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Bolyán, Anita, TheExodus Was After 1177 B.C.

Key - The Philistines,

abstract, 2022.


Key: tribal alliance (mutualism)

The terms of 'Philistine' and 'Sea People' can not be used


The Bible does not lie. There are more and more pieces of evidence that
after findint written sources about the Philistines' cities, the
archeological findings show that the five Philistine towns were founded
after 1180 B.C., although the Philistines had lived before in the
territory of the today Izrael.The Philistines came from African
territories and using out the turmoil of the Bronze Age Collapse, they
fought their freedom from Egypt.With the alliances of the sea people,
they founded the Philistine stateand, later, they assimilated the sea
people building up a society consisting of both african and european
human groups. The Jewish people came out of egypt after the five towns
had already founded, which was not before the bronze Age Collapse. In
short, after 1177 B. C.
The aim of this article is to clarify that the 1 300 - 1 200 c B.B.
dates used in connection of the exodus(encyclopédia britannica, wikipedia
and etc.) are not accurate ones concerning the exodus. They can be
disproved through a close examinations of the Bible itself and written
sources from egypt, as well.

1. The Story From The Bible.

2. Ramses III. And The Philistine.
3. Archeological Findings Of The Five Cities.
4. The Consequence: Reliable Biblical 'Timing' Of The Exodus After 1177
B. C.
5. Sources.

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