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(Test of English as Aa Foreign Language)






Pada bagian Structure ini, Anda tidak dituntut untuk benar-benar menulis kalimat
yang secara gramatika dan style-nya benar. Bagian ini memberikan kepada Anda serangkaian
kalimat dimana anda harus mengisi titik-titik dengan benar atau mengidentifikasi suatu
kesalahan gramatik. (Hartono, S.,2009: 74).
Sebagaimana dikemukakan oleh Hawariy (2009: 53), ada dua tipe soal yang akan Anda
temukan pada sesi ini, yaitu:
1. Incomplete Sentences (kalimat yang tidak sempurna)
The Himalayas are the ........................
(A) height of the world extensive range
(B) ranges of the most extensuve world
(C) world’s most extensive ranges
(D) extensive ranges of the world
Pilihlah pilihan jawaban A, B, C, atau D yang Anda yakin benar.
2. Sentences with underlined words and phrases (kalimat dengan kata-kata dan frasa yang
Platinum is rare and value metal, white in color and easy to work.
Pilihlah jawaban yang Anda yakini adalah bagian yang salah dari
Contoh soal yang tertera diatas merupakan soal yang akan diuji pada sesi structure untuk
menguji kemampuan Anda tentang ungkapan yang efektif dan benar. Structure berarti aturan
bahasa atau tatabahasa yang digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris tertulis untuk menyusun
konstruksi kalimat yang benar dan pilihan kata-kata yang sesuai. Dan berikut adalah bagian-
bagian materi Structure yang sering muncul dalam soal TOEFL.
Concord atau agreement adalah persesuaian antara subject dalam suatu kalimat
dengan kata kerja / auxiliary-nya.
Persesuaian yang harus diperhatikan sebagai berikut.
a. Apabila subject kalimat dalam bentuk singular (tunggal), harus digunakan kata kerja/
auxiliary untuk singular (tunggal)
 Sebuah subject yang diawali oleh kata: every …., each of, neither of …, one of…
everyone dianggap singular
Each of the participants has received an invitation
Everyone likes her
The actress, along with her manager and some friends, is going to a party
 Subject yang menyatakan jumlah jarak, volume, berat dan waktu selalu dianggap
Five hundred miles is a long distance to drive in one day.
 Subject yang berupa kata benda abstrak atau bentuk dari gerund selalu dianggap
The shipment of logs has been postponed because of the bad weather.
Producing fine paintings requires skill and creativity
The production process in the textile pants needs to be monitored.
 Subject singular tetap di ikuti oleh kata kerja/auxiliary singular apabila
subjektersebut di ikuti ungkapan as well as, along with, together with, in addition
todan accompanied by.
The teacher, along with her students, is viewing a film
He together with his friends has finished the test.

Berikut beberapa kata yang selalu di anggap singular

- Any+singular
Contoh: . anybody, anyone, no one, no body, anything, nothing
- Some+singular noun e.g someone, something
Nobody works harder than Joan does
Something was under the house.

A number + plural noun + plural verb/ auxiliary
The number + plural noun + singular verb/ auxiliary

A number of students are going to the class picnic
The number of days in a week is seven.

b. Apabila subjek kalimat dalam bentuk jamak (plural) harus dipergunakan kata kerja
untuk plural
 Subjek yang dirangkai oleh and atau both ... and ... mengharuskan verb / auxiliary
A red Honda and blue ford are parked outside
Both elephant and tiger are becoming extinct.
 Kata several, many, few, selalu di ikuti oleh verb plural
Contoh: Only a few have passed.
 Banyak kata-kata yang mungkin singular atau plural bergantung pada kemana kata
tersebut mengacu: all, any, majority, half, no dan sebagainya. Saat kata-kata ini
diikuti oleh frasa berpreposisi, jumlah objek berpreposisilah yang menentukan
apakah verb singular ataukah plural yang harus digunakan.
All of the books have been destroyed
c. Kata ganti dari subjek juga harus diperhatikan.
Contoh: Superman made his comic debut in 1938 in action comics.
If a person really wants to succeed, they must always work hard. (false)
If a person really wants to succeed, he/she must always work hard. (true)
Contoh soal:
Some of the most influential Middle Eastern newspapers, the pyramids,
Was established in Egypt in 1875

Jawaban (A), karena format bentuk tunggal kata kerja “was” dan nama satu surat kabar
mengindikasikan bahwa hanya satu surat kabar yang dibahas dalam kalimat diatas. Maka dari
itu, kata “some” (yang berarti lebih dari satu) seharusnya adalah “one”


1. All student speak English fluently inside the classroom

(A) student
(B) speak
(C) fluently
(D) Inside

All people speak English fluently inside the classroom

Jawaban : A
Pembahasan : Ini masalah singular atau plural, karena All berarti banyak seharusnya people
juga harus diikuti dengan bentuk plural (peoples).

2. _____ ballet dancers learn five basic positions for the arms and feet.
(A) All of
(B) Of every
(C) All
(D) Every
kunci jawaban (C) All.
Jika menggunakan jawaban A maka seharusya all of the ballet dancers. Jawaban D salah.
Kata every harus bertemu noun singular sementara dancers berbentuk jamak.

3. ____ is rooted in experiments in iron and steel conducted in the nineteenth century.
(A) While the history of twentieth-century architecture
(B) The history of twentieth-century architecture
(C) That the history of twentieth-century architecture
(D) Both twentieth-century architecture and its history

Jawaban yang benar yaitu (B) The history of twentieth-century architecture.

Kalimat ini membutuhkan subject.
4.Commercial letters of credit are often used to finance export trade, but them can have
others uses.

Jawaban C, seharusnya they

5. To Mike _______ was a big surprise.

(A). really
(B). the party
(C). funny
(D). When
a. Dapat dilihat bahwa sebelum kata Mike terdapat kata depan to, sehingga Mike
bukan merupakan subjek.
b. Teridentifikasi terdapat sebuah kata kerja yaitu was sehingga diperlukan subjek
untuk melengkapi pernyataan tersebut.
c.  (A) bukan subjek, (B) subjek, (C) bukan subjek, (D) kata penghubung
d. Jawaban yang benar adalah (B)


Auxiliary verbmerupakan kata kerja tambahan yang digunakan bersamaan dengan

main verbuntuk menambahkan arti. Be, have, do, dan modal merupakan auxiliary verb. Ujian
TOEFL sering memuat soal mengenai auxiliary verbini. Contoh dalam kalimat:
1. TO BE + -ing
The farmers are cultivating a new plant variety to gain their harvest.
2. HAVE/HAS + participle
The farmers have cultivated a new plant variety to gain their harvest.
3. MODAL + verb word.
The farmers should cultivate a new plant variety to gain their harvest.

Contoh soal dalam tes TOEFL:

The game is interesting, but all the participants struggling.
                A      B       C                            D
Analisa soal:
Jawaban yang mesti Anda pilih jawaban D. Participants struggling
seharunsya participants are struggling.
Subject + BE + Verb -ing.
Dalam auxiliary verb yang harus Anda perhatikan adalah: 
- selalu gunakan BE untuk verb -ing
- seallu gunakan HAVE untuk participle, dan 
- selalu gunakan modal untuk kata kerjasehingga pada soal di atas penggunaan verb -ing
(struggling) tanpa didahului BE tidak dibenarkan.

