still experiencing an increased number of violence. Another part in the article that Trujillo appeals to logos is when she explains the economical impact that Mexico is receiving from violence. “The Institute of Economics and Peace used a different methodology that also accounts for private and governmental costs, but breaks down into direct costs, indirect costs, and a multiplier effect According to such methodology the economic impact of violence in Mexico in 2017 rose to 21 percent of the national GDP, equivalent to 249 billion USD,” (Trujillo). Again, the author is appealing to logos because she is able to use the evidence that she provided to support her atticle's main point on how violence is impacting many countries including Mexico with hamming their economy. With the author being able to appeal to logos it makes the article be effective in informing the audience to understand that violence is increasing in many areas in the world, and that itis negatively impacting those areas including their nomy. ‘Next, Tyjllos’s appeal to ethos is effective in giving credibility to the article because she is able to use trusted sources to support the evidence that she provides. “LAC remains the most violent region on the globe such that the World Health Organization (WHO) has considered that crime and violence in the region are at epidemic levels,” (Tujillo) Trujillo is appealing to ethos Rosas-Salas 4 because she is using an evaluation from a trustworthy source which is the World Health Organization. This makes Trujillo's article be effective because the article's main points and evidence have credibility with being supported through a trusted source that is known to be reliable and accurate, Another thing that Trujillo adds are endnotes for the citations of evidence that she uses throughout the article. Where after every information that the author provides in the article it has anumber at the end oft, and the number corresponds to the numbers on the endnotes which is the citation of where the author got that information from. This helps the reader to find where the author got their information from. That adds credibility to the article because it showcases that the author isn’t making up any information, and this allows the audience to trust the information that is provided in Tryjllo’s article because itis cited for the reader to do research on it and that some information is supported by reliable sources Lastly, Tryjllo’s voice tone helps appeal to pathos because it provides a sense of emotion for the reader to visualize. Where the author expresses her disappointment at the recent information and data that is being collected because it isn’t showing the accurate representation of the increasing violence that is occuring, “ Yet we measure, and then publish an amendment to past figures because we fell short. Even individual governmental agencies differ on their count ‘Are we ever going to be able to tell what is the real extent of violence in our countries?” (Trujillo). Through the author’s writing having a certain voice tone of disappointment and frustration it appeals to pathos because it is creating an emotion for the audience to visualize ‘The author's appeal to pathos is effective at creating an emotion to express on why she was vaiting her article, This is effective on attracting the author’s targeted audience, who want to know if violence is still increasing and having an impact on certain parts of the world, because the tone of the writing helps demonstrate the articles main point early on and attract the reader Rosas-Salas 5 instantly wanting to know what is the actual representation and impact of violence in certain pasts of the world In conclusion, Trujillos has written a critical article that is effective in being credible and conclusive on discussing the negative impacts that violence is causing. What makes the article effective is with the author being able to appeal to logos by using a variety of evidence to structure and support her atticle’s main idea, At the same time Trujillo appeals to ethos by using reliable and trusted sources that help support the evidence and information provided in the atticle. Trujillo is able to appeal to pathos by demonstrating her frustration and disappointment in the article to create an emotion for the reader to visualize and catch their attention early on. With, combining all of these elements together Trujllos was able to successfully create a critical article that will be able to fully inform and support her claims about the cost of violence ‘Word Count: 1,475 Rosas-Salas 6 ‘Works Cited TRUJILLO, MONTSERRAT. “Mexico: The Costs of Violence.” Latin America Policy Journal, vol. 9, Spring 2020, pp. 65-70. EBSCOhost, search-ebscohost-com libprozt los. edu/login aspx direct=truetdb=mth&AN=143626446desite =eds-livedscope=site

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