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ILIGAN CITY NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL readers to think that what happened to this character

General Wood Street, Mahayahay Iligan City can possibly happen in their own lives, too.
Senior High School Department
SELF- LEARNING MODULE  aims to produce fear, fascination and revulsion on the
CREATIVE WRITING part of the readers.
Quarter 1 Module 2  When writing in this genre, one usually begins with
LESSON 2 something that is normal and common. The latter part
Lesson 2: Elements, Techniques, and Literary Devices in would then show the main characters to be under the
Various Modes of Fiction threat made by an evil force in the story. What makes a
Competencies: horror fiction effective to the readers is its ability to
A. Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary scare and blow their minds away.
devices in various modes of fiction, HUMSS_CW/MPIg- B. Literary Fiction
B. Write journal entries and other short compositions  In contrast to genre fiction, this category of fiction is
exploring key elements of fiction, HUMSS_CW/MPIg-i- written to discover any aspect of the human
13 condition. Often, it involves written works such as
commentary, political criticism or even a reflection
Objectives: about the human condition.
At the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. define fiction and learn its various modes FICTION
2. understand the elements, techniques, and literary
devices of various modes of fiction, and  Concerned with social commentary, political
3. write journal entries and other short compositions criticism or reflection on the human condition
exploring key elements of fiction.  Focuses on in-depth character studies of the
characters whose “inner stories” are supposed to
WHAT IS FICTION? involve its readers, emotionally
 This form of literature refers to the inventive  Concerned with the writing’s style and complexity;
construction of an imaginary world. is elegantly written, lyrical and layered according to
 Its product is solely based on the author’s capability to Saricks.
create an event or story based on his wild and creative  The plot is not its central concern.
imagination.  Its tone is darker than genre fiction.
 It is not real. C. Realistic Fiction
 More so, it is not based on facts or actual happenings.
 That is, it is non- existent.  is a category of imaginative writings which contains
stories that could have happened to people or
VARIOUS MODES OF FICTION animals in a place and time which is realistic or
A.Genre Fiction- is written to appeal to the readers and fans, believable.
who are already familiar with a certain genre, by producing a  In this genre, both the stories and the characters
written work which is fitted to that genre. resemble that of something which is real.
Crime fiction  Moreover, the main focus of its plot is on social or
 This genre is also known as detective story, murder personal occurrences or issues which show
mystery, mystery novel and police novel. common life events, including falling in love,
marriage, finding a job, divorce, alcoholism, among
Fantasy others.
 Real world myth and folklore is often the source of MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF A REALISTIC FICTION
inspiration of this genre.
 It started from oral traditions which later on became  Its stories happen either in the present or recent past.
fantasy literature and drama.  Characters are involved in probable events
 Characters’ dwelling place is realistic
Romance  The characters play as real people with real solutions to
realistic issues.
 The primary focus of this genre is the relationship and  Events could leave questions that the reader is possible
romantic love between two people. to encounter in his life.
 Its main goal is to feed its readers with emotional
satisfaction, as well as optimistic and happy ending by Elements of Fiction
creating a plot which focuses on a man and a woman
falling in love with each other and struggling to maintain 1. Character- It refers to a figure in a literary work which
that love. can either be a person or other form of being


 this genre contains stories which are at least grounded  Round characters – refer to complex figures whose
on science-based fact or theory at the moment the story characteristics are varied and usually undergo
was written. development in the story which usually produces
surprise to the readers
Inspirational  Flat characters – refer to the uncomplicated figures
in a fiction which are often two-dimensional
 This literary genre is mainly written for the purpose of  Dynamic characters – these are characters in the
inspiring its readers through the use of anecdotes. As a story which are deemed to change as the story
standard, inspirational fiction sets an eye on religious goes on.
values, as well as content of written works which are
non-offensive and ensures implicit storylines. More
often than not, it features a significant change in the life
of a major character in the story which may inspire the
 Static characters – are the opposite of dynamic 6. Theme(s)
characters in that they remain the same from the
start to the end of the story  it refers to the general message of the story to its
 Regular characters – used to refer to those figures readers or the moral that is attached in a certain
in the story that appear in almost all of the literary work.