Formula untuk auxiliary verb pasif:S + BE + participle

1. A new plant variety is cultivated by the farmers to gain their harvest.
2. A new plant variety has been cultivated by the farmers to gain their harvest.
3. A new plant variety should be cultivated by the farmers to gain their harvest.

Question taq: You are very hungry, aren’t you?

1. Some types of digital telephones are............. in places where others work fine.
(A) To function
(B) Functioned
(C) Functioning
(D) Function Answer: (B) Modal + bare infinitive

1. Buying clothes are often a very time-consuming practice because those clothes that a
person likes are rarely the ones that fit him or her.
Answer: (A) Should be is. Use a singular verb when a (verb+ing) is the subject

2. Many theories on conserving the purity of water has been proposed, but not one has
been as widely accepted as this one.
Answer: (B) Should be have been. Have been agrees with the plural subject many

3. It has been a long time since we have talked to John, isn’t it?
Answer: (D) should be has not it. The auxiliary in the main sentence is “HAS”

4. The ease with which houseplants can grown causes them to be popular among

amateur horticulturists.
Answer: (B) Grown seharusnya GROW. Modal + v1

5. ..... are chiefly derived from petroleum.

(A) Plastics today
(B) There are plastics today
(C) Because today plastics today
(D) Due to plastics today
Answer: (A) Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan ialah subject kalimat


Appositive adalah kata berupa noun atau pronoun yang digunakan untuk

mendeskripsikan atau menjelaskan noun atau pronoun lain. Kata ini seringkali didampingi
oleh modifier membentuk appositive phrase. Dengan demikian, frasa ini umumnya berupa
noun phrase. Appositive biasanya diletakkan setelah noun yang dideskripsikannya, namun
mungkin bisa juga diletakkan sebelumnya. Dan biasanya ada di antara koma atau bera da di
antara subjek dan kata kerja. 

Contoh Appositive [Bold= appositive; Italic= noun/pronoun]:

 Our friend Joe just became a new father. [appositive berupa noun]
 My brother, a chemical engineer, is very dilligent. [appositive berupa noun phrase]
 His hobby, sailing, takes a lot of time.
 His dream, to win the tender, has made him work harder.

............, George, is attending the lecture.
(A) Right now (C) Because of the time
(B) Happily (D) My friend

Pada contoh soal tersebut, yang berada di antara koma ‘George’ bukanlah subjek dari kalimat.
Melainkan appositive, karena kalimat ini masih membutuhkan subjek dan kata kerja nya
adalah’is attending’. Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah (D). Sedangkan pilihan yang lainnya
bukan subjek.


1. ............, Sarah rarely misses her basketball shots.

(A) An excellent basketball player
(B) An excellent basketball player is
(C) Sarah is an excellent basketball player
(D) Her excellent basketball play

Jawaban: (A) Subjek dari kalimat tersebut adalah ‘Sarah’ dan kata kerjanya adalah ‘misses’.
Jadi yang harus kita cari adalah appositive untuk Sarah, dan Sarah adalah seorang pemain
basket yang pintar.

2. The son of the previous owner, ........... is undertaking some fairly broad changes in
management policy.
(A) The new owner (C) that owner new
(B) Is owner (D) who owner

Jawaban: (A) Kalimat tersebut butuh sebuah subjek. Karena kata kerjanya sudah ada ‘is’ dan
appositive ada di awal kalimat (sebelum koma). Dan satu-satunya yang bisa dikatakan subjek
adalah ‘the new owner’

3. Valentine’s Day, ................, is a special holiday for sweethearts.

(A) February 14 (C) February 14 is
(B) Is February 14 (D) now
Jawaban: (A) Kalimat tersebut butuh appositive. Karena subjek sudah ada ‘Valentine’s Day’
dan kata kerja juga suda ada ‘is’ jadi di antara koma tersebut harus appositive dari subjek.

4. Calculus, .......... elegant and economical symbolic system, can reduce complex problems
to simple terms.
(A) it is an (C) an
(B) that an (D) is an
Jawaban: (C) Subject dan Verb sudah ada. Dari posisi phrase 'elegant and economical
symbolic system' bisa kita deteksi bahwa phrase ini merupakan appositive atau penjelasan
tambahan bagi subject 'calculus'.

5. Lucy Stone, ____________ first feminists in the United States, helped organize
theAmerican Woman Suffrage Association in 1869.
(A)the one
(B)who was the
(D)one of the
Jawaban: Subjek (Lucy) dan verb (helped) sudah ada, one of the + plural nouns / Appositive


Word Order membahas penempatan subjek, predikat, objek dan komplemen dalam suatu
kalimat sesuai dengan jabatan dan fungsinya.
Aturan pola normal susunan kalimat bahasa inggris sebagai berikut:
When Who,
Who? Where When
Ket Which, Action How
Which Ket. Ket
Wakt What (predicate) (adverb)
, What tempat Waktu
u (subject)
Last To the
I Went
week movie
A very
I Had good
To the
He Took Her restauran
She Went Quickly
 Keterangan waktu di letakkan baik di awal maupun di akhir kalimat. Namun
paling sering di akhir kalimat.
 Subjek selalu di ikuti oleh predikat lalu objek, adverb dan keterangan tempat.
 Berbeda dengan adverb of manner yang biasanya diletakkan setelah objek, adverb.
of frequency / keterangan intensitas (never, seldom, often, usually, dan
sebagainya) diletakkan sebelum kata kerja utama.
 Apabila terdapat dua objek: objek langsung/direct (D.O) dan tak langsung /
indirect object (I.O). Objek tak langsung biasanya diletakkan sebelum objek
langsung. Di lain pihak bilamana objek langsung diletakkan sebelum objek tak
langsung harus diletakkan/ditambah “to” atau “for”.
She usually writes me a long letter on my birthday.
S K.Inten P I.O D.O Ket.waktu

She was driving the car very fast on the highway yesterday.
S P O adv.manner ket.tempat ket.waktu

Berikut urutan kata sifat (adjective) biasanya ditentukan dengan meletakkan kata sifat
terdekat pada benda yang di jelaskannya, dilanjutkan dengan kata sifat yang kurang dekat dan
seterusna. Untuk mudahnya, berikut urutan formal:
1. Both, all, half the
2. Ordinal number (first, last)
3. Cardinal number (one, three)
4. General judgement (bad, good, nice, beautiful)
5. General mental judgement (intelligent, stupid)
6. Measurement (big, tall)
7. Age or temperature (old, young, hot)
8. Shape (round, square)
9. Color (red, green)
10. Verb participle form (carved, boiling)
11. Material (wooden)
12. Origin, nationality (French, Mediterranean)
13. Noun in apposition (steel, cigarette)

All the first three competitors broke the record. (1, 2, 3, 14)
There was a round green spot on the carved wooden Japanese screen. (9, 10, 14 dan 2, 11, 12,
13, 14)
He had a beautiful old ivory chess piece. (5, 8, 12, 14)

