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Red Team Exercise Tools list

Reconnaissance & OSINT Techniques

1. OWASP Amass
2. Sn1per
3. theHarvester
4. Recon-ng
5. Maltego CE
6. Social Engineering Toolkit (SET)
7. Nikto
8. Shodan
9. Spiderfoot

Resource Development

1. MSFVenom

Initial Compromise

1. Aircrack-ng
2. Luckystrike
3. WiFi-Pumpkin
4. Gophish
5. sqlmap
6. King Phisher
7. Bash Bunny


1. macro_pack
2. Donut

1. Empire
2. Impacket

Escalate Privileges

1. Rubeus
2. UACMe
3. SharpUp

Defense Evasion

1. Meterpreter
2. ProxyChains
3. Invoke-Obfuscation
4. Veil

Credential Access

1. Mimikatz
2. Hashcat
3. Responder
4. Cain & Abel
5. John the Ripper
6. THC Hydra
7. LaZagne


1. BloodHound
2. Seatbelt
3. Kismet
4. ADRecon
Lateral Movement

1. Mimikatz
2. PsExec
3. WMIOps
4. CrackMapExec
5. Infection Monkey


1. PowerSploit
2. PowerUpSQL

Command and Control

1. Covenant
2. Pupy
3. Empire
4. Merlin
5. PoshC2


1. Dnscat2
2. CloakifyFactory
3. Powershell-RAT

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