 Recurring characters – also referred to as
supporting characters, have frequent appearance MOST COMMON TECHNIQUES AND LITERARY
in the series of a story DEVICES
 Guest characters – also known as minor
1. Allegory
characters; act only in a few episodes or scenes in
a certain story  This literary device makes use of a character, place
or event which is meant to deliver a broader
2. Plot- This element of fiction, also known as the
message, usually a moral or political one,
storyline, refers to the major events that move the action in a
concerning issues and events which are happening
narrative. Moreover, it consists of a series of events in which
in the real world.
one occurrence poses an effect to the next occurrence by
means of cause-and-effect. A plot has five significant 2. Symbol
elements; namely, exposition, rising action, climax, falling
action and denouement or resolution.  Symbols can be either universal or cultural, as well
as contextual. The use of symbols in fiction
Exposition It introduces the characters of the story and awakens the interest of the readers and allows
shows to the audience how they are related with one them to exercise deep critical and analytical
another, as well as their goals, motivations and moral thinking in digging into the hidden meanings of the
character. symbols used. Among the common examples of
symbols are “dove” which means “peace”, “heart”
Rising action This stage begins with a conflict which moves
for love, a weighing scale for justice, to name a
the main character or the protagonist to act. Moreover, this
is the phase in the story where the main character
acknowledges his or her goal and shows the manner in 3. Irony
which the obstacles are overcome.
Climax This is now the turning point of the story where the 1. Verbal irony- It is used when what one says is totally
protagonist makes a certain decision which will either cause different from what he meant. This type is like sarcasm.
him to win or lose in the battle he is in. Furthermore, the 2. Situational irony- This happens when the actual
decision he makes clearly gives a description on the kind of outcome of an action is different from your expected
person he is. outcome.
3. Dramatic irony-Basically, it happens when the
Falling action This element comprises events which lead to
audience, not the character himself, knows more
the ending of the story in which the character’s actions got
regarding the character’s situation.
the problem fixed.
4. Imagery
Denouement This phase is where the conflict has officially
ended. The problem has been solved by both the  the writer connects with the readers by appealing to their
protagonist and the antagonist. Finally, the story shows what senses, including sense of sight, smell, taste, touch, and
eventually happened to the characters after the conflict hearing, with the intention to create “word pictures”. Still
ends. another way to make a story more meaningful and
interesting is to make use of figurative language. In
3. Point of View
literature, it is a language used to compare two different
 It refers to the point from which a narrative is told. things in various ways. The most used figures of speech are
A story can be told in either first-person point of the following:
view, in which the author is also the character in  Simile. The writer makes a direct comparison between two
the story which refers to himself or herself as “I”, or totally different things by using the words “like” or “as”
third-person point of view which has two types: the  Metaphor. makes a comparison between two unlike things,
omniscient, where the author becomes an all- but without the use of “like” or “as”.
knowing narrator who is able to recall actions  Personification. This figure of speech allows the writer to
thoroughly and enter into any character’s mind in assign animals, objects, or ideas with human qualities,
the work or whatever period to uncover to the attributes or abilities.
readers his or her thoughts, feelings and beliefs,  Hyperbole. In this figure of speech, the writer practices
and the limited in which the author relies on a exaggeration or overstatement for the purpose of emphasis.
single character’s views in order to recount the
4. Setting
 refers to the time and geographic location involved
in a particular story. Generally, it sets the mood for
a story. The setting itself has its own elements that
a writer must consider, too, including culture,
historical period, geography and hour.
5. Style
 refers to the choice of words (diction), arrangement
of words (syntax) and other linguistic features of a
work that the author uses. With appropriate style,
an author can make a literary work of fiction appear
seemingly true and real to the readers.
Sarah Stevens is a butler/bodyguard. Her current job puts her at
the house of a retired judge. While Sarah never expects to need
her bodyguard skills for the judge, she makes sure that she’s
ready for anything. That’s why she’s so broken up when she
arrives home from her day off and finds the judge dead in his
den. Though she expects to be a suspect, the attitude of one of
SELF-LEARNING ACTIVITY the detectives grates on her nerves.
Quarter 1 Module 2 C. Discuss any two minor characters in similar terms. For
LESSON 2 each, justify the degree of flatness or roundness in
Name: JUNE LEONARD MINGO terms of the character's contribution to the story.