Adjective muncul sebelum kata benda, setelah to be dan setelah linking verb 

Contoh-contoh kata sifat: Beautiful, Helpful, Successful, Foolish, Selfish, Prospective


1. jangan gunakan bentuk plural pada noun pertama walau noun kedua plural.
2. hindari bentuk posesive pada noun pertama

Contoh kalimat

1. May I borrow some notebooks paper? (salah, seharusnya notebook paper, tanpa –s)
2. All bussiness’ students must take the Graduate Management Admission Test (salah,
seharusnya bussiness student)
3. I forgot their thelepone’s number (salah, seharusnya thelepone number)
4. Put the mail on the hall’s table (salah, seharusnya hall table)

Fungsi dari Adverb adalah memodifikasi:

1. Verb (work diligently, run fast)

2. Adjective (terribly nervous, astonishingly beautiful), (neatly arranged, carefully explained)
She is beautifully dressed  woman
3. Adverb (very attentively, really carefully)
She is a truly beautifully dressed woman
4. An entire sentences, mucul di awal kalimat (Obviously, they didn’t know what they were
doing. Contoh lain Unfortunately, Strangely)

 !!! ADVERB tidak pernah berperan untuk memodifikasi KATA BENDA.

Adverb dan adjective adalah pengecoh jitu dalam soal-soal TOEFL. Anda harus bisa
mengenali kata mana yang sebagai ajective, mana yang sebagai adverb.

Adj Adv
Recent Recently
Public Publicily
Evident Evidently
Quick Quickly
Quiet Quietly
Bright Brightly
Good Well
Fast Fast

Tapi banyak juga Adverb yang tidak berakhiran –ly.

Skill yang perlu di asah adalah:

1. tahu kapan dipakai adjective, kapan adverb

2. setelah linking verb, gunakan adjective
3. posisi adjective dan adverb dengan benar

Posisi adjective dan adverb (skill 3)

1. Adjective muncul dulu sebelum noun
2. Adverb bisa muncul dimana saja, TAPI TIDAK BOLEH DIANTARA MAIN VERB DAN

Contoh: Good job (benar) The source of electrical (benar)

Job good (salah) The source of electricity (salah)

Jika kalimat pasif, adverb misal seldom, usually muncul setelah be. Atau has + Adv + V3)

Umumnya, adverb muncul setelah verb karena dia bisa menerangkan verb (She spoke nicely).
Namun Anda harus hati-hati dengan berbagai kata kerja berikut, karena dia lebih tepat diikuti
adjective (She looks nice).

Tapi kalimat ini benar: He seems unusually nice (karena nice menjelaskan He, sedangkan
unusually menjelaskan nice).

Contoh linking verb

Feel Appear
Get Be
Go Become
Grow Look
Smell Prove
Taste Remain
Turn Seem

Contoh Soal:
When rainbows appear, they are always in the part of the sky opposite directly the Sun.
Jawaban: (D) karena antara preposisi dan objeknya tidak mengikuti dengan adverb. Yang
benar adalah directly opposite, jadi adverb haruslah sesudah preposisi


1. Modern art is on display at the Guggenheim Museum, a building with an ………

(A) unusual
(B) usually
(C) unusually
(D)not usually
Jawaban: (A) Seharusnya ‘unusual design’. Adjective muncul dulu sebelum noun

2. Only recently have Gooden’s ……………… designers and engineers been able to

optimize Watertred’s unusual tread patterns for mass production
(A) industry
(B) industrial (adj)
(C) industrially
(D) Industries
Jawaban: (B) Seharusnya industrial

3. By the beginning of the 1980s fifteen states had adopted already no-fault insurance

Jawaban: (B) Seharusnya ‘already adopted’. Jika kalimat pasif, adverb misal: seldom,
usually, already muncul setelah be. Atau has + Adv+ V3

4. Heart attacks are fatally in 75 percent  of occurences .

Jawaban: (B) Seharusnya fatal
5. In the appendix at the end of the chapter are the instructions to be used for the
completion correct of the form
Jawaban: (D) Seharusnya correct completion


Degree of comparison adalah tingkat perbandingan untuk kata sifat.

1. Positive Degree
 Untuk menyatakan keadaan yang apa adanya
Contoh: The man is tall
The man is handsome
 Untuk membandingkan kedu benda/orang yang tingkatnya sama; baik itu sifat,
bentuk, dll.
Contoh: The man is as tall as my friend.
The man is as handsome as my friend.
2. Comparative Degree
Untuk membandingkan kedua benda/orang yang berbeda. Dalam arti salah satu dari
keduanya mempunyai sifat yang lebih dari yang lain.
Contoh: The man is taller than my friend
The man is more handsome than my friend
3. Superlative Degree
Untuk menyatakan bahwa seseorang/benda tersebut memiliki sifat yang
melebihi.mempengaruhi dari yang lain, arti kata lain, paling.
Contoh: He is the tallest man here.
He is the most handsome here.
He is my tallest friend here.
He is Rony’s most handsome friend here.
Tiga bentuk yang mesti Anda kuasai dalam topik comparison ini: comparative,
superlative,dan bentuk irregular (tidak mengikuti aturan pada comparative dan
superlative). Ada 2 cara bentuk regular untuk membuat comparative dan superlative.
Pertama, dengan menambahkan more sedangkan bentuk superlative dengan menambahkan
most sebelum adjective.

Difficult more difficult most difficult
Terrible more terrible most terrible

Semua kata sifat yang memiliki suku kata 2 atau lebih untuk bentuk comparative dan
superlative mengikuti ketentuan ini. Bahkan juga semua participle walaupun hanya memiliki
satu suku kata saja.
Bored more bored most bored
Thrilling more thrilling most thrilling

Hampir semua kata sifat lainnya untuk bentuk comparative dan superlative yang memiliki
satu suku kata mengikuti bentuk ini, yaitu dengan menambahkan akhiran –er atau –est
dengan tidak menggunakan kata keterangan.
Thick thicker thickest
Fast faster fastest

Banyak kata sifat yang mempunyai dua suku kata menggunakan akhiran –er atau -est.
Easy easier easiest
Tricky trickier trickiest

Selanjutnya ada empat bentuk irregular:

Good better best
Bad worse worst
Far farther/further farthest/fuethest
Old elder/older eldest/oldest

Contoh soal dalam tes TOEFL:

Until recently, California was largest producer of oranges in the U.S.
       A                                 B          C             D

Jawaban yang mesti Anda pilih jawaban B.

