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Group Participant’s Name:

1. Jessi Andini (Jessi)

2. Lioni Savira (Lioni)

3. M. Nabil Alfauzan (Nabil)

4. Meutia Rahmadani (Meutia)

5. Rahditya Arya Pratama (Teacher/Narrator)

6. Rahma Aulia Ramadhani (Rahma)

“Bully Castatrophe”

Bullying is an action that is violate human rights and also it brings a lot of bad impact to the
victim that being bullied. It may be a fun thing for the person who did that, but not for the victim. Now,
most of all the school have had this problem.

One of the example from the impact of bullying has been experienced by Jessi. She’s such a humble
person but her classmates seems don’t really like it.

This morning was kinda harsh for Jessi, again and again Meutia and Lioni cornered her and force her to
do their homework while they’re sitting and keep mocking at her.

Meutia : Do it quickly! You look like a slug.

Lioni : Don’t you ever be lazy infront of us, you know the consequences.

Jessi : I’m so sorry…

Meutia : Stop talking! Do. It. Quickly! If you’re slow at least have a nice hearing.

“kring kring kring…”

(Teacher enters the class)

Teacher: Okay class, today we’re have a new student from other district. Please introduce yourself,

Rahma : Hello everyone, my name is Rahma. Hope we’re gonna be good friends.

Teacher: Alright, class please be nice to her. And Rahma you can sit over there, beside Jessi.
Rahma : Alright, thank you sir (walk to the chair beside Jessi)

Teacher: I’m so sorry class, I need to go now. So do the task on the page 30 from number 1 until 20 and
do not rush around.

Class : Okay, sir…

(Nabil walk down and accidentally drops Jessi’s pencil case)

Jessi : Oh, I’m sor-

Nabil : No need any sorry. It’s my fault. I’m sorry, Jessi.

Jessi : A-ah… right…

Nabil : It’s already break, go to the canteen. You can finish the task tomorrow.

Jessi : O-oh, I don’t really like canteen’s food, thank you.

Nabil : Ow… okay than. I’ll go.

(Meutia and Lioni looking each other, and then go)

Meutia and Lioni didn’t really like the way Nabil act to Jessi. While Jessi is alone at the class, suddenly
Meutia and Lioni come and bluffing at her.

Meutia : Hey you! What were you doing earlier?! You’re such a attention seeker!

Jessi : What did I do?

Lioni : You’re just seeking for Nabil‘s attention 10 minutes ago!

Jessi : B-but, I didn’t do that

Meutia : Stop denying! I hate people like you the most! You’re pleasing for people’s attention by your
ugly looking sorry face!

Lioni : You’re nothing than just a loser, do you know that? Stop looking us with your sorry face and
pleasing for our sorry, we’re already sick about it!

Meutia : If you did that again, you know what will I do (pushing Jessi and go)
(Rahma comes)

Rahma : Jessi, who did this to you?

Jessi : No, no… I’m just feeling unwell.

Rahma : Are you serious? I just saw Meutia and Lioni right before I saw you. Are you sure it’s not their

Jessi : No, it’s not.

Rahma : Are you sure? If something happened you can tell me?

Jessi : No… I’m okay, thank you so much, Rahma

Rahma : You’re welcome. B-but, you sure?

Jessi : Yes… Rahma I’m okay.

Rahma : Okay…

The next day, Meutia came first in class, and a lot of things ruined her mood that day.

Nabil : Jes (wave hand)

Jessi : (Waving back)

Lioni : Oh, Jessi. Is that the newest watch from Rolex brand? Where did you get it? This limited editon
right? Ah, I wish I could have one…

Jessi : Um… If you want it I’ll bring you one, I bought one too for my cousin but she’s not very like it.

Lioni : For real?? Wah, thank you than (pats Jessi’s head)

(Jessi walk and drops Meutia’s phone)

Jessi : O-oh, I’m so sorry. I will go check it to the cell phone counter. I’m really sorry Meu-

Meutia : (stands up and pushes Jessi til she’s cornered) How dare you say things like that? Do you think
I’m poor?

Jessi : N-no,I’m sorry, I’m not… I just wa-

Meutia : You think I’m poor, ha? Take that phone if you want it! I can buy a new one! How dare you
lower me like that? I don’t even want you to apologize!

Jessi : I don’t mean it…

Nabil : Meutia, can you stop? You’re just rushing around. It’s annoying.

Meutia : She’s the one who’s rushing around?? What happen to you guys?


Meutia : Ugh, you guys are weird

(Go out of the class)

(Lioni and Nabil help Jessi)

After that, while Jessi is alone in the class

(Meutia came and grabs Jessi’s head)

Meutia : I wonder if you’re very happy now? Aren’t you?

Jessi : What do you mean?

Meutia : You always act like you’re the one who’s being oppressed and I’m the evil one.

Jessi : Aw, it hurts!

Meutia : It hurts? How about this??

Jessi : Aw! Can you stop? It really hurts!!

Meutia : Why is my life became weird just because of you??!! You’re nothing, just a nerd who are
worthless and you’re a loser. But yours just getting better and my life is not getting better like
you! It’s not supposed to be like this, you’re the one who’s going to live like a loser!

(Rahma and Lioni suddenly comes and splash water on Meutia’s face)

Meutia : AAAA!! Why the hell you did that to me??!!

Rahma : Why not?? You deserve that and it’s nothing more than what Jessi feels most of the time!
You’re humiliating someone’s child!! What do you think her mom will think after she sees her
daughter is being cornered by you everyday at school??!

Meutia : (Silent)

Lioni : Meutia, so far u don’t realize that what you’re doing is wrong? You’re trash! You just crash
bump into peope and feel the most hurt!

Meutia : So you’re on her side?!

Lioni : Yes! Realized that what we did was wrong. You should realized that too! Come on apologize to
Jessi, now.

Meutia : What do you mean? I’m not wrong.

Lioni : You’re crazy (Slaps Meutia)

Meutia : (Shock) You traitor! (Slaps back)

Nabil : (Stops Meutia’s hand) Stop. I’m already tired of you! You should realized that what you do was

Rahma : You’re a piece of shit.

Lioni : You’re doing too much. I hope that you’re going to hell.

(Meutia gets mad and go)

After that, Meutia left the school because she feels like she already lost her pride and shameless if she
apologizes to Jessi. Also, Jessi’s life became better, and she got many friend that can understand her


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