Grade & Section: GRADE 12- SECTION BERYL Lowell Roberts. He is a retired Federal Judge in Mountain Brook,
Contact#: 0993338749 employer of Sarah Stevens. Lowell Roberts was also part of the
Address: ZONE 6-MALINDAWAG, ABUNO, ILIGAN CITY military, he is a sweet, kind, and loving employer of Sarah
Date received: _______________________________________ Stevens—her butler. He is protected by Sarah Stevens since he
Date submitted: JANUARY 10, 2022 receive some death threat in the past years.
Lesson 2: Elements, Techniques, and Literary Devices in
Various Modes of Fiction
Barbara. She is one of the children of Judge Robert—daughter
of the judge. She is kind and loving daughter, she suffered from
C. Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary
the death of her father. She considered Sarah as a part of the
devices in various modes of fiction, HUMSS_CW/MPIg-
family since Sarah is the one who takes care of his father while
she is far.
D. Write book review/analysis exploring key elements of
fiction, HUMSS_CW/MPIg-i-13 Evaluating the moral structure of the protagonist:
At the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:  To what degree is her/his moral stature defined by
contrasting minor characters, by the testimony of
1. read and understand at least 50 pages characters who are readily acceptable as
book/pocketbook(Fiction). witnesses?
4. write book review/analysis exploring key elements of The protagonist of the story is loyal to his employer, when
fiction. someone offered another job to her with higher salary from her
DIRECTIONS: current job, she declined it. She promised and sworn to herself
that she’ll taking care of judge until he’ll die.
1. Study your Quarter 1 Module 2 Lesson 2 (Elements,
Techniques, and Literary Devices in Various Modes of According to Barbara, Sarah is indeed good employee since she
Fiction) on pages 21-29. takes care of judge and she is a loyal employee. She is very
2. Answer questions in your SLA. If possible, do not use flexible to her schedule and she do the households efficiently.
extra paper but instead use the back of this paper for She really love the judge to the point that she want to serve him
your answer. until his last breath. Indeed she also suffered from the judge’s
3. Choose a book/pocketbook at least fifty pages. death.
4. You can work with four of your classmates in one book
but avoid copying each other’s answer.
5. Read and understand your chosen book and write a D. Discuss one or two important actions in which her/his
book review/analysis by answering each item below. moral stature is apparent.
Directions: Answer each item below briefly and concisely. Sarah has a moral since she take care the judge, his schedule,
1.What is the title of the book? DYING TO PLEASE his health and his safety. She’s a loyal employee to the point that
2.Who is the writer/author of the book? LINDA HOWARD she promised to herself that she will take care her employer.
3.How many pages does it contained IT CONTAINED 312 She’s looking for the safety of her employee after her. You can
PAGES sense that she is sincere to her words and his actions.
4.What mode of genre does it belonged?GENRE FICTION-
5.When and where the book is published? (2002) MAY 2022
E. In view of all the matters above, what does the author
ELEMENTS OF FICTION apparently wish us to think and feel about what
1.Characters (15 pts.) happens to the protagonist?
A. Who is the protagonist of the story? Identify him/her She want us to think and feel that women like Sarah Stevens is
quickly by name, age, era, locale, social class, family, and capable of doing men’s work like being a butler. She want us to
occupation. realize that work has no gender, as well as the importance of the
Sarah Stevens, a woman at age of 30 years old, loyal, beautiful, loyalty, love and kindness.
professional, organized, and potentially lethal at the age of 30,
she is came from a military family and she grow as a military 2.Plot (25 pts.) How did the story starts? How did the story
brat. She is a butler in the Mountain Brook, Alabama. She is develops? How did the story ends?
protecting/ serving the judge for three years since the judge
receive some of death threats. Rising Action: Someone send a gift to Sarah, a anonymous,
unknown, a stranger, and because of that Sarah lost her peace
B. Discuss the protagonist in the story, In terms of flatness of mind to the point that she went shopping, do her manicure
or roundness. went to restaurant to have supper, and went to movie to wait the
gift sender to approach her, but no one showed up. So she went
Sarah Steven is a woman butler of Judge Lowell Roberts. She home all most ten o’clock, but sadly she found out that the judge
came from a military family—she’s a military brat. She is skilled was murdered. Guilt assaults her - had she been there, it
at running households smoothly and efficiently, she is also wouldn’t have happened. Of course Sarah becomes the prime
professional and trained bodyguard and an expert marksman. suspect, much to Cahill’s chagrin. But eventually they rule her
She do some martial arts like kick-boxing, karate and judu. out, and Cahill, a year after a particularly nasty divorce, decides
to go after Sarah, without subtlety.