Largest merupakan bentuk superlative yang membutuhkan kata the. Largest seharusnya the

1. Although she is very popular, she is not ............. her sister.

(A) More pretty than
(B) As pretty like
(C) Pretty as
(D) Prettier than

Answer: Kalimat ini menggunakan Comparative degree. Jika terdiri dari dua suku kata, untuk
menyatakan lebih, maka cukup member imbuhan “-er” dan diikuti “than”. Jadi pilihan yang
benar adalah “PRETTIER THAN”

2. I have the longer hair of all students in this room.

Answer: Topik ini namanya ‘Superlative’. Artinya kata yang menunjukkan suatu yang paling
(paling bagus, paling berkualitas, paling paling dari yang lainnya pokoknya). Yang perlu
diingat, dalam superlative digunakan THE + word+akhiran-EST. Jadi mestinya jawaban nya

3. The Old Man and The Sea, a novel about an old fisherman’s harrowing adventure
catching a huge fish, is one of Ernest Hemingway’s ............... books.
(A) Most famous
(B) The most famous
(C) Are most famous
(D) And most famous

Answer: A

4. The term “ice age” refers to any of several periods of time when glaciers covered
considerably more of Earth’s surface ..........
(A) As is today (C) than they do today
(B) Than today is (D) that today

Answer: C
5. The speed of light is ... the speed of sound
(A) Faster (C) the fastest
(B) Much faster than (D) as fast

Answer: B

Berikut adalah yang merupakan kata penghubung (conjuction):

Besides (preposisi) = lagi pula, selain (sebelum kata benda)
Besides (k.keterangan) = lagi pula (sebelum klausa)
However = namun demikian (sebelum k.sifat/k.keterangan/kalimat)
Otherwise = sebaliknya, kalau tidak
So = sehingga, oleh karena itu, makanya (sebelum k. sifat/k.keterangan)
Therefore = oleh karenanya (sebelum kalimat)
Still and yet = namun
Though / although = walaupun (diikuti klausa)
In spite of / despite = walaupun (mengawali frase(noun/pronoungerund))
For, because, since = karena, bedakan because dengan because of
I was late because of you.
Because of the beauty (n) of Indonesian people… (true)
Because of the beautiful (adj) of Indonesian people… (false)
AS/ when / while = ketika, tatkala / sementara)
Whereas = padahal

- Besides this house, Tiwi has a beach home.
- I can’t go now; I am busy. Besides, my passport is out of date.
- You could not earn much, however hard you work.
- We must be early; otherwise we won’t get seat.
- Our cases were too heavy, so we took a taxi.
- They run so fast that I couldn’t beat them.
- There is fog there; therefore, the place has been diverted.
- They are ugly and expensive; yet / still, people buy them.
- Though he had no qualification, he got the job.
- In spite of having no qualification, he got the job.
- The days were short, since it was not December.
- My father came as I was studying.
- As a student, he had known great poverty.
- She can’t travel whereas she has a lot of money.

I want to go to mall, to find new book, and to buy other items. (true)
I want to go to mall, to find new book, and buying other items. (false)
Tapi harus bisa bedakan conjunction ‘and’, bisa juga menghubungkan 2 kata (mis: I buy
apple and grape). Jadi jika menghubungkan 2 kata seperti contoh tersebut setelah ‘and’ tidak
perlu ada kalimat lagi.

She goes and studies. (true)

She goes and studied (false)
Contoh Soal:
.......... there people have died of cholera, the old people of the village refuse to get an
injection against it.
(A) Although (C) In spite of
(B) Because (D) Since
Jawaban: (A) karena setelah itu di ikuti kalimat.

1. An unconsolidated aggregate of silt particles is also termed silt, __ a consolidated
aggregate is called siltstone.
(A) which
(B) why
(C) whereas
(D) whether

Dalam kalimat atas, terdapat dua clause. Clause 1 = 'An unconsolidated aggregate of silt
particles is also termed silt'. Clause 2 'a consolidated aggregate is called siltstone'. Olehnya
kita butuh 1 connector untuk mengubungkan dua clause. Pilihan B sudah jelas salah
karena why bukanlah connector. Pilihan A salah karena 'which' merupakan connector yang
digunakan dalam 'adjective clause'  yang menjelaskan noun. Jadi posisi 'which'  ketika
digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua clause berada setelah noun yang dijelaskan. Pilihan
D salah karena 'whether' masuk dalam 'noun clause' yang berposisi sebagai 'subject' atau

2. In Earth’s infancy, its surface was warm enough for life __ the young Sun was fainter than
it is today.
(A) in spite of
(B) whether
(C) neither of which
(D) even though

Answer: yang dibutuhkan ialah connector untuk menghubungkan dua clause di atas. Pilihan
A sudah jelas salah karena 'in spite of' merupakan preposition bukan connector. Pilihan B
salah karena 'whether' berposisi sebagain noun: subject dan object. Pilihan C salah karena
'neither of which' masuk dalam kategori adjective clause yaitu menjelaskan noun
setelahnya. Setelah neither of which pun langsung ketemu verb yg berarti tidak sesuai
dengan kalimat.
Pilihan D benar.
3. _______ a tornado spins in a counterclockwise direction in the northern hemisphere, it
spins in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere.
(A) However
(B) Because of
(C) Although
(D) That

Answer: Terdapat dua klausa (S + V): a tornado spins & it spins. Jadi kita butuh connector untuk
menghubungkan ke dua klausa. Dari pilihan jawaban hanya C yang memenuhi syarat.
Prinsip Kalimat Bahasa Inggris: 2 clause butuh 1 connector. 3 clause butuh dua connector. 

4. A power filure occured, ................... the lamps went out.

(A) then
(B) so
(C) later
(D) next

Answer: B

5. .............. was late, I missed the appoinment.

(A) I
(B) because
(C) the train
(D) Since he

Answer: D


Ada tiga artikel dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu: A, An, dan The. Ketiga arikel tersebut sangat
sulit membedakannya karena penggunaannya sangat berbeda.

A singular Noun must have an article (a, an, the) or some other determiners, such as: my,
A plural Noun or an uncountable noun may or may not have an article.

e.g. I have money

I have books

I have a book

Countable singular Countable Plural

ARTICLES Countable Nouns
nouns Nouns
INDEFINITE A dollar …….. dollars ……. Money
(General) An apple …….. apples ……. Juice
DEFINITE The dollar The dollars the money
(Specific) The apple The apples the juice

A and AN
A A is used in front of a singular with a consonant sound
AN An is used in front of a singular noun with a vowel sounds
Be careful of nouns beginning with H or U. They may have a vowel or a consonant sound


A or AN General idea Use when there are many, and you do not know which one
it is
Use when there are many, and you do not care which one
it is
THE Specific idea Use when it is the only one
Use when there are many, and you know which one it is.

Contoh soal:

In the human body, blood flows from a heart through the arteries, and it returns through the
Jawaban: B seharusnya the heart


1. The scholarship that Wilson received to study history at Cambridge presented an unique

Answer: D, seharusnya ‘an’

2. Observations from Earth indicate that at the solar surface, the outward magnetic field is a
strongest at the polar regions.
Answer: C seharusnya ‘the’

3. A radar images of Venus add details about a planet dominated by volcanoes and lava.
Answer: A, seharusnya ‘Radar’

4. An human ear responds to a wide range of frequencies.

Answer: A, seharusnya ‘A’

5. During the U.S. Civil war, an American balloonist organized a balloon corps in Army.
Answer: D, seharusnya ‘the army’


A. MAKE and DO

Make dan Do, kata tersebut sangat membingungkan dalam soal TOEFL karena arti yang

MAKE = creating or constructing

Contoh: She likes to make her own clothes.

