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The one being fomented for the past 5 years... By the bolsheviks tearing down statues, rioting, burning, looting, and murdering across the nation, the same Bolsheviks that staged bricks in the midst of the crowds they incited with lies and racist rhetoric and then bailed out from any consequences, leaving regular bystanders to rebuild their lives at the cost of billions of dollars, money that they don't have Ls] rer- [UKM Me (Nant mle, -reC ne essential, and put them in a lockdown that encouraged the riots but forbid the law-abiding to go to work, church, school, funerals, weddings, a movie, concert or sporting event. They made people wear masks that emboldened those destroying cities and towns while outright calling for the destruction of the America and slandering it with allegations of having irredeemabe evil Neiman let | LAO) (= Mal melele gle 0) ecm] aL existence, but ignoring the freedom and prosperity it afforded its so called victims and oppressors alike, And while coerced to breathe through a mask that doesn't do anything beneficial, they insisted everyone must ‘follow the science’ regarding the biological weapon they themselves created and released on us while giving contradictory advice from week week, and if we actually followed the science and objected to any of the above, or to the withholding of medical care in favor of ventilation and death, or the culling of our parents in care homes, or the insane racial division being taught to our kids who are then having to navigate racial violence before either coming home feeling worthless or evil depending on their skin tone; or the schools also completely abdicating the basic biological reality of genetic sex differences, that not only amounts to scientific miseducation but also actively grooms our children into having gender confusion, homosexuality, and physically dangerous situations for sexual assault in bathrooms and libraries (which had been filled with degenerate pornography and literal pedophiles dressed in tranny clown outfits), or to the daily hysteria pushing to literally overthrow our elected government with outrageous transparent lies, and a completely imagined yet enthusiastic campaign that denigrated the president and anyone supporting him as racists and all other manner of insults, accused them of hate hoaxes, and of false allegations of a carrying on a deadly & pervasive white supremacy threat... And later, followed the science on the fake vaccine that they are escalating towards physically assaulting adults and children with, despite 10s of thousands having been killed by it, hundreds thousand more injured.... IF you dared say anything about any of this on social media, you'd be banned from the platform. Meanwhile riots continue and are celebrated, police departments are dismantled, crime skyrockets, corporations donate BILLIONS to black lives matter who do nothing for black people with that money except advocate for the end of traditional family unit, push bnT-Ted iL -1aLeMaeanlek teri myc) eel igor ae Ma black fathers missing from their homes to become transwomen (who blm uplifts), all without any problem from their systemically racist oppressors who do not prosecute any of the crime, but join them in disrespecting the national anthem and flag by taking a knee. Then, this pretty obvious state of war we are being attacked under, loses the only thing that is keeping the divided people from violence... (Which is the illusion and desperate hope that there can be a political solution to cure these insane affronts to the American way) when they blatantly start stealing elections, the White House, Senate, and who knows how Taree [=e Le) peel cio 18M gle) me) a-] (NN delegitimized, as the ENTIRE MEDIA continues to speak with one voice and aggressively squash any investigation at all. Now, Add to all that a demented unintelligible very rapey “president” that's allegedly incontinent and clearly not in charge of anything, who brings to the office an affirmative action whore who is deeply disliked as his VP, a crackhead son with illegitimate stripper babies, a new hobby as the best paid new artist in history thanks to Anonymous art buyers, and several active scandals including human trafficking, pedophilia, weapons felonies, plus multiple blackmail rich laptops unaccounted for, an ongoing divorce, a fresh breakup with his Lo) o) dat -Ie-Mn(e(e) MULAN |AMe) Ke =m KO Mle-\ar-TCW] from his niece because of sexually inappropriate behavior, and a paternity dispute with a stripper at a club he got Barred from for repeatedly getting caught smoking crack in iat ela ti eele lane] Mlame-\e(elhalel mee =1 16-11 ongoing corruption schemes directly implicating his father the alleged President selling US POLICY to Russia, China, and others... All just barely being covered up by the = 1 En MAA=xel (=A AOI OOOO MM Newer RONG crisscross our border at will, a literal invasion, that Biden proposes to give $500k to each child smuggler that was separated during their illegal entry, while the steel to complete the wall lies in a nearby field rusting away, even though we already paid for it and installation. If that's not enough his transportation secretary took 3 months off work for his gay baby adoption while his responsibility has fallen totally to shit the entire supply chain is in the process of failing, with store shelves already going empty and only getting worse, potentially leading to widespread winter starvation. That is in addition to all new domestic energy production bring halted, PRU ne RAIMA ee NY independence where we GOT PAID to take oil, into doubled gas prices in less than a year, plus in that sane time they've printed an additional 50% of the money supply that took our entire history to exist, and that is accelerating with plans to print trillions more a day, instead of a week, and Biden hired a literal Soviet born Marxist as the comptroller of the Treasury to oversee the inevitable hyperinflation which is imminent and overdue, which the elite are using that money to buy up EVERYTHING REAL, before we get all that money to chase all the goods that aren't available to buy. That treasury commie joins the Speaker of House, both Senate leaders, and the chairman of the joint chiefs as CCP sellouts. Plus China is going to invade taiwan and since our military are now a bunch of vax fags that are training to lockdown the US and Fight the new war on terror against white americans, plus the way we embarrassed ourselves leaving Afghanistan with 78 billion in military equipment for the Taliban (but managed to bring back several afghani rapists already) along with the fact that the dollar is not the world reserve currency, means that no nation will fear us; broke, gay, starving, vax sick, under attack from our own military, totally censored, invaded by afghan soldiers and the nations of Haiti and Mexico (plus the other triangle countries) while fauci and gates potentially release the 80% lethal next virus they're currently holding us hostage with, and the survivors in political left will be celebrating all this trying to betray their neighbors to win a spot in the new politburo. Oh and all the lights go out, as part of the net zero carbon commitment biden just made. So, yeah, its all around you, take a look with new eyes. i Peer) erced 7 or i rl Cece To e Tiel ti fi jucation but also act eer tot D e a) “ ear pelt ea ) Chere c , r 7 rr nd childre : eo oe 7 7 ora ja eetie Peer . vant len ing fer black peaple w Se hee ee ke the end of traditional family unit ack fathers SR iad De cach ame Rule Cea as Geen ee Serenata join them in disrespecting the Dore CeCe recite) Ae Me ete ies state of war we are being attacked errr Set) Now = , Hiring se ee eee " peneereaey “| phar tay ae

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