Climax: Sara ended in taking another job, but is the same as Just remember that all that complexity will add pages to your
how he work at the judge house, she become the butler of narrative—so it's probably not the best choice for a short story.
Lankforks. Again her employer is murdered but this time her
couple employer was killed. Again, she’s brought in for
questioning, as a time gap between Cahill and Sarah becomes 3.Point of view (20 pts.)
evident. Eventually, she is ruled out again, and is extremely hurt
by Cahill’s treatment of her. Tired and upset, Sarah ends up 1. What is the predominant point of view used in the story?
taking on another job - with the man who wanted her since the Illustrate by citing a very brief passage from the story and
beginning, unbeknownst to Sarah. Things move quickly when showing how it confirms your opinion.
she realizes that she is now the possession of a deranged man,
and Cahill will stop at nothing to get her out. Narration. The story is more about narration, it narrates what the
character do, it also narrates the action, the setting, the theme of
She ended in accepting the job offer of Tervor Densmore. He’s the story. (It was after two in the morning when the radio alerted
the third employer of Sarah, he is a banker—he owns bank. But him to call on Brairwood: This passage is narrating on what
when came to his house he drugged her and it makes her feel happen to Cahill, the passage is narrating the setting of the
paralyzed. Tervor did it because she have an obsession to chapter an on what happen on the first part of the chapter.)
Sarah, he harassed her by jerking in her while she’s
unconscious. Sara has no choice, she’s helpless because Tervor But the most dominant point of view of all the characters is the
also tied her with nylon strings. Sarah remain helpless but she POV of Sarah Stevens, since she is the main character or what
stop him from touching her, she told him that she has a serious we called protagonist of the story. As I observed the whole story
medical condition, that she has an acute sensitivity and her was turning around to the main character. Every chapter
nerve ending are permanently inflamed, that if he will touch her mentioned the name of protagonist, unlike the other story/novel
she’ll hurt. that I read that there are chapters that are not mentioning the
main character or don’t have point of view of the protagonist.
Falling Action: Cahill found out that the killer of Judge Robert .
and Lankforks is Tevor, He got that information by showing the
picture to one of Tevor’s client and the client assumed that the ___________________________________________________
person in the image is Tevor. Cahill concluded/found out that the 4.Setting (10 pts.)
killing is not all about money, it’s all about Sarah because Tervor
felt obsession to Sarah so he killed the employers of Sarah until  Where did the story sets? What time? What weather?
Sarah will accept his job offer. So Cahill rushed out to rescue
Sarah. Cahill came to Tevor’s house to rescue Sarah. He climed There are lot settings of the story, different time, different
that 10 feet wall and trespassed to the property of Tervor. He weather, but this is the only thing that I’m sure, the story takes
didn’t politely ring the doorbell, he put two forty- calibre bullets in place in the in Mountain Brook, Alabama where most of the
the dead-bolt lock, the he kicked the door open. He saw Trevor people are wealthy.
waiting for him, hidden in the darkness of the hallway.
Sarah right hand was free, she get the glass of water sitting on  How does the setting affect the conflict?
the bedside table, she grabbed it and slammed it against the
edge of the table and she use it to sliced the nylon cords in her Setting is one of the primary ways in which an author is able to
left hand and then she untie the nylon cords in her ankles and introduce conflict. The author places characters in places and
she ran in the hall when she heard gunshot, she’s worried about times to ensure that conflict will occur. Setting drastically affects
Cahill’s safety the conflict. For instance, imagine a story where the main
character's conflict is a most important message that needs to
Cahill was shot in on the chest, but he’s wearing his body armor, reach another character. If the story was set today, he or she
but the impact knocked his breath out and he sprawled across would just send a quick text message. Conflict resolved. For
the floor, unconscious short setting affects the conflict of the story because it is where
the clash or quarrel of the protagonist and antagonist takes
Denouement: Cahill was shot in on the chest, but he’s wearing
his body armour, but the impact knocked his breath out and he 5.Style (20 pts.)