Would you like to make a cake for dessert?

If you make a mistake, you should correct it.

He was unable to make a response to the threat.

DO = completing or performing

Contoh: This morning she did all the dishes.

The students are doing the assignments.

You can do your laundry at the loundromat.

Contoh soal:
Every time someone does an error in the program, several extra hours of work are created.
Jawaban: A, seharusnya makes


Like, alike, dan unlikekelihatan sama, namun mempunyai perbedaan dalam penggunaannya.

Contoh: John and Tom are alike

John and Tom worked in a like manner.

I like you

Dalam kedua kalimat tersebut, like dan alike sama – sama kata sifat yang memiliki arti yang

1stexample = alike: predicate adjective describing John and Tom. It can only be used
immediately before the noun are.

2nd example = like: adjective form that is used immediately before the noun manner.

Contoh lain: John is (Like Tom)

John is (Unlike Tom)

(Like Tom), John is tall.

(Unlike Tom), John is tall.

Contoh diatas Like dan Unlikeberfungsi sebagai preposisi, karena mereka preposisi maka
harus diikuti oleh objek.
Unlike ≠ not like, dislike

Contoh soal:
The buffalo and the bison are like except for the size and shape of the head and shoulders.
Jawaban: B, seharusnya alike.


Other, another, dan others dalam penggunaannya sangat membingungkan. Di dalam kalimat
terkadang kita tidak bisa membedakan ketiga kata tersebut.

Contoh soal:

Other interesting aspect of tachistopic training in recent years has been the new found use by
professional teams.
Jawaban: A, seharusnya another.


1. The development of permanent teeth, alike that of deciduous teeth, begins before
Answer: A, seharusnya ‘like’

2. Titania, photographed by Voyager2 in 1986, has significantly fewer craters than

moons of Uranus.
Answer: D, seharusnya ‘other’

3. If you do a good impression at your job interview, you will get the job.
Answer: A, seharusnya ‘make’

4. The waitress will bring you the another bowl of soup if you want.
Answer: B, seharusnya ‘ananother’

5. Dislike sumac with real berries sumac with white berries is poisonous.
Answer: A, seharusnya ‘unlike’


Infinitive adalah suatu verbal yang terdiri dari particle to dan bentuk simple dari verb (bare
infinitive). Ada beberapa kata kerja yang membutuhkan (to) infinitive jika digandeng dengan
kata kerja lain:

Afford(menghasilkan,memberikan), agree, appear(kelihatan,timbul), arrange, ask, beg(mem
inta,mengemis), care,  claim, consent, decide, demand, expect, fail, hesitate(ragu), learn, ho
pe,manage, mean,  need, offer,  plan,  prepare, pretend, promise, refuse,  seem, struggle, swe
ar, threaten(mengancam), volunteer(bersukarela), wait,  want, develop, hope.

I agree to sign the letter

I decide to break up

Gerund adalah kata kerja berbentuk –ing yang dipakai sebagai kata benda, ada beberapa kata
kerja yang membutuhkan gerund (-ing form) jika digandengkan dengan kata kerja lain.
Contoh kata kerja yang : admit(mengakui), anticipate, appreciate, avoid, complete, consider,
delay, deny, discuss, dislike, enjoy, finish, keep, mention,
mind(menjaga,mengingat2,menghiraukan), miss, postpone, practice, quit, recall, recollect,
recommend, resent, resist, risk, suggest, tolerate, suggest, tolerate, understand, help,

I admit loving you

I postpone reading the book

Kata need, want, require apabila diikuti gerund mempunyai makna passive.
Contoh: The flowers need watering (bunga-bunga itu butuh disirami)

Selain itu, setelah preposisi (kata depan); after in, on, etc, bisa diikuti gerund.


1. The novelist John Dos Passos developed a style of fiction incorporating several
documentary devices __ to his works.
(A) lent realism
(B) that lending realism
(C) to lend realism
(D) of whose realism lent

Jawaban: (C) developed + to infinitive


1. After to take the medication, the patient became drowsy and more manageable.

2. Rita enjoyed to be able to meet several members of Congress during her vacation.

3. I can’t help .............. that we made the wrong decision.

(A) to think
(B) think
(C) thinking
(D) thought

4. They go on .............. about the beautiful teacher.

(A) talking
(B) To talk
(C) That talking
(D) is talking

5. Before ........... on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, study the
sailing, and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare Themselves for any conditions
they might encounter.
(A) Start
(B) Starting
(C) To start
(D) is starting
10. RELATIVE PRONOUN(clause + connector)

Relative Pronoun adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan salah satu pokok
kalimat atau bagian kalimat lainnya yang menghubungkan dua buah kalimat menjadi satu
kalimat majemuk (complex sentence). Kata-kata yang digunakan sebagai penghubung yaitu:
who, whom, whose, which, where, when.

Jabatan dalam kalimat Orang Benda

Subject Who Whom-which/that
Object Whom/that Which/that
Kepunyaan Whose Whose

1. Who/that: Yang

* Digunakan untuk pengganti orang sebagai subjek

* Penggunaan relative pronoun “who/that”

We know a lot of people. They live in Canada
= We know a lot of people who live in Canada

The man. He lives next door – is very friendly

= The man who lives next door is very friendly

2.Whom/that: Yang
* Digunakan untuk pengganti objek (pengganti unsur objek yang hilang)
* Penggunaan relative pronoun “whom/that”

I wanted to see him. He was away on holiday.

The man whom/that I wanted to see was away on holiday.

The girl felt in love with the man. I met him last year
The girl felt in love with the man whom/that I met last year.
= Objeknya hilang karena sudah diganti dengan “whom/that” bentuk relative pronoun yang
objek dalam salah satu bagian kalimatnya mengandung preposisi (in, at, for, to, dll)

I know the girl. Tom is talking to her now.

I know the girl to whom Tom is talking now

3.Which/that = Yang (untuk benda/binatang)

*Digunakan untuk menggantikan benda/binatang, baik kedudukannya dalam kalimat sebagai
subjek maupun sebagai objek (pengganti unsur benda yang hilang)

*Contoh Penggunaan “which/that”

I don’t like stories – they have unhappy endings.
= Unsur benda yang hilang karena sudah diganti dengan what/that
= Relative pronoun yang salah satu bagian kalimatnya mangandung
Preposisi diletakkan sebelum kata “which”
Contoh: This is the club. He is the president of it
This is the club of which he is the president

4.Whose = yang (untuk manusia)

*Digunakan untuk menggantikan kata ganti kepunyaan: my, your, our, his, their, its, he
(possessive adjective). Dengan kata lain, “whose” digunakan untuk menggantikan unsur
kepunyaan yang dihilangkan.
*Penggunaan “whose”
Contoh: We saw the people. Their car has been stolen
We saw the people whose car had been stolen
1. Where = in which (dimana)
* Digunakan untuk menggantikan salah satu bagian kalimat yang menunjukkan tempat.
* Penggunaan “where”
Contoh: The hotel – We stayed there – it wasn’t very clean.
The hotel where we stayed wasn’t very clean.

