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Garima Chaudhary- 20BSP0762

B2B Assg.

Q3. Assume you work for Shaw Industries, a carpet and flooring manufacturer. How would
your marketing be different for the:
(1) University and educational institutions market.
(2) The Public Works Dept. (PWD) of your state government,
(3) Home furnishings retailers?

Answer 3.

The Univ marketing forum will focus on student safety and intelligence, comfort, and low cost of setting
up and maintaining carpets for the university.

As the solid floor disrupts additional particles that cause them to be airborne, but compared to carpet,
the particles remain in the soft tissues, until they are cleaned, resulting in less dust in the respiratory
tract. It is very important that institutions provide a safe environment for students with respiratory
problems such as asthma and having a carpeted floor retains the most dangerous aspects of asthma ie
inhalation of substances and particles that may irritate the airways.
Carpets can be a useful way to create flexible learning environments and increase the comfort of
students and teachers. Teachers represent most of their time and the mat can increase comfort under
the feet and reduce muscle fatigue.
And finally the cost parameter, the carpet floor is the least expensive investment. A specially designed
and well-maintained carpet lasts up to 10 years, if not longer. However, proper life cycle analysis is key to
proving that carpet is more expensive than other difficult flooring solutions on the market.

In the case of home sellers, there are two things that need to be taken care of first to benefit the seller
and then the last customer who will be installing their carpet in their home.

For the retailer, it opens up another source of revenue and can also benefit from the annual repair work
that can be retrieved by him and thus be sure of a regular source of income for a long time.

For end customers with a high level of high density carpet damping it actually acts as an air filter, which
holds dust, pollen, and particles and removes them from the respiratory tract. So especially for children
and adults at home, it becomes a safe place at home.
Carpet also provides real thermal insulation and resistance. In cold climates or in spring seasons, it keeps
the air warm for a long time, which is an energy saving advantage. It also provides a comfortable place to
sit, play, or work and gives the room a feeling of complete warmth.

Lastly, it is ready to slow down our steps, reduce slip and fall, and minimize injuries when a fall occurs.
Carpet provides safety protection for the whole family, but especially for children and adults.

B2G, meaning business-to-government, refers to the business relationship a company can have with a
government institution. It usually refers to the provision of products, services, or information online.
However, we use the name of common business processes as well. We also call this method of doing
business with B2A, which means business-to-manage. Name means a company that does business with
the government or the public sector.

The government spends the most money on goods and services in the world. It buys almost anything you
can think of, from stationery and petrol to airplanes and weapons, as well as security, insurance,
technology, medical supplies, and even mats through the tender process.
However, many governments do not have a central department that buys products and services. Instead,
this obligation is transferred to the appropriate government agencies where we will be considering future
tenders, conditional quality and submit a financial bid (where very little is won on submitted bids).


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