sprawled across the floor, unconscious.  How do you find author’s used of words? Is it formal or
Sarah went down stairs with steady, purposeful stride, gaining informal? Evaluate the quality of the writing style by
speed as she went and call out Trevor. She didn’t care. The using some of the following standards: coherence,
rage suffusing her made the heavy floor lamp feel like nothing in clarity, originality, forcefulness, correct use of technical
her hands as she stepped forward, into the pistol, into the bullet, words, conciseness, fullness of development, fluidity.
swinging the lamp like baseball bat. The explosion of the shot Does it suit the intended audience?
was deafening in the cavernous froyer, a blast of hot wind along The story is more likely formal, there are lots of deep English
her left side just as she slammed the base of the floor lamp into words but it’s worth reading because you can learn another
Trevor’s skull. He crashed backward into the wall. A fine spray of word. The originality, forcefulness, conciseness, fullness of
blood flying from his head, his chest, and she swung te lamp development and fluidity of the formal words are good, but there
again, and again, screaming wordlessly. The lamp was suddenly are some misspelled words.
too heavy to hold, and dropped from her nerveless fingers. She
turned to Cahill who’s struggling to stand and holding his chest I think it suit the intended audience since the plot twist of the
and wheezing, but there is no blood because Cahill is wearing story is very amazing. The gen z will like this novel for sure.
his body armour. Trevor Densmore died.
6.Theme (20 pts.)
 What is the moral lesson you learned from the story?
6. How is the book structured? Flashbacks? Multiple
The moral lesson of the story is that “Kindness is important, as
points of view? Why do you think the author chose to
well as the loyalty”. You can learn from Sarah that loyalty is
write the book this way?
something that money cannot buy in view of the fact that
The book was structured with multiple points of view in that way someone offer her a job with higher salary but she refused it
reader get to know different characters' voices and backstories because she is loyal to his employee and she loves the judge so
and is especially useful in stories with intersecting storylines. much that she’ll protect him until his last breath
Another moral lesson that I learned is that “Trust is important”
you need to trust the person you love, because it is hurtful to
know that the person that she loves doesn’t trust her, that he
accused her without a final conclusion and lack of evidences.
Just like what Cahill did to Sarah
The Third one is that “Never trust a kind person that you don’t
know” maybe that person has bad intention to you or that person
planning something that could harm you, just like what Sarah did
—she trust Tervor who’s a maniac old man.

 How does the conflict of the story develop or enhance

the theme?
Conflict in a story is a struggle between opposing forces.
Characters must act to confront those forces and there is where
conflict is born. If there is nothing to overcome, there is no story.
Conflict in a story creates and drives the plot forward. Conflict in
a story is a struggle between opposing forces. Characters must
act to confront those forces and there is where conflict is born. If
there is nothing to overcome, there is no story. Conflict in a story
creates and drives the plot forward.
General Impressions:
 How did the book affect you? Were any previous ideas
you had on the subject changed, abandoned, or
reinforced due to this book?
Honestly, my dream is to be an author very soon. When I read
some novel I gain some ideas on how my future work will be.
This book affects me in the various way depending on the moods
of the character, on how the protagonist and antagonist conflict.
The story is very thrilling, the plot is very intense. My previous
ideas that I had on the subject change, I thought that the judge
killer is one of his children, but I was wrong. All I can say is that
the novel is very nice to the point that you can learn a lot of
moral lesson from it.
 What personal experiences you've had relate to the
My personal experience that I’ve had relate to the story is
trusting wrong people, I was a very generous person to the point
that everyone that will show kindness to me will receive
something like small gifts, but I discovered that they backstabbed
me. Also I relate to the story that the trust is very important in a
relationship, when you love the person you need to trust him or
her, don’t accused him/her that he is cheating without evidences.
 Would you recommend this book to others? Why?
I will recommend this book because you can learn some moral
lessons from it and it is worth-reading to the point that you want
to read it again, but the book is not for minors.
Note: Please submit your answered SLA on January 7,2022
At Dagohoy building 4th flr. Section Zircon/2nd flr. Section
Prepared by:

Creative Writing Teacher

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