2. When = yang (benda / manusia)

*Digunakan untuk menggantikan keterangan waktu. Dengan kata lain bahwa relative Clause
when menggantikan salah satu keterangan waktu dalam salah satu bagian Kalimat yang lain.
*Penggunaan “when”
Contoh: She came on the day when her grandmother died

Contoh Soal:
The only thing ......... stopped her from going to study abroad was the pleading of her
(A) Who
(B) Which
(C) Whom
(D) Why
Jawaban: (B), karena menggantikan kata “thing” yakni benda


1. After the female emperor penguin lays a single egg, she gives them to her mate, ........ holds
it in a fold of skin near his feet for a two month incubation period.

(A) He (B) Who (C) Which (D)While

2. “Who is Ismail Marzuki?”

“Well, he is the composer ......... many people consider him as one of the great in Indonesia.”

(A) Whom (C) whose (B) Who (D) where

3. In 1868, newspapers were filled with the accounts of men ......... claimed to have become
rich overnigt in california’s gold fields.

(A) Whom (B) That (C) Which (D) Who

4. This is the latest news about the kidnapping of the richest businessman in town ........ we
received a few minutes ago.

(A) Whom (C) whose (B) which (D) who

5. I spoke to the man ........... wife had been admitted to the hospital.

(A) Who (C) which (B) Whom (D) whom

6. People ........... business have been slowing down recently are so depressed that they suffer

from various diseases.

(A) Whose (C) whom (B) In which (D) who

7. Teachers ........... do not spend enough time on class preparation often have difficulty

explaining new lesson.

(A) Who (C) where (B) That (D) whom

8. He introduced me to the lady ........... I met at the station

(A) Whom (C) with which (B) Whose (D) where

9. The letter was addressed to the lady ......... I saw on my way to Australia.

(A) Who (C) whom (B) To which (D) in which

10. “What is pediatrician?”

“Oh, it‟s a doctor .......... specialization is treating children.”

(A) Whom (C) that (B) Which (D) whose


Reduced clause adalah klausa atau kumpulan kata (bisa disebut kalimat juga sih) yang
dihilangkan unsur Subyek dan Predikatnya sehingga berubah menjadi phrase.

Contoh :
The guy who were standing in front of me is the Project Manager.
Jika anda perhatikan, kalimat yang bergaris bawah adalah kalimat lengkap. Karena punya
subyek (Who), Predikat ( were standing) dan keterangan (in front of me)

Sehingga, kalimat tersebut bisa disingkat menjadi,

The guy standing in front of me is the Project Manager.

dan artinya masih sama. Apa pun bentuk tensesnya, begitulah penyingkatannya.
(coba perhatikan baik2 kata apa yang hilang?)

Contoh diatas adalah bentuk kalimat aktifnya. Gimana dengan bentuk kalimat pasifnya?

Contoh lain :
The girl who was kissed by Brad Pitt is Jennifer Aniston.

Kalimat ini bisa dipendekkan menjadi:

The girl kissed by Brad Pitt is Jennifer Aniston.

Adjective clause dapat muncul dalam bentuk Clause yang telah di reduce. Dalam bentuk
form, adjective clause connector dan to be yang langsung mengikutinya dihilangkan.


 The woman who is wavingto us is the tour guide.

 The letter which waswritten last week arrived today
 The pitcher that ison the table is full of iced tea.

Jika tidak ada verb be di adjective clause, maka masih di mungkinkan untuk muncul dalam
bentuk form yang telah di reduce. Bila tidak ada verb be di adjective clause maka konektor
dihilangkan dan diubah menjadi kata kerja berbentuk -ing
Contoh :
I don’t understand the article which appears in today’s paper.
Appears => appearing

Jika tidak ada verb be didalam adjective clause maka masih bisa untuk di reduce.
Beberapa adjective clause diatur dari bagian kalimat dengan koma (juga disebut non-defining
clause). Adjective clauses ini muncul dibagian depan kalimat.
Contoh :

 The White House, which is located in Washington, is the home of president.

 The White House, located in Washington, is the home of president.
 Located in Washington, the White House is the home of president.
Perlu diketahui bahawa TIDAK semua adjective clause dapat muncul dalam bentuk yang di
Adjective clause yang dapat muncul dalam bentuk yang di reduce hanya jika adjective clause
diikuti oleh kata kerja (clause connector adalah subjek dari kalimat adjective clause).

 The woman that I just met is the tour guide. (tidak di reduce)
 The letter which you sent me arrive yesterday (tidak di reduce)

Contoh Reduced Adjective Clause

Adapun cara mereduksi adjective clause dapat dipelajari pada contoh di dalam tabel sebagai

Contoh Complex Sentence Contoh Complex Sentence

(Adjective Clause) (Reduced Adjective Clause)
The student who always studies in the The student always studying in the
library is my friend. library is my friend.
The athlete who is carrying the ball is The athlete carrying the ball is
Active Voice
Miroslav Klose. Miroslav Klose.
She is the woman who supported me She is the woman supporting me
day and night. day and night.
The girl who was advised is my
The girl advised is my neighbour.
The car which is being parked there is The car being parked there is
Passive Voice
Ferarri. Ferarri.
The project which has been being The project being worked for 3
worked for 3 months is very difficult. months is very difficult.
Subject + The building which is in front of you The building in front of you was
preposition was built in 1928. built in 1928.


1.............. on several different television programs, the witness gave conflicting accounts of
what had happened.
(A) He appearaed (C) Appearing
(B) Who appeared (D) Appears

2. Duke Ellington's orchestra, .................. his own often complex compositions, made many
innovations in jazz.
(A)he played (C)that it played
(B)playing (D)was playing

3. ........... behind government secrery for nearly half a century, The Hanford plant in central
Washington produced plutonium for the nuclear weapons of the Cold WAR
(A) It is hidden (C) Which is hidden
(B) Hidden (D) The lant is hiding

4. The “confederation school” poets of nineteenth-century Canada were primarily nature

poets, ............... a wealth of eulogies to Canadian rural life.
(A) and producing
(B) who they produced
(C) producing
(D) whose production of

5. The clever boy that ..................... met is the best student in this class.
(A) I just (C) beautiful
(C) see me (D) She is


a. Active participle (V + ing)

Active participle merupakan kata kerja yang berakhiran –ing seperti having, walking,
dll. Selain itu, bentuk seperti ini seringkali muncul setelah objek daari kata kerja: see, hear,
smell, feel, watch, notice, listen, to, look at, observe, keep, find, catch, leave, dimana
fungsinya sebagai kata sifat atau kata keterangan.
“Walking along the street, I met my old friend”
( while I was walking along the street I met my old friend)
“Having studied, I went home”
(After I had studied, I went home)
“Being ill, mother had her breakfast brought to her room”
(because/since/as my mother was ill, she had her breakfast brought to her room)
“Trying hard to win the beauty contest, Wita neglected all her school assignments”
(Because/since/as Wita tried hard to win the beauty contest, Wita neglected all her school
“Not wanting to take the risk of missing the train, we went to the station very early”
(Because/since/as we didn’t want to take the risk of missing the train, we went to the station
very early)
“Turning to the left, you will find his office”
(If you turn to the left, you will find his office)

b. Past Participle (To be + V3)

Past participle memiliki fungsi utama, yakni:
a. Untuk menggantikan anak kalimat pengganti kata sifat (relative clause) yang bersifat
“The window which was broken by Edi has not been repaired”.
(The window broken by Edy has not been repaired yet.)
b. Menyatakan sebab akibat
“Because/since/as the city is surrounded by mountain, it has a cool climate”
(Surrounded by mountain, the city has a cool climate)
Contoh Soal:
........, the professor asked his students to make a summary.
(A) Having finished his lecture
(B) To finish his lecture
(C) His finished his lecture
(D) He finishes his lecture
Jawaban: (A) karena yang menyatakan participle hanyalah A.
1. Each object...... Jupiter’s magnetic field is deluged with electrical charges.
(A) Enters (C) entering
(B) It enters (D) enter

2.  Duke Ellington's orchestra, _______ his own often complex compositions, made
many innovations in jazz.
(A)he played
(C)that it played
(D)was playing

3. The packages ............ mailed at the post office will arrive Monday.
(A) Have (C) Them
(B) Were (D) Just

4. The child .......... playing in the yard is my son.

(A) Now (C) he
(B) Is (D) was

5. Lake trout, fish usually finding in deep, cool lakes, are greenish gray and

arecovered with pale spots.


Perbedaan antara kalimat aktif dan pasif adalah subjek dalam kalimat aktif melakukan
kegiatan dari kata kerja tersebut, dan subjek dalam kalimat pasif menerima tindakan dari kata
kerja tersebut.

ACTIVE = S + V + O
PASSIVE = S + tobe + V3 + by

Contoh: Angeline wrote the letter

The letter was written by Angeline.

Ketika tidak ada objek dalam kalimat (dengan atau tanpa by) setelah kata kerja, anda harus
melihat makna dari kalimat tersebut untuk menentukan apakah kata kerja tersebut harus aktif
atau pasif.

Contoh: We mailed the package at the post office. (A)

The letter was mailed by us today before noon. (P)

The letter was mailed today before noon. (P)


1. ………….. discussed by the board of directors when it was proposed again by the
(A) The problem had already
(B) The problem is already
(C) The problem had already been
(D) The problem has already

2. Particular issues that concern teenagers were covering in the half – hour program.

3. Electrical impulses may also picked up by the optic nerve.


4. Workers training for a specific job have a strong possibility of being replace by a

5. In English these questions have beformed by changing the word order of a statement,
whereas in some languages the word order remains the same.

Listen for Who And What in Passives (Perhatikan Siapa dan Apa dalam kalimat pasif)

It is sometimes difficult to understand who or what  is doing the action in a passive sentence.

This problem is often tested in Listening Part A.
Pelajar kadang menemukan kesulitan dalam mengidentifikasi siapa dan apa yang menjadi
subjek dalam sebuah kalimat pasif. Permasalahan ini sering diujikan dalam sesi Listening
Part A.

On the recording you hear:
(man)      : Did Sally go to the bank this morning?
(woman) : Yes, she did. She got a new checking account.
(Narrator)  : What does the woman imply?

In your test book, you read:

(A) Sally wrote several checks
(B) Sally wanted to check up on the bank.
(C) A new checking account was opened
(D) Sally checked on the balance in her account
In this conversation, the woman uses an active statement that means that Sally opened a
checking account. The correct answer uses the passive structure that a checking account was
opened to express the same idea. So, the best answer is (C).

Dalam percakapan di atas, pembicara perempuan menggunakan kalimat aktif yang bermakna
bahwa Sally opened a checking account (Sally membuka sebuah akun cek). Jawaban yang
tepat menggunakan struktur kalimat pasif yaitu checking account was opened. Kalimat pasif
ini mempunyai makna yang sama dengan kalimat aktif yang dikatakan oleh si pembicara

You should note the following about passive sentence in Listening Part A :
Hal-hal yang harus Anda perhatikan dalam sesi Listening Part A terkait penggunaan struktur
kalimat pasif:

1. If the conversation contains a passive statement, the answer to the question is often
an active statement.
Jika percakapan berisikan perkataan berbentuk pasif, maka sering jawaban yang tepat
menggunakan kalimat aktif
2. If the conversation contains an active statement, the answer to the question is often
a passive statement.
Jika percakapan berisikan perkataan berbentuk aktif, maka sering jawaban yang tepat
menggunakan kalimat pasif

Note : Check carefully who or what is doing the action in these questions.

EXERCISE 4: In this exercise, each of the correct answers is either a passive restatement of
an active sentence or an active restatement of a passive sentence. Read the short conversation,
and underline the key active or passive statement. Then read the question, and choose the best
answer to the question. Make sure you understand who or what is doing the action in these
passive sentences. Be careful about who and what with these passives. (Perhatikan terkait
siapa dan apa dalam penggunaan kalimat pasif)

(Woman)  : Alice needs to pay her tuition today.
(Man)   : But her tuition has already been  paid.
(Narrator) : What does the man imply?

    (A) Alice's education has been paid 

    (B) Alice's tuition needs to be paid
    (C) Alice has already paid her fees.
    (D) Alice has already received the money

(Man)   :  Have you been taking good care of the lawn?
(Woman)  :  I watered it only this morning.
(Narrator) : What does the woman mean?

    (A) She drank some water on the lawn this morning

    (B) She waited for him on the lawn this morning.
    (C) The lawn has already been watered today.
    (D) She wanted a new lawn this morning  

(man)  : Did you hear the news about the child who was lost in the park?
(woman) : Yes, and I heard that she was just found.
(Narrator) What does the woman mean?

     (A) Someone located the girl

     (B) She heard about the new park from the child
     (C) The child found her loss pet
     (D) The child was the last one in the park

TOEFL EXERCISE 5: In this exercise, listen carefully to the short conversation and
questions in the recording program, and then choose the best answer to the questions. You
should be careful of passives. (Perhatikan penggunaan struktur kalimat pasif)
1. (A) If the restaurant is on the corner
    (B) If the man would like to go to the restaurant
    (C) If the vegetables are fresh
    (D) If vegetarian food can be obtained.

2. (A) He admitted that he wanted to go to law school in the fall

    (B) The law school accepted him as a student
    (C) The law professor admitted that he would be a student in the fall semester
    (D) He would be admitted to law school after the fall

3. (A) Mark's plants were cared for his absence

    (B) Mark's plan was to be out of town
    (C) Mark was careful about his plans for the out of town trip
    (D) She was careful while Mark was gone

4. (A) The lights in the trees were destroyed in the storm

    (B) The storm damaged the trees
    (C) The falling trees destroyed a store
    (D) In the light the destruction of the storm could be seen

5. (A) She was broke from skiing

    (B) She went skiing in spite of her accident
    (C) Her leg was hurt on skiing trip
    (D) Her skis were broken in the mountains

6. (A) The road the horses took was long and hard
    (B) It was hard to find the hidden houses
    (C) The riders worked the horses too much
    (D) It was hard for people to ride the horses for long

7. (A) He didn't want the coffee that the woman ordered

    (B) He wasn't sure if the woman wanted coffee
    (C) He assumed the woman had ordered coffee
    (D) He was unaware that coffee had already been ordered

8. (A) The car was in the left parking lot a the airport
    (B) The friends parked their car at the airport
    (C) The airport couldn't hold a lot of cars
    (D) There were a lot of cars to the left of the parking lot

9. (A) The students pointed at Mac.

    (B) Mac was present when the other students made the appointment.
    (C) The class representative suggested Mac to the other students.
    (D) Mac was chosen by his classmates to represent them

10. (A) After the earthquake, the insurance company came out to inspect the damage
      (B) The insurance company insisted that the building
          be repaired to meet earthquake safety standards.
      (C) The inhabitants paid their premium after the earthquake
      (D) The insurance company paid for the earthquake damage

Kunci Jawaban dan recording script / skrip rekaman dari tips menjawab soal listening
TOEFL skill 5: Listen for who and what in passives.

Kunci Jawaban Exercise 5:

1. (C) Alice has already paid her fees.
2. (C) The lawn has already been watered today.
3. (A) Someone located the girl

Kunci Jawaban TOEFL Exercise 5:

(man) Would you like to go to the new restaurant on the corner?
(woman) Is that the one that serves vegetarian food? 
(narrator) What does the woman want to know? 

(D) If vegetarian food can be obtained

(man) Has Harry heard from the law school?
(woman) Yes, he was admitted by the law school for the fall semester.
(narrator) What happened to Harry?

(B) The law school accepted him as a student

(woman) Mark said that you were a lot of help
(man) Well, I took care of his plants while he was out of town 
(narrator) What does the woman mean? 

(A) Mark’s plants were cared for in his absence 

(woman) Do you know what happened during the lightning storm?
(man) Yes, several trees were destroyed.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

(B) The storm damaged the trees.

(man) Did you see Sally? He leg’s in a cast.
(woman) Yes. I know. She told me that she broke her leg skiing in the mountains 
(narrator) What happened to Sally? 

(C) Her leg was hurt on a skiing trip 

(woman) The horses are not in a very good shape now.
(man) They were ridden too long and too hard.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

(C) The riders worked the horses too much

(woman) Why didn't you order coffee?
(man) I thought it had already been ordered.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

(C) He assumed the woman had ordered coffee

(man) How are your friends going to get home from the airport after their trip?
(woman) Their car was left in the airport lot.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?
(B) The friends parked their car at the airport

(man) Has the class chosen a representative?
(woman) The other students appointed Mac class representative.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?

(D) Mac was chosen by his classmates to represent them

(woman) Wasn't the building damaged in the earthquake?
(man) Yes, it was. And when this happened, the inhabitants were paid by the insurance
(narrator) What does the man mean?

(E) The insurance company paid for the earthquake damage


Hal terpenting dalam mengerjakan soal reading tidak perlu membaca seluruh bacaan karena
waste time (buang waktu). Caranya; langsung baca kalimat-kalimatnya tanpa berhenti di kata-kata
yang tidak dimengerti karena kalau berhenti untuk mencari tahu artinya terlebih dahulu, inti
kalimatnya akan sulit dimengerti. DALAM MEMBACA YANG PENTING ADALAH
MEMAHAMI, BUKAN TAHU ARTI. Jika ingin membaca, lakukan teknik membaca cepat
(scanning/skimming), gunakan jari/alat tulis sebagai penunjuk atas apa yang sedang dibaca. Selalu
mulai dengan membaca soal dan pilihan jawaban terlebih dulu.
Berikut adalah contoh bentuk soal, pertanyaan dan cara mengerjakan soal TOEFL Reading:

Topic/Main Idea of the text

Topic & Main Idea of the text merupakan informasi utama bacaan.
Perbedaannya adalah:
SOAL • Topic adalah subjek dari bacaan; Main idea adalah keterangan,
penjelasan, uraian, atau sudut pandang penulis tentang topic
• Topic berbentuk kata/frase; main idea berbentuk klausa/kalimat

• What is the topic of the passage?

• What is the main idea of the passage?
• What does the text tell about?
• The text mainly discuss about…
• The text focuses on the information about…

1. Baca kalimat pertama setiap paragraf 

2. Biasanya kata/frasa diulang – ulang pd setiap paragraf 
4. Sesuaikan dengan pilihan jawaban

Title of the text

BENTUK SOAL Judul bacaan harus menggambarkan topik bacaan. 
What is the title of the text?

Sama seperti mencari topic of the text


Topic/Main idea of paragraph

Topic & main idea of paragraph merupakan informasi utama yang
BENTUK SOAL terdapat di sebuah paragraf.

• What does paragraph X tell us about?

• What is the main information of paragraph X?
PERTANYAAN • What is the main idea of paragraph X?
• Paragraph X mainly talks about ….

1. Baca kalimat pertama

2. Baca kalimat terakhir
CARA 3. Tentukan yang mana yang paling menggambarkan paragraf tersebut.
MENGERJAKAN (bisa kalimat pertama, kalimat terakhir, atau gabungan keduanya)
4. Cocokkan dengan pilihan jawaban

Kosa Kata (Vocabulary)

Jenis soal ini mencari synonim dan antonim dari kata dalam bacaan. Atau
BENTUK SOAL memnentukan makna suatu kata berdasarkan bacaan.

1. The word incredible in paragraph 3 most likely means:

PERTANYAAN 2. The word protest in paragraph 5 is closest meaning to:

1. Baca soal, lalu cari kata yang sudah ditandai, dan kata tersebut bisa
CARA dicari dalam paragraph
MENGERJAKAN 2. Memiliki perbendaharaan kata yang cukup

Pengecualian (Except)
Jenis soal ini meminta anda untuk mengindikasikan item mana yang tidak
disebutkan dalam bacaan

1. Which of the following does NOT survive i fossils?

2. It can be inferred that a New York apartment building in the
1870’s had all of the following characteristics EXCEPT?

1. Dalam soal cari kata NOT, dan EXCEPT

CARA 2. Jika ada kata-kata tersebut, baca pilihan jawaban yang tidak ada dalam
MENGERJAKAN bacaan, itulah jawaban yang benar

Kesimpulan (Inference)
Pertanyaan ini meminta Anda untuk membuat kesimpulan berdaarkan
1. The author suggests that insects with more than 8 legs:
2. The author implies that the colonial joiners:

1. Temukan kata “suggest, implies, or inference”
2. Kata-kata tersebut menandakan bahwasanya soal menanyakan
3. Biasanya kesimpulan leaknya diakhir paragraph

Rujukan (Reference)
BENTUK SOAL Mencari rujukan kata atau frase yang terdapat dalam teks, biasanya kata
tersebut berupa kata ganti.

1. The word “They” i line refers to:

PERTANYAAN 2. The expression “naked eye” on line 1 most probably refers to

1. Temukan kata ‘refers’

CARA 2. Lalu lihat kata yang sudah ditandai, kemudian cari kata tersebut dalam
MENGERJAKAN bacaan. Kata tersebut merujuk ke kata yang mana?

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